An end to racism and discrimination?


New member
Mar 11, 2009
leontyrone said:
Maybe there will never be a perfect world, but we can at least work towards it and make this world better
That's different, what you were going on about earlier was what every Adrian Mole-esque "intellectual" comes up with at some point. E.g. an idealistic, hyper-communistic, soulless, jumpsuit-wearing, tree-hugging, rainbow-flag-waving... You get my point.

Rooster Cogburn

New member
May 24, 2008
I would rebel from this society- assuming I still possessed the capacity for free-thinking after being subjected to your state propaganda. Which seems unlikely, considering that your central goal is to dismantle that very ability. Your ultimate dream is my very worst nightmare. I would rebel. Win or lose, I would live free or die.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
leontyrone said:
traceur_ said:
i don't believe this would work because of one simple fact: people are stupid. No one can disprove that statement because it is fact(this is not a challenge for someone to try, seriously don't). People will believe what they want to believe no matter what anyone else says. If they think it true then to them it is truth, not to sound cynical but people will always find a reason to hate. People don't want THE truth, the actual truth, they want the truth that fits what they initially believe and if necessary they will invent that truth in their own mind.
But if they each initially believe in the same thing, then everyone will most likely share those beliefs
ah but individual experience and perception can not be controlled, peoples beliefs and ethics are shaped by experience and education, but never set in stone, one's beliefs as a teenager are usually different to their beliefs as an adult, they change through out life and therefore can never stay in an optimal, peaceful state forever when considering humanity and it's constant change.


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Mar 11, 2009
The key being of course that no matter what you think, violent means are inherrent in the solution, much like communism. In the communist manefesto it doesn't outright SAY it needs to be implemented through violent means, it is simply inherent to the very idea.

Though about such things without consideration to real human values is fried sugar froth. A waste of time. You can amuse yourself devouring such thoughts forever, and end up with an empty stomach.

In other words, you think you are presenting intelligent thought, when in actuallity it you merely present an intellectual void.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Also, you neglected to mention the elimination of religion in your post, or the agreeing on one national religion, which would definitely be required.[/quote]

The world as I see it,
religions have been the major cause of wars the world over all because one persons believes in something slightly different from another. Take for example the Muslim extremists who believe that all those that do not believe in Allah are only worthy of death and it is there sacred duty to kill off those not of the Muslim faith.
What I suggested is that we need to scrape religions and keep a basic moral code that most religions say to follow, such as respect for your fellow man, do not commit adultery, do not murder, and others.


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Mar 11, 2009
again, funny how you focus on certain easy push button topics, but ignore all the very powerful and real arguments on why what you propose is in and of itself an evil system...


New member
Mar 10, 2009
riplikash said:
again, funny how you focus on certain easy push button topics, but ignore all the very powerful and real arguments on why what you propose is in and of itself an evil system...
So, proposing a solution to end hate and sorrow is evil?


New member
Mar 11, 2009
The ending of hate and sorrow at the expense of joy and happiness, yes I would say so. But you knew that already, didnt you?


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Rooster Cogburn said:
I would rebel from this society- assuming I still possessed the capacity for free-thinking after being subjected to your state propaganda. Which seems unlikely, considering that your central goal is to dismantle that very ability. Your ultimate dream is my very worst nightmare. I would rebel. Win or lose, I would live free or die.
I never said free will or independent thought was wrong, I simply stated that by eliminating separate races by merging and by learning a single language, and following a simple moral code of decency, we could live in a much more peaceful world


New member
Mar 10, 2009
riplikash said:
The ending of hate and sorrow at the expense of joy and happiness, yes I would say so. But you knew that already, didnt you?
You consider racism and disgruttled cultures out to kill off others is joy and happiness?

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
leontyrone said:
riplikash said:
again, funny how you focus on certain easy push button topics, but ignore all the very powerful and real arguments on why what you propose is in and of itself an evil system...
So, proposing a solution to end hate and sorrow is evil?
An end to free will, to people being real people. We'd be like ants, not thinking for ourselves but doing as we're told by something higher up in society then us.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
all the negetives you mention are simply the unfortunate side affects of free will and though. To get rid of conflict, of diffrences, is to get rid of free thought. Again, it is inherrent in the solution.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
People, if you want to read a quick short story that basically lays out what this troll is proposing, read Anthem by Ayn Rand. It is a fantastic book. It also happens to point out pretty much why this guy is a horrible person.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Xan Krieger said:
leontyrone said:
riplikash said:
again, funny how you focus on certain easy push button topics, but ignore all the very powerful and real arguments on why what you propose is in and of itself an evil system...
So, proposing a solution to end hate and sorrow is evil?
An end to free will, to people being real people. We'd be like ants, not thinking for ourselves but doing as we're told by something higher up in society then us.
Why does everybody keep saying that my solution ends free will?
I never mentioned that, following moral codes is not the same as eliminating free will.
And if you haven't noticed, ants seem to be better off than humans, they don't quarrel amongst themselves, each works an equal share and in return they recieve shelter food and safety, in our society, someone who works for 2 hours a day, drinks and does drugs somehow makes more than someone who takes the time to work hard. And people who do far less believe that their government should carry them.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
CapnGod said:
People, if you want to read a quick short story that basically lays out what this troll is proposing, read Anthem by Ayn Rand. It is a fantastic book. It also happens to point out pretty much why this guy is a horrible person.
the worker does what he can to make the world better, he who calls the worker terrible is the one who wants to do nothing and believes he deserves what the worker recieves.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
By the way, this is slightly off topic, but does anyone know what that book is that I was talking about earlier? Its killing me trying to figure it out.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
And there is the crux of it I guess. You hate being human. Hapiness isn't your value, nor advancement, nor thought. Accomlpishment and personal growth. You merely value safety and equity. You would rather be an ant.

Everyone says your solution ends free will, because we have the intelligence to follow thought to its logical conclusion, to read between the lines. For your plan to work, free will must end.

Quarreling is important, because it is the natural result off free will and diversity. You wish to end quarreling, therefor you wish to end free will. You wish to end suffering, therefor you wish to end free will (and the ability to make poor choices). You wish to have everyone work equally, therefor you wish to end free will (to choose how much we want to work. You wish to ensure safety, therefor you wish to end free will.

By wishing to eliminate bad, you eliminate good.

Well this has been fun. Good night troll.

Rooster Cogburn

New member
May 24, 2008
leontyrone said:
I never said free will or independent thought was wrong, I simply stated that by eliminating separate races by merging and by learning a single language, and following a simple moral code of decency, we could live in a much more peaceful world
We heard you, we heard you. Nevertheless, your vision for the future by it's very nature demands conformity and submission to- to whatever organization you propose to run this thing. How can I be free if my obedience is essential, my culture is demolished and replaced, and my morals are crafted to suit the needs of the state? What choice would I ever be able to make? Today I chose to speak out against my government. Does your society allow me this right? Today I chose to listen to The Doors, even though all my friends listen to- some rap guy. Does your society give me this right? By your own account, no, it doesn't. My submission is absolute and my culture is prescribed.

You never say that free will or independent thought is wrong, but you do propose ending it in favor of the public order. I'll die first.