8th grade Girls Attack/Strip 11-Year-Old Boy


New member
Jun 4, 2011
PaulH said:
See ... call it what you like, but frankly I think parents should be the ones expected to discipline their kids. Judicial process shouldn't be expected to fill those gaps as well.
That system only works when the parents are reasonable, lol. The youngest son (maybe seven-years-old) of the family across the road once pissed on our driveway and broke several of my mum's garden decorations by smashing them on the road. The parents thought it funny and laughed it off.

Fail parents are fail!


New member
Jun 1, 2010
Sean951 said:
Redlin5 said:
Double standards are a beautiful thing... I'd hate to be the boys father though.

"Dad, girls caught me and stripped me down naked!"

There is nothing to be ashamed about there, 3 girls who were each 3 years older than him stripper him and had him pinned, at one point with a knee on his throat.
Sounds like ti was going to turn into rape.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
s0m3th1ng said:
Isn't this the plot of a GTO story arc?
Exactly what I was thinking.

Didn't watch the video. Didn't think I could stomach it. Apparently, the victim's mom isn't pressing charges. Is there any sign of the girls getting appropriate punishment at least? Because if not, this is only going to continue.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
So the mum can easily press charges for battery and get the thorps down for child porn, for posting it on the Internet.
At what point did she decide that there is nothing she can do?
PaulH said:
See ... call it what you like, but frankly I think parents should be the ones expected to discipline their kids. Judicial process shouldn't be expected to fill those gaps as well.
I agree with that to an extent, but there reaches a point where there is little a parent can legally do to punish there kids. This is far beyond that point, it is a matter for the police force to deal with.
Jun 7, 2010
The mother is a fucking retard, let the boy press charges, have the girls stripped naked and then post the videoes to all known paedophile websites (names and addresses included)

Why is everyone getting so worked up about this? It's just A PRANK! You guys are all wound up too tightly, it's just A PRANK! The mother should have only pressed charges if it were a girl getting stripped naked -essentially sexually assaulted- in front of many oh so evil spectators by 13 year-old boys as girls are physically incapable of rape or any of your disgusting man-crimes you silly people!


New member
Jun 12, 2010
If only college girls treated me like that...

On a serious note. He probably did not enjoy it or felt it was something to brag about considering how young he was so ya that's messed up. Then again if they were ugly Id have hated it to. . . You know what? The more I think about it the more F*** up this is.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Shio said:
PaulH said:
See ... call it what you like, but frankly I think parents should be the ones expected to discipline their kids. Judicial process shouldn't be expected to fill those gaps as well.
That system only works when the parents are reasonable, lol. The youngest son (maybe seven-years-old) of the family across the road once pissed on our driveway and broke several of my mum's garden decorations by smashing them on the road. The parents thought it funny and laughed it off.

Fail parents are fail!
Too many parents leave it up to schools to basically raise their children. Proper eating courses... etc. If you really have so little time to teach your child the basics that you will leave such duties to a complete stranger teaching 30 other kids the same thing and couldn't be arsed if one student out of that class is failing ... then what type of parent are you?

I mean it's getting to the point that I think most Western countries would have better luck with the education system as it stands if parents merely had children and dropped them off at an 'Education Camp' when they hit 4 years of age.

Where they're all assigned a 'Student Identification Number' to wear on their all-grey tunics and slacks, tattooed into the back of their necks, and a central 'Scholarly Barracks' (assembled by Age) they have to report to 10 hours a day led by central disciplinarian and a militantly structured arm of Educators directly answerable to the 'Education Field Marshal' of the Ordo Paedagogus.

No time on the "outside", except periodic 'government work center' shifts each week.

I mean, parents already expect teachers with their whole 55 mins a week with their child to facilitate in not only filling their heads with knowledge, but teaching them to be ethical human beings. Seriously ... it's bullshit ... thge job shold be me, book, blackboard, 25 students ... if they listen they listen, if they don't they don't, if they don't listen and stop others from being able to listen they lose 10 lunch breaks cleaning the entire quadrangle.

Ahhh ... days of what are rapidly seeming like the "Golden Age" of parental responsibility.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
Secret world leader (shhh) said:
The mother is a fucking retard, let the boy press charges, have the girls stripped naked and then post the videoes to all known paedophile websites (names and addresses included)

Why is everyone getting so worked up about this? It's just A PRANK! You guys are all wound up too tightly, it's just A PRANK! The mother should have only pressed charges if it were a girl getting stripped naked -essentially sexually assaulted- in front of many oh so evil spectators by 13 year-old boys as girls are physically impossible of rape or any of your disgusting man-crimes you silly people!
say to you.
That is all I am going to you.

Anyway, on topic, It's horrible, and the girls involved should face what's going to them.

William MacKay

New member
Oct 26, 2010
Secret world leader (shhh) said:
The mother is a fucking retard, let the boy press charges, have the girls stripped naked and then post the videoes to all known paedophile websites (names and addresses included)

Why is everyone getting so worked up about this? It's just A PRANK! You guys are all wound up too tightly, it's just A PRANK! The mother should have only pressed charges if it were a girl getting stripped naked -essentially sexually assaulted- in front of many oh so evil spectators by 13 year-old boys as girls are physically impossible of rape or any of your disgusting man-crimes you silly people!
women cant rape but they can sexually assault, but cant be charged because the government is retarded.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
You know, its stuff like this thats ruining America. ((this and the government))

All 3 of the should be labeled sexual offenders and thrown in Juvenal Hall for a few months.
If it were the other way around, it would probably be labeled 'Attempted Rape' and they wouldnt see the light of day until they were 40.

Why should we treat them any different because they're girls? Equality is the key here. We are all equal. As such, punishment should be equal.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
honestly in some cases, charges should automatically be held against people. just because the mother doesn't want to deal with it these girls are getting away with it? it's ridiculous.

William MacKay

New member
Oct 26, 2010
Battlemind said:
I wished girls did that to me.
well obviously, but maybe it was the noticeable LACK of fucking that pissed the kid off.
but this is wrong. girls can get away with this sort of thing and thats shit.


New member
Jan 29, 2011
Cyrus Hanley said:
Most of my sentiments of this event have already been expressed. The mother's refusal to press charges against the three girls may not be the right thing to do "legally", but let us remind ourselves that she is doing this in the best interests of her son. Right now, her main priority as a mother is to comfort her child and provide emotional support.

It's not uncommon for sexual assault or rape victims to decline pressing charges against the assailants or even to actually report the incident, and I don't expect any different in this situation. But, with the amount of press coverage this has received (as well as the actual evidence), I have no doubt that the girls will be charged with the sexual assault of a minor. Just not at this time.

As for the boy himself... I hope he gets whatever help he needs.

Now, with this having been said, I wonder two things.

a) What will feminists have to say of this?

and b) How long it will be before we see an episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit based on this incident?
I'm Not going to lie to you.
Ive ACTUALLY SEEN and episode of Law and order that played out EXACTLY like this.. I shall now explain the episode.

Okay some some 13 year old kid whose puberty as shit calls a girl ugly trying to impress a hot girl in his class.

Little does he know that the ugly girl is friends with the hot girl So they plan some kind of attack.

The hot girl pretends to take the kid into a back alley and say's she gonna Get it on with him.

She makes the kid take off his clothes down to his undies and then asks him to put on these handcuffs.

she handcuffs him to a sewer pole, all the other girls comeout a d spit on him and throw dirt at him a tape it and post it online

the kid runs away

kid tries to hang himself on monkey bars

the SVU saves the kids life

Girls don't get charged

kid shoots himself a week later after the video goes viral


New member
Oct 31, 2010
callmegreen said:
Cyrus Hanley said:
and b) How long it will be before we see an episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit based on this incident?
I'm Not going to lie to you.
Ive ACTUALLY SEEN and episode of Law and order that played out EXACTLY like this.. I shall now explain the episode.


But how long before we see an episode of CSI like this?

And then, how long before we see an episode of Midsomer Murders based on this!

OT: Yeah, messed up that nothing happens. Seriously, I wonder what would happen if the genders were reversed sometime in the future (as an exercise in testing the justice system - not actually sexually assaulting a girl) and the boys then brought this up as evidence why it isn't sexual assault. I have no real knowledge of the law, but in that situation couldn't they either get off free or then sue people for sexual discrimination after it is decided to be attempted rape or something?


New member
Jun 6, 2009
These b*tches need someone like Onizuka to wreck their sh*t. Stuff like this is why I'm starting to hate this damn country.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Whargarble said:
Charges should be pressed. No matter who the assaulter is, or whomever the victim is, this type of situation should not go unpunished.

This shouldn't even be an issue of "doubled standards". The fact that the mother chose to take what I'm sure she felt was the "high road" is, in my opinion, still the wrong decision.

I don't care if its women attacking men, or men attacking women. This is harassment, plain and simple.

Get angry that this even happens in the first place, not over who the attacker or victim was.
Agreed. There should be no reason that these girls should not face the full extent of the law.


New member
Jun 4, 2011
PaulH said:
Shio said:
PaulH said:
See ... call it what you like, but frankly I think parents should be the ones expected to discipline their kids. Judicial process shouldn't be expected to fill those gaps as well.
That system only works when the parents are reasonable, lol. The youngest son (maybe seven-years-old) of the family across the road once pissed on our driveway and broke several of my mum's garden decorations by smashing them on the road. The parents thought it funny and laughed it off.

Fail parents are fail!
Too many parents leave it up to schools to basically raise their children. Proper eating courses... etc. If you really have so little time to teach your child the basics that you will leave such duties to a complete stranger teaching 30 other kids the same thing and couldn't be arsed if one student out of that class is failing ... then what type of parent are you?

I mean it's getting to the point that I think most Western countries would have better luck with the education system as it stands if parents merely had children and dropped them off at an 'Education Camp' when they hit 4 years of age.

Where they're all assigned a 'Student Identification Number' to wear on their all-grey tunics and slacks, tattooed into the back of their necks, and a central 'Scholarly Barracks' (assembled by Age) they have to report to 10 hours a day led by central disciplinarian and a militantly structured arm of Educators directly answerable to the 'Education Field Marshal' of the Ordo Paedagogus.

No time on the "outside", except periodic 'government work center' shifts each week.

I mean, parents already expect teachers with their whole 55 mins a week with their child to facilitate in not only filling their heads with knowledge, but teaching them to be ethical human beings. Seriously ... it's bullshit ... thge job shold be me, book, blackboard, 25 students ... if they listen they listen, if they don't they don't, if they don't listen and stop others from being able to listen they lose 10 lunch breaks cleaning the entire quadrangle.

Ahhh ... days of what are rapidly seeming like the "Golden Age" of parental responsibility.
The cynicism is strong in this one :p

But yeah, I agree with you. Parental accountability is all but gone. I'm far from sexist and the idea of men and women having separate roles is as alien to me as homosexuality being unethical and a danger to children, but I think with women now expected almost as much as men to get a job and have a career, most households have two working parents. In the days gone by one parent (usually/always) the mum would stay home, look after the house and educate the kids on behavior, with the father disciplining them. As that system no longer happens, kids spend most of their time at school and parent-less.

It's not surprising, but it's still sad. Maybe children do need a parent to stay home (male or female doesn't matter) to bring a little accountability and actual parenting back into the world. But that just won't work for so many families; living aint cheap.