American Box Art Sucks


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Aug 21, 2008
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One of the greatest games ever and who's title music will forever be burned in my brain.

But I do have to say that I think the issue of box art is increasingly becoming a null point as we move to digital distribution.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Yahtzee, you're awesome, but I fail to see your point. Mainly because you primarily refer to games from an era that was 1. Before I played console games (I was only a computer gamer until late grade school, in the last couple years of the 90s) and 2. Back when console games were kinda lame in general (which is what I felt even back then, hence my not playing console games until the late 90s).

Also, haven't you heard the phrase "Never judge a book by its cover"? Actually, I bet you have already. And probably dozens of times again since you posted this article. Point remains. I don't judge games based on their box art. What I care about is the game content. I go into stores knowing ahead of time which game(s) I intend to get, and if I see one that I haven't heard of which looks interesting based on what I read on the BACK of the box, I do some research before deciding to buy.

Finally, I have to be honest and say I don't like the condescending tone you took when making remarks about Americans. Yes, we do have a lot of stupid people. But then again, stupid people are everywhere (just take a look at some of the legislation being put in place in Canada, the supposed paradise of tolerance and progress in North America), and honestly, there are worse places to be from. Granted, I believe you are a misanthropic limey with a pole up your ass, but that's only because it's what you present yourself as (quite intentionally) in Zero Punctuation and Extra Punctuation, not because of prejudice due to you being English.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
mjc0961 said:
Yup. We sure get some weird boxart over here in the States. I also submit for this discussion, Kirby:

Last one is a joke obviously, but really, why did they keep making Kirby angry on our box art?
Many Japanese game designers things we want boobies and bad ass violence. Does that say more about us or them?


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
hawk533 said:
Yahtzee, this just seems kind of irrelevant in this day and age. With online distribution on the rise there's not much of future for box art. It's all screenshots nowadays.
I don't know, I've brought games on Steam because I like the little "box art" icons in the browse list, well not because, but that was what attracted me to the info page in the first place.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Why did our boxart in the '80s need squids/octopi? Were there squids and/or octopi in those games? And if there were, why were there mollusks in each of these games? The hell is that about?

SilentHunter7 said:
It's a trade off. You Aussies get good box art. We Yankees get games before they become irrelevant.
We are not all Yanks. That word is not synonymous with American, pal.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
once again subjectivity misconstrued as objectivity. i don't see how any box art is better than any other and to randomly claim that one country's box art sucks doesn't make it true.

plus i have yet to see box art from bioware or EA that sucks. most of our blockbusters look good. no one can really say that box art for Red Dead Redemption or Mass Effect is really bad.
Besides that, we like seeing who our protagonists are. so we'll know who and what we'll be playing as. most of your examples are old and (by now) don't matter, so don't ***** about nothing

Son of Detroit

New member
Sep 25, 2010
Sauvastika said:
If it's any consolation, PAL box art for SNES games were terri-bad, while the US covers were, for the most part, okay.

Art Lesson #1: Giant, obstrusive borders make for bad box art []
Not just the SNES, PAL regions always got the shitty boxart in the PS1/N64 era.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Why are American versions worse?
Ruining perfectly good things is practically our national hobby. Why drink one can of beer when you can have twenty? Why throw a ball around when you can throw darts at eachother? Why have a descriptive cover when you can show a white guy punching an alien in the face?


New member
Mar 28, 2009
hawk533 said:
Yahtzee, this just seems kind of irrelevant in this day and age. With online distribution on the rise there's not much of future for box art. It's all screenshots nowadays.

Besides, most of these examples are from the 80's. We Americans prefer not to talk about the art that came out of our country in those days.
You mean ICO, which came out in the PS2 era, and Heavy Rain, which came out only last year?


New member
Jul 20, 2008
Because American box art is controlled by a committee of people with marketing degrees, instead of a few artists with any skill in design.

A few of my favorites...

Mass Effect 2 - Collector's Edition

Left 4 Dead

Fallout 3

Farcry 2 (PAL version or US Gamestop pre-order sleeve cover)

The Witcher (original red edition)

The Elder Scolls IV: Oblivion

Knights of the Old Republic

(Yeah, I know KotoR is one of those 'collage' covers, but it's also an awesomely good homage to the style of the movie posters for the original trilogy. So its easily one of my favorites. Hell for what it's worth, I think it's better than the posters for the new trilogy too.)


New member
Mar 28, 2009
SamElliot said:
Do you all just genuinely have the aesthetic sense of a kipper, or is this part of that big "defiance of authority" thing you guys have going that makes you equate "stubborn pig ignorance" with "down homey wisdom"?
The second one. And, as an American, it perplexes me on so many levels.
I love the public's opinions on Politicians (not just America, mind)

Someone has an opinion, changes said opinion based on new facts and/or convincing argument: Common Sense.

Politician does the same thing: Untrustworthy flip-flopper.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
I don't like the box art, nor do many others. I really, really wish we got the same kind of box art, but you seem to think that we have some kind of control over this kind of thing, when we just don't.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
I find Yahtzee's bagging of America a little annoying and bordering on near racist funny sometimes or not. Everything is all so blah when it comes to us. I know we're not renowned in the world, but really, talk about stereotyping more than a neo-nazi. I agree the whole box art thing can be both good and bad, there's some box art I've seen from other countries that suck just as much as our tend to. Plus not every American on the planet is a complete moron with no sense of art or knowledge outside out little country.

It's both the mainstream audiences and the companies that choose to change the covers into blandness. Heavy Rain allows the player to see the characters, and Madison is in the middle in her underwear why? Because America knows sex sells, the boxes aren't designed after what looks more artsy they're designed by those committees douche bags Yahtzee always tends to mention who know or think they know what statistically will get sales and what won't. Either way it's not American's it's the American companies.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Robborboy said:
uh...are you being sarcastic? youve taken ONE boxart, terribly over-analyzed it, then chastized me for not seeing the symbolism you made up about a cover i never said anything about.

and besides whatever you see in the box art, it needs to have an obvious theme to it that draws your attention before you notice any little details; a lone figure in an environment for an adventure game, a mugshot of various characters for an RPG, something like that. in the enslaved boxart, my first thought is "2 people running from a giant robot". now i havent played the game, so maybe running from giant robots is a big part of the gameplay or story, but whether this is indicative of the game or not is irrelevant to my argument because you completely ignored the most obvious aspect of the boxart in favor of inventing symbolism for the minor details.

This is a cover for a video game, not the centerpiece of an art exhibit. There is no point in admiring any small details if it cant express what the game is like to begin with; as i said, havent played it, so i cant judge that, but please consider that the purpose of boxart is to draw attention to a game, not be studied for interpretation.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
mjc0961 said:
Yup. We sure get some weird boxart over here in the States. I also submit for this discussion, Kirby:

Last one is a joke obviously, but really, why did they keep making Kirby angry on our box art?
American Kirby is Hardcore


Elite Member
Oct 3, 2009
United States
10BIT said:
Here [] is a nice comparison between American and Japanese box art.

I love how Kirby has to be angry in America.
Now I'm just as confused as Yahtzee is with the box art changes.

But I think, maybe, it's for reasons similar to say... why Disney went from showing off great G-rated animated movies like Aladdin or Tarzan to throwing Hannah Montana on stage and calling it a night.

In other words, I think the American box artists think they're getting to the American mainstream with their way of doing it.

I once again feel ashamed with being American....


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I think there are several issues.

1) We Americans aren't exposed to art. Most other countries have artistic traditions that go back many hundreds if not thousands of years, and cities where statues are crowded shoulder-to-shoulder. Not so here.

2) Average Americans don't know a damn thing about art. When school budget cuts are made, and they are always being made, art is the first thing to go.

3) The games industry desperately wants to be Hollywood and the marketers model their audience theories on the film industry's. Hollywood's entire existence is based on pandering to the stupidest among us who need everything spelled out and are frightened of ambiguity (a self-fulfilling prophecy).

4) On the one hand, most American gamers want space marines, guns, (American) football, big identifiable faces, and a feeling that "Playing this game will make me a bad ass." On the other hand, we are enticed by the mystery of what we will face in the game, but put off if the gameplay type itself is a mystery. The original Ico cover looks like it's about outrunning windmills. The European Heavy Rain cover looks like an origami simulator. They are certainly more beautiful and better compositions, but American gamers want to grasp the premise in some way. Ico actually is about a boy in a castle carrying a plank, so in a way the American cover is more indicative of the experience if not the style. I haven't played Heavy Rain but from what I understand it's very character-driven and the American cover shows you the people you will meet inside.

5) American business is extremely copy-cat driven. If a competitor's game sells well then American executives will demand their next game have similar box art.

6) Since the early days of American videogames the box art has been a target of corner cutting. Consider the Megaman cover Yahtzee linked to -- why does it suck so bad? Could it be they hired a high school student to do it for pennies?

7) Since foreign-owned companies don't know any better they hire fast-talking marketers rather than talented artists to localize their products at the lowest possible cost.

8) Localization departments for foreign-owned companies need to justify their existence and constantly make up bullshit tasks for themselves like "improving" box art. The thinking goes like this: If the localization team had just used the original ICO cover, what is Sony paying them for?