Anonymous PSN Attackers Arrested in Spain

Sep 17, 2009
Kopikatsu said:
Only three years in jail? Should be longer.

Anywho, I wonder how they caught them. Wouldn't it be super fun if they had a way of tracking people down through Proxy servers?
Lol it's so funny seeing people say only 3 years. It's not like try killed anyone. I mean in some cases manslaughter is only 10 years in jail why should hacking be more than 3?

This won't do anything to anonymous. They have no real leaders. It'll only make them anxious. But I have no real problem with them.


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Waiting for Escapists to demand they be punished by prison rape, performed by state-sponsored rapists.
SSR. State-Sponsored Rapists. We rape, for justice.

(Disclaimer: Rape is not funny.....most of the time anyway.)


New member
Apr 22, 2011
CM156 said:
Only three years?

Well, hackers can't jailbreak their way out of this one

OT: I do hope this the start of something. We really need to catch these people
Three years doesn't sound like a lot, but image having no freedom for that much of your life. It would be awful.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
People still believe they hacked PSN. Pft. Come on...
They did do a bunch of other things, so I'm ok with that. But PSN related? Stop being brainwashed people! Learn to make your own judgements, not just what they tell you on TV!


New member
Jul 12, 2010
thethingthatlurks said:
For bringing PSN down for no reason, these idiots deserve to rot in jail. For bringing down the government websites of Libya, Tunisia, Iran, and Egypt during the Arab uprising, these guys deserve a fucking medal. What? Nothing is ever strictly black and white...
Yeah, because bringing down government websites is what did it. Yep, Anon are the real heroes! Come the hell on dude, I was reading an article just last week about how the "social network revolution" was a fabrication. The internet had little to nothing to do with what's going over there, it's just a way for us to feel connected, like we in some way did something.

It's ridiculous to think otherwise. "Oh no our government website was hacked! Oh gosh oh geeze, this is the biggest of our problems, those riots in the streets mean nothing!"

They don't deserve a medal for that.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
People saying that they deserve more than three years have no concept of time nor do they have any concept of Justice.

Because here is the thing. Nobody lost three years of their life because PSN went down and I imagine if you thought about it for a minute losing three years of your own life would be extraordinarily miserable.

And does Anonymous really even do anything? Or had anything to do with the PSN? I don't know. Generally their antics don't effect me because I'm just a gamer so I would say I don't really have any ground to make baseless assumptions about them or the things the may or may not do.



Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Nautical Honors Society said:
Kopikatsu said:
Only three years in jail? Should be longer.

Anywho, I wonder how they caught them. Wouldn't it be super fun if they had a way of tracking people down through Proxy servers?
Lol it's so funny seeing people say only 3 years. It's not like try killed anyone. I mean in some cases manslaughter is only 10 years in jail why should hacking be more than 3?

This won't do anything to anonymous. They have no real leaders. It'll only make them anxious. But I have no real problem with them.
Shhhhhh...Let them have their fun. We all know it means nothing.

The Cheshire

New member
May 10, 2011
The Cake Is Annoying said:
Shouldn't the police be battering people on the streets of Barcelona in broad daylight? Or was that last week?

Oh who cares. Anyone who takes videogames away from fanboys is bad, right? And if the police who crack the skulls of protestors blame someone who are we to say otherwise?

Thanks for being informed, most people don't seem to realise the situation in Spain is how it is, and the fact that Anonymous is proving itself to be pretty useful over here.

On the other hand, I am quite surprised at some of the opinions I am reading here. Even if Anon was behind the PSN attacks (which I doubt) this does not, by any strech, invalidate their message. To put a videogame in a higher position than, say, the problems we are really facing in the current political crisis is...well... sad.

Kakashi on crack said:
Don't forget that Spain is right now the poorest country in Europe (somewhere between 13 and 22 trillion dollars in debt), and if their economy collapses it will take Europe into an economic spiral downwards into the stone age unless they GET RID of the Euro and replace it with country-based currency. It's causing more harm economically in regards to inflation and depression than its helping with its simplicity.

right, rant is over, just wanted to put that out there.
No, the poorest countries in Europe are Greece and Portugal, Spain is third, and if the economy collapses it will not drag Europe, it will make the IMF enter this country (I am Spanish) and basically rape our asses with their usual cuts and their natural evil.

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
Spain's National Police said the three men are the "local leadership" of Anonymous, the hacker group blamed for bringing down the PlayStation Network [] for more than a month beginning in mid-April. A server which was allegedly used in the PSN hack, as well as separate attacks on two Spanish banks, an Italian energy company and government sites in Spain, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Iran and elsewhere, was found in an apartment owned by one of the men, who was arrested "sometime after May 18" in the city of Almería; the other two were detained "recently" in Barcelona and Valencia. All three men are in their 30s.

"Spanish Police dismantle the Anonymous hacker group in Spain. They attacked [the] PlayStation Store," the police reported on its official warning [] that it is legion and should be expected.

The arrests follow an investigation which was actually launched after an attack on Spain's Ministry of Culture website, protesting legislation which imposed tougher punishments for illegal file sharing. The May 18 arrest in Almería that got the ball rolling was prompted by an attack on the Spanish National Electoral Commission ahead of regional and municipal elections. It's not known how much of a role the trio actually played in the attack on the PlayStation Network.

The three men have been released without bail and are expected to be charged with "forming an illegal association to attack public and corporate web sites." If found guilty, they could be sentenced to up to three years in jail.


Wasn't it lulzsec that did it?

This site is the place where I first found that out; as evidenced by the very articles this one links to.

Did everybody forget that?

Arachon said:
Saltyk said:
Prosis said:
Okay, not everybody, but most of the people in this thread. Even the author of the article, apparently.

I'd understand if he were just reporting what THEY said, but he didn't even point out that this goes against what the escapist it'self had been saying.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
The Irony is that many People still think Anon is either evil or good and that Opinion seems to change wildly depending on what they do. Anon is everyone, and everyone is Anon.

While its used to describe a certain Kind of Internet User, by definition of the word, we all are anonymous. I mean aside from the User Name, we can give as much or as little Information about your real Identity as we wish, so you could remain totally anonymous in regards to RL Information on the Internet as long as you dont share it anywhere, with any SIte or Company.

The "Group", and i use the term very loosely, that is Anon is by default a multi-headed Hydra. That itself gives it immense Power to affect things, i.e. One Head can be annoying, but 10 at once are worse, 100 even more so. A single Anon is not as dangerous as a whole Group of them acting as one to achieve any Goal. The Thing with that is, Goals vary. By default each head is doing its own thing until they get a Cause which binds them together into a actual "force" as it were. Its literally a "The Left Hand doesnt know what the right is doing" Situation.

Just because someone is part of "Anon" in the overall Sense does not mean they abide by whatever Rules other "Members" abide by, or fight for the same Reasons and causes. As such Anon is active in many Things, both good and bad. They arent the Saviour of the Internet, they arent the proverbial Devil either though. Its simply alot of People who have alot of free time occasionally banding together to achieve a certain Goal.


New member
May 5, 2011
I thought it was Lulzboat behind the hacks, not Anonymous... Didn't lulzboat even make a website bragging that they did it?

Exfil 22

New member
Apr 10, 2011
Arachon said:
And here I thought it was said that Anon did not have anything with the PSN attacks to do.
Since an Anon member is, by definition, anyone who claims they are part of Anon, the PSN hackers ARE part of the group, no matter who they are, since they left the signature. To clarify, the more senior members and core groups of Anonymous said that they, personally, were not involved, and that the attack was not sanctioned by the entire group.


The Noble
Jan 6, 2010
Prosis said:
I thought it was Lulzboat behind the hacks, not Anonymous... Didn't lulzboat even make a website bragging that they did it?
The first Hack was by a subgroup of Anonymous. The hacks in the past two weeks have been done by Lulzboat.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
mjc0961 said:
Three years? I'm not saying they should get life without parole, but three years?!
Well, they didnt put lives at risk, if anything this just like white collar crime, how many years did the Enron dudes get?

How many Years have the Fanny May guys gotten?