8th grade Girls Attack/Strip 11-Year-Old Boy


New member
Mar 2, 2010
Shio said:
ShadowsofHope said:
The difference here being, you have to put your hand in a very close (or touching) position on someone's underwear in order to strip it from them. Whereas in your scenario, there is only visual recognition of the body part before you. You are not invading their personal bodily area as such you most definitely do when you strip someone's clothes from their body - skin usually touching skin at such point as well.

Any more intellectually dishonest comparison's you'd like to make?
But defining a sex crime as simple contact with genitals is wildly unreasonable. As I said, my hands must have come into contact or close enough to certain areas of my niece. Of course that wasn't in the least bit sexual. At all. In any way. Just as this attack doesn't appear sexual to the police or myself.

Also, the minor jab at myself, rather than the post, seems out of place. Looking at your account profile, you're real close to suspension. I'd try to remember not to address the user in that sort of fashion.
How is stripping someone and filming in in order to humiliate them not a sex crime? Please Sora, refute that, without a story regarding your niece


New member
May 3, 2011
Okay...that's fucked up. for one thing the girls should know better by know. If the parents were doing their job (a rare thing indeed these days.) Secondly the mom's not pressing charges? wth? My mom would have ***** slapped all three of those girls AND their parents. Does she just not care if her son is now damaged from this shit?

Killclaw Kilrathi

Crocuta Crocuta
Dec 28, 2010
PaulH said:
They're kids ... when I was in high school me and 13 other kids picked up a teacher's VW during break and manhandled it to another car parking lot.

Technically theft of a motor vehicle and illegal operations of said vehicle on State roads. I don't see why you have to throw the book at people when kids are merely being kids.
I'm kind of sorry to say this, I hope you understand I'm speaking impartially here towards the scenario and harbour no ill thoughts towards you, but you should have been charged. That's not kids being kids, that was a criminal act that could have got you into some serious life-altering trouble. I also feel sorry for the teacher getting that kind of treatment just for doing their low paying, thankless job.


Nov 1, 2009
Shio said:
ShadowsofHope said:
The difference here being, you have to put your hand in a very close (or touching) position on someone's underwear in order to strip it from them. Whereas in your scenario, there is only visual recognition of the body part before you. You are not invading their personal bodily area as such you most definitely do when you strip someone's clothes from their body - skin usually touching skin at such point as well.

Any more intellectually dishonest comparison's you'd like to make?
But defining a sex crime as simple contact with genitals is wildly unreasonable. As I said, my hands must have come into contact or close enough to certain areas of my niece. Of course that wasn't in the least bit sexual. At all. In any way. Just as this attack doesn't appear sexual to the police or myself.
You did not touch your niece in a manner (had the intent to) that was meant to instill humiliation upon her by stripping her naked, mocking her and then posting a video recording of her naked body on the internet. These girls did, which makes this situation incomparable in regards to you and your niece. The comparison just doesn't stick, mate.

Shio said:
Also, the minor jab at myself, rather than the post, seems out of place. Looking at your account profile, you're real close to suspension. I'd try to remember not to address the user in that sort of fashion.
Really, now? My account history and details are mine and the moderators alone to deal with, mate. Also, my jab at you was rather warranted, considering how absurd your comparisons were regarding a clearly innocent situation with your niece we've likely all been through at one point, and this clearly intentionally humiliating scenario for the victim in question. If you hadn't attempted such a thing, I would not have had to point out the dishonesty in your post.

Edit: However, as this will clearly go nowhere with such absurdities on one end, I'll stop it here.
May 29, 2011
The act is bad enough, but posting it ONLINE? What the fuck kind of messed up little sadistic assholes would do that?

And it also implyes that they thought they might get away with it. Makes me sick. Lets hope the parent give them a good punishment. NEver being allowed to go outside ever again seems fairly reasonable.

And the parent should have no say in this. I'm fucking tired of this "under 15 years old" bullshit. These girls knew perfectly well what they did, the thought they could get away with it, and what kind of message will you be sending to these all ready fucked up girls if you don't press charges.

Imagine if the girls where boys, and the boy was a girl.

Now imagine the boys were 2 years older because girls that age are that much more physically and mentally advanced.

Someone would be trying to treat this as sexual abuse. And i don't see why they shouldn't. by the laws of equality, these girls should have their lifes ruined.


New member
Jun 4, 2011
chach_face said:
How is stripping someone and filming in in order to humiliate them not a sex crime? Please Sora, refute that, without a story regarding your niece
Because it wasn't a sexual attack. It was an insane, outrageous and disgusting attack on an outnumbered and innocent child. But sex or sexual conduct wasn't the nature.

I don't think you and I are getting anywhere and I feel it would be best if we called it quits before it turns into a back and forth that clogs the forum.

The Rookie Gamer

New member
Mar 15, 2010
The fact that the girls aren't in juvenile hall already is outrageous. Even though everybody else said it already, I'll repeat it: Double standards suck.

To all those saying the boy wasn't a victim, and that one guy saying he was weak if that was happening, how about you have people choke, strip, and mock you, simultaneously, while posting it on the ENTIRE INTERNET. Just because your resilient to being beaten doesn't mean everyone else is freakin' Iron Man.


New member
Mar 2, 2010
Shio said:
chach_face said:
How is stripping someone and filming in in order to humiliate them not a sex crime? Please Sora, refute that, without a story regarding your niece
Because it wasn't a sexual attack. It was an insane, outrageous and disgusting attack on an outnumbered and innocent child. But sex or sexual conduct wasn't the nature.

I don't think you and I are getting anywhere and I feel it would be best if we called it quits before it turns into a back and forth that clogs the forum.
No way. stripping someone down, against their will, for your amusement is a sexual act.
Edit: rereading it, that mother comment came out wrong


New member
Jun 4, 2011
chach_face said:
Shio said:
chach_face said:
How is stripping someone and filming in in order to humiliate them not a sex crime? Please Sora, refute that, without a story regarding your niece
Because it wasn't a sexual attack. It was an insane, outrageous and disgusting attack on an outnumbered and innocent child. But sex or sexual conduct wasn't the nature.

I don't think you and I are getting anywhere and I feel it would be best if we called it quits before it turns into a back and forth that clogs the forum.
No way. stripping someone down, against their will, for your amusement is a sexual act. Ask your mother
You are of course welcome to your opinion and I respect that. But, as I said, I don't think we will come to terms on this issue.

Enjoy the rest of your day :)


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
That Hyena Bloke said:
PaulH said:
They're kids ... when I was in high school me and 13 other kids picked up a teacher's VW during break and manhandled it to another car parking lot.

Technically theft of a motor vehicle and illegal operations of said vehicle on State roads. I don't see why you have to throw the book at people when kids are merely being kids.
I'm kind of sorry to say this, I hope you understand I'm speaking impartially here towards the scenario and harbour no ill thoughts towards you, but you should have been charged. That's not kids being kids, that was a criminal act that could have got you into some serious life-altering trouble. I also feel sorry for the teacher getting that kind of treatment just for doing their low paying, thankless job.
Criminal act? It's not like we torched the car. And, speaking frankly, can you actually name me a time when you were 12 when you actually considered legal parameters for simply picking up a car and moving it 100 metres away?

It was a collection of us doing a nasty thing. And kids are going to be nasty. But to say then that a child is a criminal for being nasty is fucking stupid. It's a waste of police efforts, waste of government resources, and frankly it's a waste of the teacher's time to file a report.

Much easier to reverse suspend every child involved for 3 months or get them to clean classrooms for the next 40 lunch breaks.

I'm not saying I didn't deserve punishment, I'm just saying there's a difference between a criminal act, and a nasty act. And frankly I think anybody that believes in judicial action for a simple case of bullying is insane. Why? It requires punishment, yes ... but it doesnt require a police officer (especially a low paid, thankless job as defending the common good) knocking on your door.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
"A little too far?" I'd say this much more than a little too far. These girls need a psychological evaluation.


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
Okay, I get that it's not the kid's fault, but seriously, he needs to learn to stand up for himself. I think this is one of the few situations where a boy might be justified in hitting a girl.

Like Phillip DeFranco always says, "Bitches be crazy."

And like I just started saying, "Give a man an inch, and he'll think it's a mile. Give a woman an inch, and she'll think it's the circumference of the Earth." Gotta stop that shit before it starts. Ya feel me, dawg?
May 29, 2011
"A little too far?" I'd say this much more than a little too far. These girls need a psychological evaluation.
For me it's not so much the act, but the fact that the girls believed it was just a harmless prank and it would be totally awesome to post it online so all their friends can laugh at them tormenting an innocent 11 year old.

These girls need to be punished. Big time. Otherwise their going to be left with the impression that it's totally okey to strip down a 11 year old boy in a public are and laught at him.

...I wonder what the reaction would have been if it was an 11 year old GIRl they stripped down.


New member
Jun 4, 2011
DanDeFool said:
Okay, I get that it's not the kid's fault, but seriously, he needs to learn to stand up for himself. I think this is one of the few situations where a boy might be justified in hitting a girl.
One eleven-year-old child stands no chance against three teenagers.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Razada said:
Two of my teachers in my old school had exactly the same model of car in the same colour. So one break one of the teachers stole the others keys and moved the cars so each took up the others position and placed the keys back.

Thus the teacher who had his car moved tried to open a car which was not his own.

Much hilarity was had.

That is Grand Theft Auto.
Well I'm not sure about judicial precdent, but I think even if you tried to file a charge of theft, a police officer here (Australia) would laugh you into the next century and say;

"Look... No damages or loss of property = not theft ... if the person does it again without your permission then you might have a legal leg to stand on. Please advise the one that transgressed that you do not approve."

As far as moving a car is concerned? Lol. Thats nothing. Yeah, you all deserved what you hopefully got (Detentions and being made ridiculous examples of indicating you were akin to Hitler because schools do that) But criminal charges? No.
I went to a Catholic HS (at the time of the misdemeanour) till I moved out of home and enrolled myself into a decent public school.

A Catholic HS that liked using massive guilt treatment. Which is quite effective mind you, but I don't think it's the most psychologically sound of treatments of poor behaviour.

However, I have already stated that I think the girls should rot. But thats just me, I guess.
See ... call it what you like, but frankly I think parents should be the ones expected to discipline their kids. Judicial process shouldn't be expected to fill those gaps as well.

Tim Mazzola

New member
Dec 27, 2010
The girls SHOULD be charged. Criminally. Not by the mother, but by a district attorney. This is unacceptable and must be punished.