8th grade Girls Attack/Strip 11-Year-Old Boy


New member
Dec 6, 2009
LiquidGrape said:
Seriously, why is it that the worst kind of self-righteous male chauvinism is suddenly okay because we're faced with this circumstance?
We should be above that.
We should be, but we're not. Because people are inherently evil. It's in our nature.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
The crux of all this is the damn video which was put on the net. How many other times has this, or a similar incident, happened but was never made public because there was no footage of it? This whole situation is exacerbated because scores of people around the world are talking about it.

I feel bad for the boy because he'll never hear the end of this from his schoolmates. You try to tell someone that it shouldn't get to them and that they're better than this but truth be told, kids and teenagers are always most susceptible to peer derision.

If the parents don't want to press charges so be it, I hope the boy has enough support from his family and friends to make it through this relatively unscathed.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
This is utter bullshit. I don't know if I'm allowed to be so enraged on here. But that is just fucking sick.

The disgusting behaviour of these three girls shows serious sings of sociopathy and is probably a prelude to something much worse.

In my bold opinion I would recommend they be flogged. The most reasonable thing I can suggest is an eye for an eye because it's the only way they'll learn.

If the genders were reversed there is no way the perpetrators would face no punishment. I understand that the mother isn't pressing charges but fuck!

I can't understand the thoughts these girls had that led up to forcing a younger child into this. Even filming the spectacle. And no serious consequences, they're just going to do it again. What hope is there?



Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Seems like social services should have a long hard talk with these girl about their entirely unacceptable behaviour, and have a look at their homes and whether they're doing a good enough job raising them. It sure doesn't seem like it.

In case of a lack of a competent social system to handle it, then the criminal justice system should step in despite their young age. It is in the interest of everyone that they not get away with such severe behaviour without any consequences at all (although trying 13 year olds as adults would be too harsh).

And it does speak to some measure of a double standard in what legal protection and societal sympathy is afforded the different sexes in regard to sexual assault. Three boys stripping down a younger girl would presumably evoke a far more serious response from both the authorities and from the surrounding community. This poor boy isn't so lucky.


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Mar 12, 2009
SaneAmongInsane said:
If there is any justice in this world, the girls will end up in broken marriages with men that beat them and children with down syndrome.

Do not, do fucking not, make comments like that about down's syndrome. For one, you assume that it is inherently a bad thing, that it should be used as fucking punishment. For two, even if it should, which is just fucking wrong, why the fuck should their children have to pay for their sins? You know who used to think like that? People in Old Testament times. They believed people born with disabilities were because of what their parents or ancestors did.

Sorry about the language, but people saying things like that just make my blood boil.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
That boy was violated, and he most likely does not feel like this is "just a prank"

they held him down and stripped him, while he begged them to stop. The girls should be punished.



New member
Mar 11, 2011
Hubert South said:
I have read the first three pages.

Its amazing how many of you are basically on a witch-hunt and want the to be branded for life as sex offenders. Yes, from what I can see from the video, the girls did something quite wrong.

However, there may be reasons why the mother does not press charges. There may be reasons for this behaviour. There may be a whole lot of backstory you do not know.

Should they be punished?: of course.

Should you cry for blood foaming at your mouth, because making this case black and white suits your retarded brains: of course not.

Think, then act, people. It is exactly this kind of all-or-nothing attitude (and the american aversion to anything sexual) that leads to such situations.

But then again, the plebs always enjoy a spectacle.
And yet if it were boys doing it they would be branded as sex offenders for the rest of their lives.

We just don't like double standards.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
That Hyena Bloke said:
ninja51 said:
Im not condoneing this, its stupid as fuck and pointless, but there is a culture of revenge that strongly exists, and I hate it. Like I said, if the boy is fine, then the story is done and over with. What upsets me is there is undoubtably a double standard that exists and boys WOULD feel the sting of that revenge.

The most noteworthy thing about this story is it brings to light that double standard and shows just how craved for revenge some people are.
How do you know he's fine? This could and probably will leave lasting psychological trauma, not just from the event but from the abuse he's likely to cop from his classmates. Just check out the linked 4chan threads to see the sorts of reactions it's getting already. It's the very same inaction you're advocating that causes situations like this to arise in the first place, it's not a "culture of revenge", it's a need for justice and punishment where it's due.
If he wasnt fine, the mother would press charges. Im nearly positive he just told his mom its fine and he'll move on with his life. I sware, people strongly advocating that these girls should be thrown in jail are letting their own fucked up experiances lend to this. What the girls did was stupid, stupid as shit, and any mature person in the world would look down on them. But really, not all people are fucked up in the head, some can just move on, like im sure this kid did.

This shit is probably like the South Park episode where Kenny is put on life support. "Please please please dont make a big deal out of it and let the world see me in this state."
Apr 21, 2011
SaneAmongInsane said:
If there is any justice in this world, the girls will end up in broken marriages with men that beat them and children with down syndrome.
No, because that would be punishing the kids for nothing, not the girls for what they did. And if they the men beat them up they just end up in jail anyway.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Oh God...the screaming's hard to hear. Fairly certain that was torturous to the kid...my sympathies. The age difference is rather concerning...I can understand not pressing charges as that would be a humiliating experience, but these girls need punishment in some way.

They had fun, they'll probably do something like this again (although not this exactly I'd imagine). If the school won't do anything, and the police won't do anything, it's society's turn. I'm not saying violence is the answer, but consequences must be made clear to prevent this from happening again.

Gender is irrelevant.


New member
Oct 21, 2010
Rationalization said:
The law system SHOULD punish the girls harshly. The schools stance on bullying was that it didn't happen there so it isn't there problem. How is this reaction healthy? Teach them that what they did is perfectly fine and that their actions hold no consequence? 3 14 year olds sexually assaulted an 11 year old.
"Teach them that what they did is perfectly fine" ? I never said that. Nor did the mother.

We could give them charges from sexual assault and filming cp, but they'll learn nothing. We'll learn nothing. I dont find this situation "special" enough to cutting it off with punishment without giving a glance at the root of these problems. To me that is the education system and the American school culture.

Fragmented_Faith said:
You my friend are hopelessly deluded. These worthless little bitches would tag-team and court with tears and faked pleas for sympathy they don't begin to deserve, and since "girls can do no wrong" any outcome other then flawless innocence would earn such a singular backlash from the feminist community and womens "rights" groups that a guilty verdict would be overturned before we even knew what happened.

Apology's for the weight of bitterness, but I really can see no way this could ever be fixed in a court of law in the US, or hell even over here given the steps backwards we've taken in parenting, schools, bullying and woman's rights (i know, bring the flame but its no longer abut fair treatment)
Which is why I said "could/would" my little friend. For me the whole court system seems to be a game of luck and manipulation. It doesnt teach justice, but how to craft your own justice. But tbh, it was never ment to teach justice anyway. Post-Failure filter sounds more like it.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
That's...that's just not right. There'd be so much crap going down if it was three boys doing it to a girl, but girls to it to a boy and it's not as big of a deal. The worst part of it is that the mother isn't pressing any charges though. Those girls attacked the boy and forced him out of his clothes. That's something that needs more than just a smack on the back of the hand and being sent to your room without dinner for the evening.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Hubert South said:
Bags159 said:
And yet if it were boys doing it they would be branded as sex offenders for the rest of their lives.

We just don't like double standards.
So because you do not like one kind of social idiocy, you embrace another?
I don't think their lives should be completely ruined, but they should be punished someway.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
viranimus said:
Yes its a sad state of affairs of how gender biased we are. Because yes if it was 3 13 year old boys stripping an 11 year old girl in the US we would try to have them tried as adults. But because its the other way around, The parent doesnt want to press charges.

Honestly I can understand the parent though.. If my 11 year old son was screaming like a girl from having older girls trying to strip him.. I would be so ashamed I wouldnt want to have to go through court proceedings either.
I respectfully disagree, I don't have children, but if I did I would want those girls to be tried to the full extent of the law. They probably scarred that kid emotionally and sexually, and I can't imagine the hell he will have to live through at school for years, those girls aren't going to be punished by the state, the school, and I doubt their parents are going to do crap to discipline them. This is a huge problem in society, bullies aren't punished because of their age or gender and nothing ever happens to them to show what they did is wrong and they go on to bully again and the cycle keeps on going. This kid isn't getting any justice and those girls need to be removed from society.