An Interesting Fact About Your Country


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Here in Singapore, those who aren't very fluent in English use the modified version: Singlish. Singlish itself is broken English, often the words "ah", "lor", "leh", etc are used in the sentences. Singlish also mixes words from our local languages together. There are quite a few ways to speak it actually, here's a few examples.

1. "No homework, no need do lor!" - There isn't any homework, there's no need to do them.
2. "You think you very smart ah?" - Do you think you're very smart?
3. "Gimme leh." - Please, just give it to me.

You can read more about the language on Wikipedia []. I'll admit I do speak a bit of it occasionally when my friends are around, can't say the same for most of them.


New member
Dec 2, 2007
pearcinator said:
Australia is the best country in the world.

Thats a fact.
Other than internet and game ratings I will have to agree, when I visit family in Perth they take me to something new and cool as shit every damned day.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Gudrests said:
Dags90 said:
Since you're from the U.S. already, I'll tell you some things about New Jersey.

We're the most densely populated state, even though most of the state is unpopulated.
We have the most malls, diners and scientists/engineers per sq. mile in the world.
Pumping your gas is illegal.
Your from so sorry man. I live in NYC and really..most densely populated state? you mean like 1 area of Jersey? or as a whole?
They're probably talking about scale milage. New York actually inst as populated as you'd believe. its a really huge state. If you look on US Census sit, you can get all the info by numbers, but ehre's a map:
<spoiler=Population density Map>

See how purple and red Jersey are compared to all that Orange and Yellow in New York?


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Reyalsfeihc said:
In an effort to become more multicultural and end the non-existent amount of seething nationalism on the Escapist [/sarcasm], put forward your best ice breaker (or the most interesting fact to you) about your home country. Mine most definitely is the United States was a nation built on weed, without which the 13 colonies` economy would`ve collapsed.
The number of Croatians who live all over the world is about 5.5 million, while the number of Croatians who live in Croatia is 4.5 million. As a nation we are actually slowly dying out because the mortality rate is a bit higher than the birth rate.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
I'm from the United States and we actually have SOME smart people in this country.

Furious Styles

New member
Jul 10, 2010
Treblaine said:
Great Britain has not been invaded by a foreign power since 1066 AD, we have effectively had the same establishment all that time with mere modifications to the running of things.
Hah! Not true. We were, technically, invaded by the Dutch during the glorious revolution. Yes, we invited them, but it still stands as a matter of historical fact that we were invaded in 1688 by William of Orange.

Oh, and the other countries without a codified constitution are New Zealand and Israel


New member
Mar 29, 2010
emeraldrafael said:
Gudrests said:
Dags90 said:
Since you're from the U.S. already, I'll tell you some things about New Jersey.

We're the most densely populated state, even though most of the state is unpopulated.
We have the most malls, diners and scientists/engineers per sq. mile in the world.
Pumping your gas is illegal.
Your from so sorry man. I live in NYC and really..most densely populated state? you mean like 1 area of Jersey? or as a whole?
They're probably talking about scale milage. New York actually inst as populated as you'd believe. its a really huge state. If you look on US Census sit, you can get all the info by numbers, but ehre's a map:
<spoiler=Population density Map>

See how purple and red Jersey are compared to all that Orange and Yellow in New York?
Oh im not saying NYS as a whole would be more dense its just I didn't think Jersey would be that dense. Hugh learn something new every day. But I could see the Scientist's part. I know 2 Nuclear eng's who live in Jersey.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
My country is known for being the origin of Dracula... and that's pretty much it...


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Nov 19, 2008
Estonia - we still know Russia's up to no good. So we make allies, lots and lots of them.


Watch the spinning tails...
May 2, 2010
I'm from America, the country that invented freedom, democracy, and god. Go us (see what I did thar?) /joke

Hmm... I can't think of anything interesting about America that hasn't already been said, but I would reccommend that anyone who wants to learn some things about America to watch Stephen Fry in America. It's a very interesting series and shows the country from the view of a foreigner. It also has a lot of interesting information, in my opinion.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
PettingZOOPONY said:
pearcinator said:
Australia is the best country in the world.

Thats a fact.
Other than internet and game ratings I will have to agree, when I visit family in Perth they take me to something new and cool as shit every damned day.
Also, Australia has hot chicks :p


New member
Jul 25, 2008
doctorjackal777 said:
I'm from Australia and contrary to popular (American) belief we don't all sound like the crocodile hunter, say G'day and wear corks on our hats.
SO you mean some Australians don't have Australian accents?

What kind of accents do you have?!?! Every Australian I've met has had an Australian accent. On maybe all those French people I knew were actually Australian?

Sorry if I sound bitchy but I really do get the impression Australians are far too sensitive over their national identity, objecting even to positive iconography and treating the mere reference to a single Aussie Bushman as "OHHH so you think we are ALL like that?!?".

It's like a Brit getting all shirty every time Family Guy depicts a typical Englishman as some David Niven type of upper class snob, or some Mary Poppins nonsense. Why so sensitive?


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Drudgelmir said:
lithium.jelly said:
My country, Australia, is larger than all of Europe, yet only has roughly the same population as New York.
Goofguy said:
You can fit all of Europe in the Arctic portion of my country, Canada. And yes, that's just the Arctic part, none of the provinces.
Those can't be right. Can they?
If you superimpose a map of Australia on a map of Europe (same scale of course) with the west coast of WA on the edge of Ireland, the east coast ends up edging into the Middle East. And we have a total population of approximately 21 million, while New York has over 19 million. Ok, by comparing total land area, we are a little smaller than Europe. We have an average population density of 2.8 people per square kilometre.

Oh, and the state I'm from, Western Australia, is two and a half times the size of Texas. It's even 200,000 square kilometres larger than Alaska. Largest state in the world, by a substantial margin. You can fit the whole of Great Britain into Western Australia twelve times over.

And I think Goofguy's right about Europe and Canada.

EDIT: Here's another thing about Australia: We have salt water crocodiles, which routinely weigh over a tonne and can swim miles out to sea and chow down on great white sharks.