
Outright Villainy

New member
Jan 19, 2010
I drink very rarely, and even then, 3 or 4 beers would be my limit. My stomach gets unsettled, I often get sick (before I get drunk at that) and I get horrible hangovers. One time it unbalanced me so much I was depressed the whole next day. Not the bad mood depressed, the chemical imbalance that makes you incessantly paranoid and almost break into tears at any moment depressed. So I'm usually pretty wary of it.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
It's like a pet bear. Nice to have around, good fun. Occasionally it's responsible for getting me into trouble by destroying stuff or attacking people, and one day, it's going to kill me.


Aug 3, 2008
I only drink spirits, so I didn't have anything at a BBQ yesterday. All they had were beer and alcopops.
Don't drink often, usually when I'm upset so the alcohol will make me pass out and I'll be fine in morning.


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
I'm a chemistry student. The only alcohols I deal with are ones that can kill you in very small amounts.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
An old friend that I miss very much. Falling down drunk, twice, in my own home while drinking alone was all the message I needed to stop. I have the wrong personality for Alcohol and me to really be friends.

Rugged 13

New member
Oct 13, 2008
I only drink when going out with mates. I'd like to call my drinking prowess "value for money" though, ie. lightweight.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Despise it, never got the entire "getting drunk and shit" stuff, I'd rather keep my body healthy and be completely lucid at all times and not have some half-arsed excuse for doing something while being intoxicated (instead of blaming it on alcohol, why don't you... I don't know... NOT drink it if it makes you do things like that?)

When I socialize, I want to people to know me for who I am, not me under the effects of some magic potion or something.

And also I get fed up with all the "Can't have a party without Alcohol" stupidity... I go to parties but usually leave early: can't stand staying there to watch everyone turn stupid.
Thankfully I do have friends who are willing to have fun without drinking from time to time. And Fun times those were indeed!

SO yeah, I openly despise it with the burning intensity of a thousand desert suns.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Sworm said:
Despise it, never got the entire "getting drunk and shit" stuff, I'd rather keep my body healthy and be completely lucid at all times and not have some half-arsed excuse for doing something while being intoxicated (instead of blaming it on alcohol, why don't you... I don't know... NOT drink it if it makes you do things like that?)

When I socialize, I want to people to know me for who I am, not me under the effects of some magic potion or something.

And also I get fed up with all the "Can't have a party without Alcohol" stupidity... I go to parties but usually leave early: can't stand staying there to watch everyone turn stupid.
Thankfully I do have friends who are willing to have fun without drinking from time to time. And Fun times those were indeed!

SO yeah, I openly despise it with the burning intensity of a thousand desert suns.
Well the problem is your looking at it from only one perspective. I myself need to drink in order for me to be able to socialise, otherwise i am shy and participate in the "supporting the nearest wall" activity. Alcohol allows me to relax and continued drinking allows me to reach that point where it is the only time my brain is not constantly ticking away, and for a brief moment i dont think about every minor facet of my life and all the consequences thereof. The right amount of alcohol allows me to achieve a somewhat tranquil stat, not over the top and losing control over my thinking but not so obsessively thinking that i cant do anything.

I mean, the liver is perhaps the most reliable parts of the human body, alcohol in manageable quantities doesnt cause any serious long-term damage, despite the idea of brain-cell damage its so insignificant that you would need to be on the verge of alcohol poisoning on a regular basis in order to cause harm. Alcohol by its nature is a drug that allows you to act without thought, it goes to prove that ignorance is truly bliss.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Mr. Hyde always lurking around preparing for the next weekend....
May 28, 2009
Trivun said:
Carling lager is like my faithful friend and brother. And whisky is my *****.
Lager and I have a tentative relationship. At first it tastes horrible, then as more is consumed, the taste becomes yummy and more is needed!

Then I become vomity and wake up the next day, never wishing to drink lager again. Possibly the most broken promise of all.

I can't hold it, but just watch me neck a pint back in one go! It's my party piece, before I end up technically dead somewhere.

kingcom said:
Well the problem is your looking at it from only one perspective. I myself need to drink in order for me to be able to socialise, otherwise i am shy and participate in the "supporting the nearest wall" activity. Alcohol allows me to relax and continued drinking allows me to reach that point where it is the only time my brain is not constantly ticking away, and for a brief moment i dont think about every minor facet of my life and all the consequences thereof. The right amount of alcohol allows me to achieve a somewhat tranquil stat, not over the top and losing control over my thinking but not so obsessively thinking that i cant do anything.

I mean, the liver is perhaps the most reliable parts of the human body, alcohol in manageable quantities doesnt cause any serious long-term damage, despite the idea of brain-cell damage its so insignificant that you would need to be on the verge of alcohol poisoning on a regular basis in order to cause harm. Alcohol by its nature is a drug that allows you to act without thought, it goes to prove that ignorance is truly bliss.
I very much agree. Stress is a terrible thing, and alcohol is an excellent alleviator of it. Plus, it gives me some of the most refreshing nights of sleep oddly enough.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
EmileeElectro said:
I only drink spirits, so I didn't have anything at a BBQ yesterday. All they had were beer and alcopops.
Don't drink often, usually when I'm upset so the alcohol will make me pass out and I'll be fine in morning.
Damn that DP is hypnotic I spent like 10 minutes zoned out watching that.

OT: I like it. I can drink most stuff and am the champion beer drinker in the pharma division in my university.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
kingcom said:
Well the problem is your looking at it from only one perspective. I myself need to drink in order for me to be able to socialise, otherwise i am shy and participate in the "supporting the nearest wall" activity. Alcohol allows me to relax and continued drinking allows me to reach that point where it is the only time my brain is not constantly ticking away, and for a brief moment i dont think about every minor facet of my life and all the consequences thereof. The right amount of alcohol allows me to achieve a somewhat tranquil stat, not over the top and losing control over my thinking but not so obsessively thinking that i cant do anything.

I see where you're getting at and many of my friends told me the same thing. But I just don't see why people HAVE to resort to some beverage to get rid of inhibitions. Don't get me wrong, I know perfectly well what it feels like to not know or be able to socialize or simply be to shy to do so and I also understand that just because I myself have somehow managed to dissipate my personal social limitations (somewhat anyway) I can't expect everyone else to be able to as well.
Now I'm no psychologist and am not pretending for a single instant that I know you in any way but If you have social inhibitions might there not be a psychological reason or something like that? And haven't you ever thought about being to open up with the usage of alcohol? Or gaining control or even mastery over your own thoughts so as not to be stressed you by them? Anyway I'm going out of subject here, and If in any way I might have offended you (you never know), It wasn't intended and I apologize.

kingcom said:
I mean, the liver is perhaps the most reliable parts of the human body, alcohol in manageable quantities doesnt cause any serious long-term damage, despite the idea of brain-cell damage its so insignificant that you would need to be on the verge of alcohol poisoning on a regular basis in order to cause harm. Alcohol by its nature is a drug that allows you to act without thought, it goes to prove that ignorance is truly bliss.
The way you present it, It seems to me that it's ok to hit yourself with a stick because your bones are solid enough to withstand them, or cutting yourself not to deeply because your skin can regenerate and fix it. Extreme examples I agree but I hope you see my point. To me it's just nonsensical: just because your liver can withstand it doesn't mean you should make it do so.

It's because Alcohol pushes you to act without thinking that I avoid it. I've never been drunk but I did taste it (found it disgusting) and have been sometimes tempted to try it out "for social reasons" but seeing some of my friends and others in action without even being drunk was enough of a dissuasion for me.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I don't like alcohol for the following reasons:
1) Unhealthy
2) Expensive
3) Makes people insanely retarded
4) Doesn't taste good
5) Has no positive effect on me (don't feel better, I drink and drink and drink and puke and drink and so on)
6) Alcohol is a drug. I am already dependant on food and water, I enjoy freedom, and therefore don't want to get addicted to another thing.
7) My family loves alcohol, and therefore is only happy when they drink. Stupid yet sad.
8) Did I mention that intelligent people turn to brainless zombies when they drink?


Winter is coming.
Nov 19, 2008
I'll have a bit, but I'm never getting drunk again. I've fell through my own front door one too many times.
May 28, 2009
Sworm said:
I see where you're getting at and many of my friends told me the same thing. But I just don't see why people HAVE to resort to some beverage to get rid of inhibitions. Don't get me wrong, I know perfectly well what it feels like to not know or be able to socialize or simply be to shy to do so and I also understand that just because I myself have somehow managed to dissipate my personal social limitations (somewhat anyway) I can't expect everyone else to be able to as well.
I personally can't stand social gatherings unless I am drunk. If not drunk, I sit in a corner looking miserable (and my friends tell me I always look miserable) and have no fun. I am one of those people who definitely does consider that "three is a crowd", and I am unable to mitigate my social exclusivity. I very much understand where you are getting at here, but I find finally being able to not worry and actually be cheerful for a good period of time (it's all about knowing your boundaries) to be more of a boon than the hindrance of losing most lucidity and making a complete tit of yourself.

Though of course such occasions should really be sparing.