An Interesting Fact About Your Country


New member
Jul 17, 2010
larysalove said:
Philly is just so... Philly. We hate pretty much everyone whose not us. Since we like our Eagles here, we dislike your Steelers on principal, I believe. And its true, the only reason no one hear cares about your baseball team does have to do with the Pirates being barely a blip on the radar. We finally got our due with the Phillies. Now if only our other teams would follow suit.
XD yeah, I know the feeling about hating those who arent you.

I've seen why, after looking into both team's histories. its weird ot think at one point tehy were one team. That had to be an umcomfortable year, but hten again, it was in 1943.

Well, you odnt hear about us cause we're in a completely different division now.

... and, you know, that 18 years of losing (which is the most in sports, so yeah, go pirates I guess. way to make a record for yourself and turn lemons into lemons coating barbed wire).

and eh, dont worry. They will, eventually. I'm hoping the Pirates either stop sucking and turn it around in a miracle year (because its sad when all you can be excited for in your town at this time of year is your baseball team is hovering at .500 in May and call it an improvement) or someone just buys them and takes them off our hands.

Oh well, next year the Steelers and Eagles meet (We play every four years barring Super Bowl, which has yet to happen and would be so awesome and horrible for PA because it would split the state in two pretty much.) though I couldnt tell you which city they're meeting in.

And congrats on getting the Winter Classic, I suppose.

Reyalsfeihc said:
I hope i'm not part of that list.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
Two interesting facts about Canada:

First, the unique culinary delight called Poutine, Created in Quebec, it is a dish of french fries, topped with cheese curds, and smothered in gravy, It might sound like the haggis of America, but don't knock it till you'e tried it.

And Secondly, something that even many Canadians do not know. Contrary to popular belief, Hockey is -not- Canada's national sport. Officially it is Lacrosse.


New member
Apr 21, 2010
Israel- the only country in the world that is being ordered to give back land that was won in a war it did not start.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Australia has:

*The world's longest fence.
*The world's largest rock.
*The largest reef system in the world.
*The most venemous land snake.
*The most dangerous bird in the world.
*The strangest animal in the world.
*The tallest free-fall drop in the world.

Also I always thought we were the largest island nation in the world but apparently we're not considered a nation or country.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
StellarViking said:
RicoGrey said:
Virginia is also a Commonwealth. It doesn't mean a lot.

Technically, U.S. federal law prohibits the use of the flag as clothing, though the law cannot be enforced.
So is Pennsylvania. And Massachusetts (sorry to steal anyone's thunder if they're from Massachusetts). They're the only four states that are commonwealths.


New member
May 25, 2009
ChupathingyX said:
Australia has:

*The world's longest fence.
*The world's largest rock.
*The largest reef system in the world.
*The most venomous land snake.
*The most dangerous bird in the world.
*The strangest animal in the world.
*The tallest free-fall drop in the world.

Also I always thought we were the largest island nation in the world but apparently we're not considered a nation or country.
Correct me if I'm wrong but out of the top like ten most venomous snakes don't we have like seven of those?

Saint of M

Elite Member
Jul 27, 2010
United States
Texas has better Standards of Education then California.

By the way, I'm in California, and Bush was from Texas...What does that say about CA?


New member
Oct 30, 2009
lithium.jelly said:
My country, Australia, is larger than all of Europe, yet only has roughly the same population as New York.
Goofguy said:
You can fit all of Europe in the Arctic portion of my country, Canada. And yes, that's just the Arctic part, none of the provinces.
Those can't be right. Can they?

Treblaine said:
Furious Styles said:
I come from the UK, the land of weird idiosyncrasies

We are one of only three countries to have an uncodified constitution.

Can anyone name the other two?
Scotland and Wales? :D :D XD :D

Great Britain has not been invaded by a foreign power since 1066 AD, we have effectively had the same establishment all that time with mere modifications to the running of things.
The UK includes Scotland and Wales, but I'll let you off since I do pretty daft things at times, this one time at band camp...

OT: Where I live in England is part of the old kingdom of Mercia, which is pretty cool.


New member
Oct 30, 2009
saint of m said:
Texas has better Standards of Education then California.

By the way, I'm in California, and Bush was from Texas...What does that say about CA?
How did you turn the computer on?!

Seriously though? Really? Ouch.


Lvl 20 Hedgehog Wizard
Jan 25, 2010
We've elected a pro wrestler/actor as our governor who now has a TV show promoting conspiracy theories (Jesse Ventura), and one of our senators is a comedian who used to be on SNL (Al Franken). We're the most consistently Democrat state in the nation in presidential elections (even more than Mass. and California), yet our Democratic party is not actually the Democratic party; it's an offshoot called the Democratic-Farmor-Labor (DFL) party. For the Europeans, it's kinda like the CDU and CSU in Germany. And yet somehow, our state has managed to produce an actual Republican candidate for president next year (former governor Tim Pawlenty) and a leading figure in the Tea Party (Michelle Bachmann). So the crazy covers all political affiliations. The fact that our state bird is called the Loon is quite telling.

On a more positive note, Minnesotans invented the Post-It note, the shopping mall, SPAM (the food, not the e-mail), and Mystery Science Theater 3000. Also, Charles Schulz, creator of the Peanuts comic strip, was from Minnesota.

1. As I have mentioned many times before, all those insane things you see from Japan are OBSCURE. Nobody here really knows about them.
2. Anime is seen just as much as "for kids" as cartoons are in the West. Adult-oriented anime are not very popular, except for Evangelion, which was also seen as "for kids" until around midway though the series, when the subject matter became controversial while it aired. Only the big, mega-popular anime (the "Big 3", Doraemon, Sazae-san, Pokemon, Dragonball) air regularly on local TV outside the region they were created in, the great majority being from the Kanto region (Tokyo and the surrounding area). If you have cable, you may get Animax, the anime channel, which airs more stuff, but it's still not a big thing except with kids.
3. Manga, on the other hand, is immensely popular. Most anime you know of was based on a manga, and if you mention it to a Japanese person, they are more likely to know the manga than the anime.
4. Japan is almost like two seperate countries culturally. The Tokyo/Yokohama/Chiba metro area has a lot of the "advanced" stuff you see coming out of Japan, and is what foreign people usually think of when they think of Japan, at least among gamers. Outside that metro area is a whole different story. Japan is still a very traditional country outside those areas, even in the Kansai region (Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto, Nara, Ise), or especially there with the influence of Kyoto. People don't often move out of the city they were born in, and local traditions are held in high regard. The older generation holds a great majority of the power and influence, which is still strongly felt, and that will only be strengthened as the average age of the population continues to rise due to better healthcare and a low birth rate. These areas can also be quite rural.

Whew, that's a lot of information!


New member
Oct 30, 2009
Also Scotland and England are like the members of an abusive relationship when it comes to Scottish devolution, "Come on babe, let's stay together for the Welsh". Ireland, Canada and Australia are like the uncles and auntseseseseses.... not really knowing what to do, and avoiding stereotypes.

Oh fool, I shall go mad!


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Dags90 said:
Since you're from the U.S. already, I'll tell you some things about New Jersey.

We're the most densely populated state, even though most of the state is unpopulated.
We have the most malls, diners and scientists/engineers per sq. mile in the world.
Pumping your gas is illegal.
Your from so sorry man. I live in NYC and really..most densely populated state? you mean like 1 area of Jersey? or as a whole?


New member
Aug 2, 2010
The US has the most foreign debt of all countries on the globe and is thus the poorest nation on Earth.