Activision Prices Call of Duty Elite


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Laggyteabag said:
$50 a year, aka $50 per game
That's just what I was thinking. If a new CoD comes out around every year why would you need Elite for MW2 for more than that time? I understand if you don't buy every single CoD right when it comes out but I would guess the people who get the Elite service are the ones who buy every game.

Unless the service carries over from game to game, they shouldn't need a yearly subscription rate.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
It's called Call of Duty Elite, so I'm pretty certain that it will apply to most if not all upcoming COD games. However, will this apply to both Infinity Ward and Treyarch's games? Kind of strange, considering the interfranchise rivalry and all the crap that started it.


Him Diamond
Mar 9, 2010
ITT: People with different tastes in gaming calling others moron for having aforementioned different tastes.

For srs guys, I'm not a huge fan of Call of Duty or how Activision does business, but what the fuck guys. Stop being giant assholes just cuz' you don't like some of the community and you don't think this is a good deal for you.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Activision Custumer Support: good morning how may i help u today

Me: i wanted to inquire about COD Elite. i see here that if i PAY for the service i get FREE map packs and other stuff offered for free by other games. is that correct?

Activision CS: yes that is correct sir.

Me: do u see the problem with having PAY and FREE in the same sentence?

Activision CS: yes i do sir but it makes sense if u dont think about it.

Me: ahhhh i get it now. well thanks for all your help bye.

Activision CS: Im glad i could help u today.


Old Hands
Apr 6, 2009
Ridley Scott? As in, Alien, Blade Runner and Gladiator Ridley Scott? I kind of want to cry.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:

Why would you even bother?
B/c you get all the DLC free forver (and they even said Elites get multiple DLC a month so it pays for it self.

Davih said:
Even so it requires 4 map packs a year to be a viable choice IMO.
As I said above.

XT inc said:
I just don't like the brazen cockyness of COD now.

side question is it early access to dlc or the dlc itself. Who pays 50 bucks for access to 15 dollar map packs?
No, you pay 50 to get all the DLC ever for free and you keep it for free even if you unsub.

Save your money for steam developer packs, you can buy like 20 games for 70 bucks.

I don't think mw3 even has the standard 10% off retail price for prebuying on steam atm.

I'd say vote with your wallets, but I find to many CoD people don't care to vote, or are chipping in their opinion with mommies gold card.
What sterotyping. Also so what if they buy this? I mean really? It's there money, not yours. Also if they ENJOY (yeah it's possible) COD, it's all fine b/c they get there money's worth.

Its like when people voted to cap damages on civil lawsuits, after that woman burned herself to the bone with mcdonalds coffee, had to get skin graphs, and had to sue them for a couple mil to take care of medical bills and assisted living.

People fell into the advertising of "Jack pot justice" and frivoulus lawsuits, so now if a company wrecks your shit you get like 20k and they walk off scott free.
Not even going to bother responding to this one.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
The_root_of_all_evil said:

Why would you even bother?
That picture just summed everything up for me.

None of that even justifies $50, and stat tracking? You have to pay for that shit for COD now?




Ben Edge

New member
Jul 7, 2011
So how does this cost $50 when bungie's equivalent is absolutely free and as far as i can see does the exact same thing ?
Feb 13, 2008
Korten12 said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Why would you even bother?
B/c you get all the DLC free forver (and they even said Elites get multiple DLC a month so it pays for it self.
For ALL CoD Games?

And I get that, and Beta access, on TF2 for free.

Are you seriously defending Activision doing this given


Really? Are you perfectly sure that you are happy to give Activision money for stuff that everyone else gives out free?

Even if you adore CoD, you are still paying $110 for a years worth of gaming.

Dungeons and Dragons Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Everquest 2 could cover that entire Multiplayer experience - including keeping your clan together - without any of the hatespeech - for Free.

You are laying down the defence for Activision to keep charging whatever they like, to ignore any potential reviewers - like Yahtzee - because all the Elites will be defending their map choices - and producing a group of people who are paying to spawncamp.

You're specifically defending the idea that it's perfectly acceptable to charge players based on their need, rather than the quality of your game?

Are you REALLY sure that all that is worth $50 a year ON TOP OF the price?


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
I've already pre-ordered the hardened edition, for the Elite service and DLC, which for about £70 is a good deal. I know I will play MW3 a fair bit, so I will definitely get my moneys worth.


New member
Jan 3, 2009
A fool and his money are soon parted...

And BOY Activision knows how to milk that one


New member
Jul 28, 2008
I was gonna say "good luck selling this!" but then the "2 million" part slapped me across the face...

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Fusioncode9 said:
Wait, for that 50$ a year do they get all map packs for free because if they do then I guess that's not a bad deal for those who are really into the game.
No, they get early access to the maps, they don't get them for free. Its like a paid for beta of the maps, they still have to buy them retail when they come out.
Feb 9, 2011
I laughed. Seriously, that seems like a waste of money. It just seems so stupid. I get some shows done by people I don't even know, some kind of "Fight Night" to watch people play Call of Duty (Instead of playing Call of Duty myself), some apps I won't use for my phone, the ability to customize my loadout online, which, you know, is in the game anyway and some stats and leader boards that I won't even look at. Wow, thanks Activision. You're basically trying to charge people twice for the same game every year.

I'll pass. I think my money would be better spent on my cell phone bill, or, you know, burning it.


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
Soviet Heavy said:
Fusioncode9 said:
Wait, for that 50$ a year do they get all map packs for free because if they do then I guess that's not a bad deal for those who are really into the game.
No, they get early access to the maps, they don't get them for free. Its like a paid for beta of the maps, they still have to buy them retail when they come out.
You get all DLC free and early, please read up on your facts before blindly hating.