A question to the grown adult men of the Escapist


New member
Apr 6, 2011
Zeekar said:
intheweeds said:
First of all, drawing a gender line in the sand is unwise. There is no "men's opinion". We're all different just like girls are all different. That's not a situation I'd ever be in, so it's an irrelevant question to me.

That kind of act would hypothetically go against the grain of my moral code, but that's for judging myself, not others.

Secondly, the scale you're using is equally irrelevant, as the severity is determined by the VICTIM, not by passers-by. Ask the girl who was taken advantage of what it was on a scale of 1-10.

Maybe they're really into that, drunk or not. That variable could change everything.
I did ask her. We both know what 10 is for her. thats the answer she gave me.


New member
Apr 6, 2011
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
intheweeds said:
Don't put your shit on me. I have never once said in this whole thread that i thought she was raped, that i wasn't anything but absolutely furious at her or that i though all men were like this. I have many times explained that i am merely curious about men's thoughts about this being that i am not a man, I would rather hear it from the source(s). You have no idea about my views on sexuality or romance, how open or not I am to anything, so don't rage at me.
You made your views on sexuality clear when you said it was ok to treat all men as potential rapists, and "sleeping with guys is fucking dangerous." I'm a guy. I've never raped, come close to raping, or even thought about raping a girl. I found that comment offensive. If I said "All women are potential harpies and gold-diggers who love to fuck with the minds of men", you'd rightly call me out for being a mysoginist. Yet apparantly you can make the worst sort of generalisations about men, and still get angry when I call you out on it? I think that makes your views on sexuality somewhat clear.
knowing that some women would harm you doesn't make you filter your women then?


New member
Jan 6, 2011
I find absolutely nothing quarrelsome about two single people who are both drunk willingly consenting to sex, doing so unprotected merely highlights the stupidity and impetuousness of both individuals. However this is the problem:

intheweeds said:
A girl is very drunk. An 8-9 on the 1-10 scale of sober to passed out drooling. You know her, you know she has a serious partner and would never entertain you sober.
If you know the person you're hitting on is in a committed relationship and from the sounds of it could well be a friend as well then that's pretty damn low and reprehensible, but I'm curious as to what scale of inebriation the guy was on after seeing this:

intheweeds said:
You come on to her asking if you can touch her. she agrees. she seems into it. She asks you several times if you have a condom and you say no, but have sex with her anyway. She doesn't stop you.
Basically I'm trying to guage what level of self-control both individuals were capable of exerting, alcohol does effect people in drastically different ways after all and if as you say; do not believe that drinking should not excuse ones behaviour then she is clearly at fault as well. From the sounds of things neither one of them were in their right state of mind when they went ahead with this. I'm not trying to defend either one of them but merely point out that they both fucked up here and should both subsequently be held responsible for their actions. Having said that, at least the girl in question appears remorseful and apologetic for what she has done and if the guy is not equally ashamed then he fucking well should be. Also, I'm sorry that this whole situation has befallen you, for whatever that's worth.
Mar 28, 2011
intheweeds said:
I know all men are different, that's why I'm asking what you think of this guy in this situation. I would like to get a gauge of what men think of this. I already know what women think. What do you think of this guy? Is he an ass if so why? If not, why?
intheweeds said:
See that's the thing, I know how women feel about this. The situation would never be reversed.

Women don't have the same parts and/or responsibility shirking abilities as men either.
The same brush is being used to tar large groups of people. You appear to be pretty certain of an entire genders viewpoint. You also seem very assured of theoretical situations.

[SATIRE]It seems like you already have a pretty steadfast opinion on men.... like most lesbians. [/SATIRE]


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
On the jerk scale of 1-10, taking advantage of intoxicated woman by even asking to touch her is a 7 at least, having sex with her is a 9 or 10. It could also be considered rape in some circles and get you arrested. This isn't even male sexuality, this is just weather or not you are a decent person.

Also, I can see that you're a female. I mean come on, your profile picture has a beaver!


New member
Jun 1, 2009
intheweeds said:
Zeekar said:
intheweeds said:
First of all, drawing a gender line in the sand is unwise. There is no "men's opinion". We're all different just like girls are all different. That's not a situation I'd ever be in, so it's an irrelevant question to me.

That kind of act would hypothetically go against the grain of my moral code, but that's for judging myself, not others.

Secondly, the scale you're using is equally irrelevant, as the severity is determined by the VICTIM, not by passers-by. Ask the girl who was taken advantage of what it was on a scale of 1-10.

Maybe they're really into that, drunk or not. That variable could change everything.
I did ask her. We both know what 10 is for her. thats the answer she gave me.
Isn't that more useful information than what we think about it, then?

Since you're responding so quickly, I'm really curious: What have you gotten out of this so far? What do you take away from the response you have received? Hopefully that's clear. I'm not sure exactly how else to word it.


New member
Jul 26, 2008
Togs said:
So... what? All men are evil and should be castrated at birth?
Did I say that are men are evil and should be castrated at birth? No.
I'm a good guy and I know lots of good guys.

However, the realities of rape statistics are the realities of rape statistics. When I was a Resident Assistant at college, despite the fact that there are a lot of good guys out there in the world, I needed to warn the incoming 18 year old female students of a bunch of things: don't drink, it is illegal, but if you do drink don't drink any drinks you haven't seen mixed yourself. Better preferably if you stick to drinks in bottles. Do not leave your drink unattended. If you go to party with guys, make sure you use the buddy system. Don't let your girlfriends out of your sight and don't ever leave them their unattended. Why? Because the rape statistics for women on college campuses during rush week are really, really bad.

One of the other points of the phrase "all men are potential rapists" is that our society has built the fiction that the rapist is a scary man you'll jump you from the bushes...but the majority of rapes are not the scary sex offender down the street...or the guy with the 70s mustache...but probably someone you know and assume is a good guy.

As the moment, the movement to stop men from raping is very small. There are very few male organizations working to stop rape by talking to other men. There are some, but not many.

What this means is that women tend to have to do a lot of work to protect themselves for prevention since we guys aren't making this a priority for ourselves. So part of that is warning women, watch out--that guy you go out on a okcupid date with might rape you. So, here are some precautions you can take. If it all turns out excellent, then yay! But, better safe than sorry. Because if something bad happens, as this thread shows, people are going to blame you for it.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
fenrizz said:
ravensheart18 said:
First off I'm the type that has learned you NEVER give second chances to cheaters, so I'm not some "softy/forgive everything" type. With that in mind...

I notice you are in Toronto. Canadian law is EXTREMELY clear here, that man is guilty of sexual assault. Even if she actually said YES he is guilty of sexual assualt. Even if she came on to him first he is guilty of sexual assault. Even if he was also drunk, he is guilty of sexual assault.

Your gf was raped.

If she was as drunk as you say, she absolutely did nothing wrong and so on both a legal and moral basis he is a criminal ass and she is a victim.

You can't blame her for being raped, support her instead.

This is however a great lesson why no one should ever get so drunk/stoned that they are not in control. There are always assholes out there who will take advantage.
That is one of the most disturbing thing I have ever heard to be perfectly honest.

Conscentual sex between two intoxicated adults, and the man ends up a rapist by Canadian law?
That is truly sickening to hear.

It's not rape just because the law says so, and certainly not between to people that are consenting.

One the moral question I'd say, yes, he's a massive asshole and I'd stop him if I were there.
But that does not make it rape.

He asked, she agreed and seemed into it.
She asked for condom, he said no but they had sex anyway.

Does not equal rape in my opinion.
Actually, the reason that this is, by Canadian law, illegal, is that you can't give legal consent while intoxicated. In other words, by that logic, she (or maybe even both of them I dunno) was raped, as she couldn't have given consent.

That is why, by Canadian law, she was raped.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
I'd give the guy a 6 for his lack of morality but i'd give the girl a -1 on the intelligence/morality scale. She put her self in this situation, the one at fault is her not him no matter how despicable it is that he decided to initiate. Being drunk is no excuse to cheat.
Apr 24, 2008
I'm probably the wrong person to comment. I'm pathetically analytical from moment to moment...I never truly get lost in the moment socially or when drunk so this would never happen to me, I'll never get it.

It's strikes me as profoundly stupid and creepy...on both sides.

I'm sure your respect for your partner is (at least for the time being) severely diminished. The pressing question(to my mind) is whether or not you can forgive her or trust her again.


New member
Apr 6, 2011
priestswearseatbelts said:
intheweeds said:
I know all men are different, that's why I'm asking what you think of this guy in this situation. I would like to get a gauge of what men think of this. I already know what women think. What do you think of this guy? Is he an ass if so why? If not, why?
intheweeds said:
See that's the thing, I know how women feel about this. The situation would never be reversed.

Women don't have the same parts and/or responsibility shirking abilities as men either.
The same brush is being used to tar large groups of people. You appear to be pretty certain of an entire genders viewpoint. You also seem very assured of theoretical situations.

[SATIRE]It seems like you already have a pretty steadfast opinion on men.... like most lesbians. [/SATIRE]
[SATIRE] being a lesbian, I have had tons of conversations with women, but my circles don't contain many men[/SATIRE]

this is actually true, as stereotypical as it sounds, its just a fact. I have far more experience talking to women. I know people feel differently about everything, this thread is testament to that. Here there are differing views by men, but a few are overwhelmingly agreed upon, whereas some are more controversial and less agreed with.

Women are no different, there's always someone who feels differently than you, the cross section of women i've talked to seem to mostly agree that this is disgusting. While it's true that both parties have a responsibility, I don't believe that generally women would behave the same way if they had the same biology as men. Lesbians aren't as man hating as is said either. It's actually gotten a little opposite the last ten years or so in my experience. Lesbians hating men is an outdated stereotype. There are better ones.

What I don't know is what men feel. Because it's true, I dont know as many of them day to day well enough to be having conversations like this.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
trooper6 said:
Togs said:
So... what? All men are evil and should be castrated at birth?
One of the other points of the phrase "all men are potential rapists" is that our society has built the fiction that the rapist is a scary man you'll jump you from the bushes...but the majority of rapes are not the scary sex offender down the street...or the guy with the 70s mustache...but probably someone you know and assume is a good guy.
Inflammatory statements such as that make sense in some circumstances -- to underline the severity of the situation, using exaggerated statements will bring a more violent response which can be seen by more people.

In this case, I don't see the necessity. The language is extraordinarily misleading and plays to a known stereotype. Pitting two factions (male and female) against one another in order to help quell a serious issue between them is hardly logical.

TL;DR: Find a better way to say "All men are potential rapists". Because it evokes a knee-jerk reaction for it's egregious inaccuracy.


Made From Corpses
Jan 6, 2010
I'm going to try and answer the question asked, rather than the implied questions behind it.

How far on the d-bag scale is this guy? 9 +/- 1. If he was very drunk too, well, that's two drunken adults together and bad things happen. Don't get that drunk that you can't make sensible decisions. You're an 8-ish if you got massively hammered and did something so incredibly stupid. You are not absolved for being drunk, but it implies a lack of malice. You're approaching a 9 if you were drunk and weren't thinking straight, but you're still a complete dick. You're a flat out 10 if you knew what the Hell you were doing and chose to do so. You fail mister, get out. Known partner = no. Clearly drunk = NO. No condom = NO! All = GET OUT.

Unfortunately the female in question is also 9 +/- 1. Do. Not. Get. This. Drunk. It applies to both. If she really wasn't in control, that's the 8 again. You are not absolved for being drunk. If she was half-way, but thinking muddily, that's a 9 (You're drunk, but you still have a long-term partner you have a duty to). If she got drunk with the intention of not having responsibility for her actions and doing something stupid, that's a 10. That's a poor excuse for a human being, you are again invited to get out.

No point trying to assign blame, both hugely at fault, but also both score pretty damn highly on the scale provided. The situation implies that there are more factors at work than I can appreciate, and the level of responsibility changes with these factors.

I would not associate with a man this high on the scale. I would also not have a partner capable of getting so high on the scale either, but in the theoretical situation of it happening to mine, I would attempt to support her while working out if I could get over it. It would not be a mark of shame if you could not, but it would be a mark of pride if you could forgive her (assuming her remorse is genuine). She will need your help.

Disclaimer: I don't drink. I can't stand not being in control of my actions. I don't disapprove of those who do drink, but I do disapprove of those who use drink to excuse their actions. I'm in a long-term stable relationship but am not of religious or moral opposition to casual sex, just lack of respect for your partner. Now you know the bias behind what I've said, take it into account.


New member
Nov 28, 2010
It really boils down to two apparent drunks that don't know their limit. Drinking so much that you lose the inhibition to random/unwanted sexual activity is not drinking properly. The guy however if he was not at the same level of intoxication and had just enough that he would be buzzed and still have most of his wits about him would be a jerk in that case. If however they are both totally sloshed, now you just have two drunks bumping uglies that really would be better off in an AA meeting.


New member
Jun 27, 2009
intheweeds said:
Edit 2: Yes he had also been drinking, but I am of the type that believes, like some posters that being drunk doesn't excuse behavior.
doesn't this negate the morality of the situation just falling on to the guy? I mean if being drunk doesn't excuse behavior, not saying it should, than she was just as much at fault and was clearly able to say no but she didn't so ergo she wanted it too?