
John the Gamer

New member
May 2, 2010
I think it's OK to "abort the pregnancy" if you're incapable of supporting the child and got pregnant because you failed to remember that condoms exist for that or something.

It's bad when Chinese(or anybody else, of course) use it because they want their only child to be a boy because that gives more prestige, and also financial security for when they're old and can't work themselves anymore.

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
zelda2fanboy said:
Why is this a Christian cause?
I have no idea. I have a hard time squaring that the god that ordered the Israelites to slit open the bellies of pregnant women could now be against abortion. (Hosea 13:16)


Derp Master
Aug 11, 2009
If you consider a fetus a human being then abortion is murder, so it is well worth getting worked up about. Considering fetuses are living, growing beings of the species homo sapiens, it is not farfetched.

Also, I know many pro-abortion are frustrated with being called sexists and facing arguments like "women should get to choose because it is their body".

Personally, I am extremely undecided on the matter. I'm torned because I know chances are that if abortion is made illegal, some will still do it, just under more dangerous circumstances, but on the other hand, is that enough to justify what could be seen as murder?


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Its a topic men should discuss too. Every man on earth was born, and could have been aborted if the mother had wanted.

I dont know myself where I stand on the issue, the pro-choicers make some great arguments....in theory. But this is a life we are talking about here, its not a simple thing and I dont think theres really a right answer on whether or not an abortion is 'right'. It seems a bit coldly logical to say 'until its born its not a human' or 'until there is brain activity its not a human'. but at the same time it doesnt seem right to force women to have children they dont want, because children are a financial and emotional burden that the woman might not be able to take on, especially if shes single.

Most people on the internet seem to want to call pro-lifers idiots and fools, but I can see where they are coming from. But I dont know. I guess I say: do nothing, keep the laws in place. Give the people their choice, but when you go to have an abortion, think really really hard about it.

Patrick Buck

New member
Nov 14, 2011
Personally i think its anyone's choice to get an abortion. And i'm a christain. Once the baby develops a certain amount, yeah, i would concider that murder, but early on, its barly a collection of cells. No more murder than scratching your arm, and killing a few cells there.


Derp Master
Aug 11, 2009
Soxafloppin said:
I can understand why people are against it, But its a choice and it should be available as a choice.

Its unfair to have someones life ruined because a condom ripped, or should a woman have to have a rapists baby?
It isn't all that simple though, because if fetuses are people, then all those arguments can be countered:

"But its a choice and it should be available as a choice."

If that is the choice of whether or not to murder someone, that arguments suddenly turns really weak.

"Its unfair to have someones life ruined because a condom ripped"

Is that more unfair than never having been born at all because your mother decided not to have you.

"should a woman have to have a rapists baby?"

Is the alternative of comitting murder any better?

I think the question of abortion is hard because it all comes down to a simple question that no one can answer with a hundred percent certainty, which is when does a human become a human?


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Wah wah wah, something we don't like is legal, we're peeeeerseeeecuuuuted!

That's pretty much why they piss and moan, they really shouldn't care what other people do just because they don't like it :p

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
zelda2fanboy said:
Why is this a Christian cause? Who made it that way? And how is it perpetuated?
Because Christianity promotes the value of life. And it's a Christian cause, not because we want to subjugate women, but because we want the aborted children to live. It has nothing to do with 'tradition', or 'being in control'. To say as such completely gives away the total ignorance one has to the theology and worldview that is Christianity.

Haagrum said:
OT: Why are so many "pro-lifers" also in favour of the death penalty, and why do a minority of them promote violence/murder against doctors who perform pregnancy terminations? I've met many devout Christians who are utterly opposed to abortion and capital punishment, which is internally consistent at least, but I can't understand how a different view can be reconciled with the "sanctity of human life" approach. Surely, if life is sacred, there should be no moral distinction between intentionally taking the life of an unborn child/foetus for "the mother's health/convenience" and intentionally taking the life of a convicted murderer who is in custody for "justice/vengeance"?
Of course there is no distinction. Any Christian who says they hate abortion, but support the death penalty haven't read the teachings of Christ. Christ said to love and pray for your enemies. He said to love your neighbour! The death penalty is completely contradictory to the teachings of Christ. And the harming, in any way, of abortion doctors is ABSOLUTELY against the teachings of Christ.

So why do others say it's OK? Because some people have taken national traditions and graceless zeal, and mixed it in with their theology. These are the same people who say that you should only elect Christians. Yeah, show me where THAT is written in scripture.

And as for:
Haagrum said:
TL;DR: Because it's easier to judge or disapprove than to help or show compassion.
That's a pretty uneducated position.
There are tons of pregnancy support centers, all run by Christian groups, that help women going through unplanned pregnancies, or who are coping with the regret of abortions. I know of about 4 just in my area. These places offer a place to stay, food, diapers, everything to help these women. They are certainly doing what Christ taught, and they are all over the place.

Yeah, there are judgmental Christians. It shames and infuriates me all at once.
But we aren't all that way. Not by a long shot.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
DVS BSTrD said:
Because they believe that life begins at conception and that killing the "baby" is murder. I don't know what part of the Bible it's in though. Personally don't see why they'll give a bunch of uncoordinated cells more rights than a fully formed person who happens to be gay.
Christianity doesn't discriminate against homosexuals...just idiots who misuse the beliefs.
And it's in some part that says something about god knowing everyone from conception.

OT: I'm not really a Christian but I tend to be anti-abortion for most cases.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Fieldy409 said:
Most people on the internet seem to want to call pro-lifers idiots and fools, but I can see where they are coming from. But I dont know. I guess I say: do nothing, keep the laws in place. Give the people their choice, but when you go to have an abortion, think really really hard about it.
Anti-choice types like pretending that most women who get abortions are totally unconcerned about it, treating it as just a simple form of retroactive contraception.

This isn't the way things work in reality. The fact that it is often said to be murder alone is enough to ensure that, never mind having to battle picketeers, anti-choicers setting up fake centres pretending to offer help to women wanting abortions, and hunting down people they think might. And, of course, the actual murder murders.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
DVS BSTrD said:
Because they believe that life begins at conception and that killing the "baby" is murder. I don't know what part of the Bible it's in though. Personally don't see why they'll give a bunch of uncoordinated cells more rights than a fully formed person who happens to be gay.

Edit: I know why they do but it's still bullshit.
It's basically the Ten Commandments, as far as my understanding goes. "You shalt not kill" is something people interpret as "you shalt not kill a baby" as well (even though it IS a fetus, without a nervous system).
Didn't "you shalt not kill" originally mean "you shalt not kill another Jew", anyway?


New member
Nov 9, 2009
DailonCmann said:
It's a religious thing because the best way to have a ever expanding group of followers is to have your followers have kids. The more kids they have, the more future followers. This is why Catholicism is particularly large. Think of families who are stereotyped as being "large families" and what religion are they? Most of the time, they are Catholic. People are going to have sex, the best way to cash in on this is to ban contraceptives and abortion so as many kids are born into that religion as possible.
This makes so much sense it sickens me, I can't believe I never realised that.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
AnarchistFish said:
Christianity doesn't discriminate against homosexuals...just idiots who misuse the beliefs.
And it's in some part that says something about god knowing everyone from conception.

OT: I'm not really a Christian but I tend to be anti-abortion for most cases.
Define "Christianity". There are any number of subgroups. Quite a few of them flat out discriminate against homosexuals...Catholicism, as one large example.

You can say that those that do aren't properly Christian, but that's fairly close to No True Scotsman.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
personion said:
How about adoption... why not?

I'm pro life but I don't think abortion is murder. I do, however, think it's wrong, and that's just simply my stance on it. Now, your question is why do so many Christians take a pro-life stance. Well, I think it has to do with our value of human life, and our consideration of the potential. I, personally, don't view it as just a cluster of cells but potential for a new human life, and that's important to me. Yes, I know saying this on the internet will normally rile a bunch of people up, but this is the escapist, so I'm pretty sure this will be a more accepting atmosphere of opposing ideas. As far as I'm concerned, people should take responsibility for their own actions. If you can't afford a baby, don't have sex. If you want to have sex use contraception. If the contraception fails somehow, then adoption is always an option. Anyway, that's my stance on it.
Very well writen post, and can clearly see you logic and point of view. I respect your opinion, even though I disagree with it. I'm just wondering, do you feel the same way about rape? I'm asking this because it's sort of rare that pro lifers are so level headed about the subject as you are.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
I'm not exactly anti-abortion, especially if the child was created from some unwanted psychopathic rapist who violated some innocent woman.

But in countries where they have legalised abortion, we also see a rise of women not taking responsibility for their actions. Thus a child was killed because some person got drunk, forgot to put a rubber in/on and knocked themselves up silly.

It's irresponsible in a world where we have contraception to not control child birth before the foetus stage.

And I don't believe anyone should really be allowed to kill the possibility of a person be it foetus or young baby.

I just don't think it would be fair if you stared fallout 3 and was immediately flushed away having been an unwanted child.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Once you leave the womb, conservatives don?t care about you until you reach military age. Then you?re just what they?re looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers. - George Carlin

Looks as someone beat me too it.

If you think life is something precious, go to third world country like Somalia and you'll learn just how cheap life is.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
thaluikhain said:
AnarchistFish said:
Christianity doesn't discriminate against homosexuals...just idiots who misuse the beliefs.
And it's in some part that says something about god knowing everyone from conception.

OT: I'm not really a Christian but I tend to be anti-abortion for most cases.
Define "Christianity". There are any number of subgroups. Quite a few of them flat out discriminate against homosexuals...Catholicism, as one large example.
No. Ok I'm not sure what technicalities and scriptures there are but my understanding from when I was in the Catholic church was that active homosexuality was forbidden but homosexuals themselves are to be treated no differently than others. Even then, I don't think most ordinary Catholics, that I know, are even bothered by it at all. Pretty much the most important rule and teaching in Christianity is showing compassion to everyone. And people who preach hate on homosexuals in the name of Christianity break that rule.

OT: I think this pretty much sums up everything that can be interpreted from the bible on it


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Because christian and pro life guys cant wait to tell me what to do with my own uterus.

I dont understand why guys bother themselves about it, its not like they will ever get one.
And making it illegal would just cause more women to die. But hey, according to those guys, fetuses are more important than women anyway.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
WaderiAAA said:
If you consider a fetus a human being then abortion is murder, so it is well worth getting worked up about. Considering fetuses are living, growing beings of the species homo sapiens, it is not farfetched.
And going down that road, any sexually active woman who's had more than one period is a serial killer.

Birth control is murder, too.

It is not farfetched.