Anonymous PSN Attackers Arrested in Spain


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Thank you for catching these people. They almost ruined my Kill Zone 3 experience. But they also convinced me to possibly get psn+. I already have xbl, but I may get both


There's a principle in business
Nov 16, 2008
mjc0961 said:
Three years? I'm not saying they should get life without parole, but three years?!
I think it's more of a first offense sentence. Sort of a warning to others.

They're stupid people getting on power fantasies about 'changing the world' and putting fear into people. In short; terrorists. This sentence is more of a 'dont fucking do this again' warning.

And it's three years. Three birthdays, three Christmases. A lot happens in three years you miss because you're in prison. It's a decent chunk of your life.


New member
Jan 3, 2011
So, they got ALL of Anonymous dismantled in Spain by arresting the leaders of a leaderless group. Great job there Spain![/sarcasm]


New member
May 21, 2009
similar.squirrel said:
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Waiting for Escapists to demand they be punished by prison rape, performed by state-sponsored rapists.
Because a crime is a crime, and criminals are criminals. And because I couldn't frag for two whole weeks.

I'm sort of neutral on this issue. They were stupid enough to get caught, so they deserved to.
This comment made me giggle.

So was this lulzsec or what...
Wulfheri said:
Excuse me, I think that the PSN attacks were with a REASON. To show people how important privacy is. Never give personal data away, that's their message.
Yes, don't give away your personal information. Because they'll go give it away to the highest bidder for you.

Good moral there bud.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
The amount of people crying havoc with "YAY WOHOO, wait, only 3 years?! WTF GIVE THEM LIEF SENTANCE EXECUTION NAO" is hilarious. Hackers cracked a game system to show just how weak information was being held, while also throwing out more cries about privacy than ever but, of course, the crap given is "can I play CoD tomorrow".

Also, rofl at the Anon excuse.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Every time a hacker goes to prison, I cry the smallest tears in the world for them.

Seriously though, don't drop the soap, morons.

Also, LOL at all the people who STILL BELIEVE the "we brought down the PSN for your own good!" line.


New member
May 19, 2009
thethingthatlurks said:
For bringing PSN down for no reason, these idiots deserve to rot in jail. For bringing down the government websites of Libya, Tunisia, Iran, and Egypt during the Arab uprising, these guys deserve a fucking medal. What? Nothing is ever strictly black and white...
So a sins of the father are redeemed by the actions of the son? What I am trying to say, that the fact that they go and hurt loads of people is OK because they exposed flaws in the bad governments of foreign nations?
I love playing this game. It is on the same lines with the "I lied horribly but then I did a nice thing to someone else, therefor I am redeemed"-game. :D (I am saying this with a positive meaning :D )

I hope everything horrible that can happen to them will happen to them. They deserve it.
"Sins of a saint are still sins"

But as mentioned above, I hope this starts the Domino effect and brings all the assholes down. Also Anon took a big hit because of this, now they must admit that are they either a organized and specified group or non-existing idea of a title...

Logarithmic Limbo

New member
Mar 13, 2011
"Yes, lets flog them, then break them on the wheel, before we burn them at the stake... etc"

Geez, some of you need to get some perspective.


New member
Dec 14, 2008
my money is on someone that will atleast claim to be Anon attack Spanish government sites in "protest", this will escalate things and atleast for Spain, make Anon a full fledged criminal organization.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
Smoking weed is one thing, but defacing a government's website? THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS!


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Just an idiotic police capturing idiotic /b/tards, nothing new here.

Sieggy said:
I smell three little scapegoats, and a bunch of big, bad wolves who followed the butthurt corporate's orders.

Seriously now, why three? This kind of coordinate attack would involve more than three hackers, if you're going to round them up. Get them all. Otherwise leave them alone, the worst thing they can do is to arrest a handful without actually dealing with the main problem.

Jailing three of the possible hacker would not solve the problem, but fuel it..... Who am I to judge? People go to jail for more stupid reasons.
This too.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Wulfheri said:
Excuse me, I think that the PSN attacks were with a REASON. To show people how important privacy is. Never give personal data away, that's their message.
Yes because they were obviously justified in the attacks of PSN by hurting Sony, many developers including indie developers who can't afford setbacks, and the consumer is also affected in negative ways.

With this mindset you could justify anything that anyone does as long as it may benefit security or something else in the future.

I am sure that Sony and other companies will put more money into securing their servers in hopes attacks like these won't happen again which will in turn help the consumer and developers, however to say that was their reason just to "show" Sony their vulnerability and teach consumers a lesson is just absurd


New member
Oct 24, 2010
Highly doubt these guys have anything to do with what the police are saying.

Most likely scape goats to keep their population in check.

Also: Those who believe everything is AS IS in these type of news articles, have no idea that government agencies and police lie to us all the time.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Frostbite3789 said:
thethingthatlurks said:
For bringing PSN down for no reason, these idiots deserve to rot in jail. For bringing down the government websites of Libya, Tunisia, Iran, and Egypt during the Arab uprising, these guys deserve a fucking medal. What? Nothing is ever strictly black and white...
Yeah, because bringing down government websites is what did it. Yep, Anon are the real heroes! Come the hell on dude, I was reading an article just last week about how the "social network revolution" was a fabrication. The internet had little to nothing to do with what's going over there, it's just a way for us to feel connected, like we in some way did something.

It's ridiculous to think otherwise. "Oh no our government website was hacked! Oh gosh oh geeze, this is the biggest of our problems, those riots in the streets mean nothing!"

They don't deserve a medal for that.
The Cracked article? You realize that doesn't have any credibility whatsoever, and bringing it up in a discussion instantly invalidates your opinion, yes?
But on to the real part: I never claimed that bringing down the governments' websites had any influence on the outcome of the uprisings. However, they helped shut down information lines, which was more than anybody in the West did. I really have no idea why you replied to my post, given that you had nothing of substance to add sans a rather trite rant, but the sheer amount of projecting you're doing is absolutely hilarious!


New member
Dec 27, 2010
Spain, if you're right and these guys ARE from Anonymous, you are SCREWED.

But I highly doubt that these guys are Anonymous, because they are claiming to be local leaders. Anonymous has no leaders, they are legion, expect them.