8th grade Girls Attack/Strip 11-Year-Old Boy


New member
Mar 25, 2011
ImprovizoR said:
Would you press charges if that boy ends up raping all 3 of them after this? I wouldn't.
I would give him a high-5 for being able to get it up when he's 11.

I know the they enjoyed it thing isn't a defense in rape, but they clearly wanted his penis. THEY HAVE VIDEO EVIDENCE! /thats terrible


New member
Oct 26, 2010
Is it weird that them posting it on youtube makes a significant difference for me ?

I mean, even without it, this is still a terrible thing to do and there should be consequences in any case (though without the video I MIGHT be willingly to believe it to be a really shitty idea getting out of hand), but the fact that they filmed it and then afterwards thought to themselves "You know, this is hilarious, we just assaulted and humiliated somebody, we should totally share this stuff." is just disgusting.

And I really don´t see how "Well, you know, they are kids." is any excuse. Though some people seem to believe otherwise, I am certain that behaving like a socially-damaged psychopath is not covered under the "Stuff you are allowed to do when you are a kid."-license.

Zac Smith

New member
Apr 25, 2010
Double standards... there's nothing else I can say that hasn't already been said a thousand times of this thread


New member
Apr 1, 2009
I don't know why the victim's mother is holding out for the girls parents to punish them if they didn't have the sense to teach their kids not to do something so sick.


Big Stupid Jellyfish
Jun 7, 2010
This is beyond disgusting and I hope the girls will get the punishment they deserve, today, tomorrow or in ten years. Besides the fact that they made their fun from humiliating someone and then posting it on youtube for everyone to see, they attacked a younger and smaller person in a group of three. I wonder would either one of those girls try to do something like that to three boys. Of course not, and if they touched her, as many already said, they would be labelled as sexual assailants.

However, the greatest outrage I have is directed to the society which made it "shameful" and "terrible" if the boy gets attacked, if he cries, or if he's humiliated. This is not about feminists or political correctness towards women; it's about the same thing that has been trying to deny women their rights. A chauvinist culture where man is only a man if he is a "true" man that doesn't break, cry, get attacked, get defeated or get tortured, assaulted or raped and so on. Until the society acknowledges that men can be attacked, that they can cry and that there's nothing shameful about admitting your defeat or humiliation and actively searching for justice, this kind of cases are going to be called "pranks". I've read in this very thread things like "If I was the boys father, I would be ashamed" and similar examples of this societal norm that makes it a bigger deal out of the fact that he was "de-manned", that from the fact that this was a fucking assault that shouldn't go unpunished. The poor boy is going to end up being more ashamed of the fact that he couldn't defend himself or such bullshit (as if he could defend himself; he couldn't and there's nothing wrong with it, but the society thinks that's exactly what's wrong), while the whole case will be ignored because, hey, if girls manage to do that to you, you're a pussy anyway, you deserved it, just shrug it off and maybe it hardens you up. As I said, I am disgusted.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
Well I think an eye for an eye in this situation. They should have the exact same done to them. It's not about revenge, nothing can make it up to that boy who is no doubt extremely embarrassed and ashamed. It's about those girls learning some fucking empathy, to understand how crushing it is to be treated that way and to have that experience hanging over your head for the rest of your life.

I've said it before, young girls are fucking evil. Just another day I'm glad to have a penis.


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Sep 10, 2008
One of the top-rated comments on the first video reads "I hope he rapes the b**ches when he gets older."

I agree this was a horrible thing, and possibly traumatic for the young boy. The girls should have to answer for their actions in some capacity.
But if this is how some people react, and how people encourage people to react...I think we have bigger problems.

Seriously, why is it that the worst kind of self-righteous male chauvinism is suddenly okay because we're faced with this circumstance?
We should be above that.


New member
Jul 22, 2010
Firstly, like another poster said in the previous thread on this matter, I hope a police officer has a VERY serious talk with the gils' parents and the board(s) of the school(s) they are attending. A talk about sexual harrasment, assault, child pornography and how these girls seem to be getting away scot free to the public eye. I'd advice the parents and maybe even the school board(s) to give some form of public punishment to the girls. A public trip in handcuffs to the police station, for instance, with a serious talk to them in group and one by one while there. This may scar them, but so it should. A scar means change and lets hope it's a change that will dissuade them from ever pulling stunts like this again.

I can understand why they don't want to put it on their permanent reccords, but I believe a public punishment would do them far more good than a punishment by their parents nobody else will know about, not the victim and not the enraged society. And since this has gone global, it's one hell of a society. If people think they're not getting their comeuppance, some (*cough/bcough*)will make it their business that they'll get it. And since there is no measure to how much of that they will get, I think the public punishment would be best.


New member
Oct 21, 2010
LiquidGrape said:
One of the top-rated comments on the first video reads "I hope he rapes the b**ches when he gets older."

I agree this was a horrible thing, and possibly traumatic for the young boy. The girls should have to answer for their actions in some capacity.
But if this is how some people react, and how people encourage people to react...I think we have bigger problems.
The boy's mother's reaction seems to be the healthies one so far.

The law system could/would punish the girls pretty harsly. And ultimately she belives that the problem is in the schools stance on bulling.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Popido said:
The boy's mother's reaction seems to be the healthies one so far.

The law system could/would punish the girls pretty harsly. And ultimately she belives that the problem is in the schools stance on bullying.
I think there is a lot of truth to that assessment.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
Now I can't stop thinking about that South Park episode where all the male adults say "nice".


New member
Jan 20, 2011
I'm sorry, but if I was that mother, I'd press charges like it was going out of style. This kind of thing can't go unpunished! If we don't draw the line here, WHERE DOES IT END?
I understand and support anti-bullying. I get that the mother wants to raise awareness to it. She should do so, however, by MAKING AN EXAMPLE OF THESE GIRLS. I don't care that they might be "too young to make proper decisions" and "didn't know what they were doing." If a person is smart enough to post a youtube video or use a video camera, THEY KNOW ENOUGH TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS!
Let's reverse the situation. Three boys strip a little girl and post it on the internet. BAM. They'd pretty much get everything but the death penalty, wouldn't they? They'd be sex offenders, pedophiles, perverts, rapists (if the lawyers were good enough), unable to EVER get a job, the list would go on. When these girls do it, a slap on the wrist is not strong enough. "Girls will be girls" is not a good enough excuse for this, nor is it one that has EVER been used.
Not only that, but think of the emotion scarring this will do to the poor boy. Contrary to popular belief, nothing on the internet is gone forever if you just delete the source. Hell, as long as this article and these threads still exist, his embarrassment is eternal.
I'm not normally one for the "eye for an eye" thing or revenge in general, but if we don't stop this now, it could escalate to something WORSE which I care not to think about.
By the way, I have no idea why I'm fighting so passionately about this, but it REALLY pisses me off that these "wonderful souls" are going to be in charge of the world someday.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
PaulH said:
Criminal act? It's not like we torched the car. And, speaking frankly, can you actually name me a time when you were 12 when you actually considered legal parameters for simply picking up a car and moving it 100 metres away?

It was a collection of us doing a nasty thing. And kids are going to be nasty. But to say then that a child is a criminal for being nasty is fucking stupid. It's a waste of police efforts, waste of government resources, and frankly it's a waste of the teacher's time to file a report.

Much easier to reverse suspend every child involved for 3 months or get them to clean classrooms for the next 40 lunch breaks.

I'm not saying I didn't deserve punishment, I'm just saying there's a difference between a criminal act, and a nasty act. And frankly I think anybody that believes in judicial action for a simple case of bullying is insane. Why? It requires punishment, yes ... but it doesnt require a police officer (especially a low paid, thankless job as defending the common good) knocking on your door.
Whether or not you torched a car is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is, you stole a car and drove it. That is a criminal act and deserves punishment. Being that you were a teenager when it happened I wouldn't say you deserved prison time but at the very least you or rather your parents should be fined. That is unnaceptable behaviour. All this bullshit about "nasty" acts make absolutely no sense. If stealing a car is considered "nasty" then where does it stop?

You deserved punishment. Detention does jack shit and suspensions are treated like fucking vacations than actual punishments nowadays. If this sort of behaviour is considered acceptable then where does it end? Where do we draw the line?

OT: This is a disgusting act. Those girls need to be prosecuted but giving the double standards employed against men in today's society nothing will be done.

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010

I mean wow, other then rage at this GIANT double standard I don't now what to say. This is the first time I agree with fox news over the other news channel, who said it was a prank gone a bit to far but the police calling this a prank is the has made a part of me shrivel up and die. At least they are starting to look into this a bit more but the fact they called it a prank to begin with is just way too much.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Popido said:
The boy's mother's reaction seems to be the healthies one so far.

The law system could/would punish the girls pretty harsly. And ultimately she belives that the problem is in the schools stance on bulling.
The law system SHOULD punish the girls harshly. The schools stance on bullying was that it didn't happen there so it isn't there problem. How is this reaction healthy? Teach them that what they did is perfectly fine and that their actions hold no consequence? 3 14 year olds sexually assaulted an 11 year old.


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Jul 6, 2009
ninja51 said:
Im not condoneing this, its stupid as fuck and pointless, but there is a culture of revenge that strongly exists, and I hate it. Like I said, if the boy is fine, then the story is done and over with. What upsets me is there is undoubtably a double standard that exists and boys WOULD feel the sting of that revenge.

The most noteworthy thing about this story is it brings to light that double standard and shows just how craved for revenge some people are.
It's not revenge to try and bring the weight of the law against someone who has obviously wronged you in a fairly serious way!


New member
Aug 20, 2009
she should press charges that or I encourage the kid to get justice in his own hands and also people have to stop with the double standards bull crap if it where boys doing this to a girl they would already have been put into jail!
also since when is stuff like this a prank?
knowing anonymous they are going to be royally screwed!

S3Cs4uN 8

New member
Apr 25, 2011
I think the Interwebs should go f***ing space marine on those girls, that is just bloody disgusting maybe those sony haxers will see this and decide t own someone else for achange