Apparently COD is a children's game?


New member
Apr 9, 2011
Call of Duty is practically the Pokemon of modern times. I'm just sittin' here waiting for an anime spin off to come out of it.
I don't think kids playing CoD is really bad in any way. It's the same as running around with a cap gun, but virtual. I'm kind of afraid that it will promote xenophobia though.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
CoD isn't loved because it's for kids. Hell, they made slaes records. That means a lot of adults went and bought it. Not "parents" adults but "I'm living on my own and have discretionary income to blow on video games" adults.

20-30 year olds, college kids, people in the workforce. All that. I would be cold, hard cash-money that the population of CoD players is adults - people on focus on the kids because they are distinctive and often loud/annoying.

And you know why it has that appeal? It's a Summer Blockbuster in video game form. It's why people love it. It's why "kids" love it. It's got actions, excitement, "cool" protagonists, and stuff exploding. It's whizz-bang fun.

Sometimes people don't want a deep story. Sometimes they don't want a "realistic experience" - like some sort of playable documentary. Sometimes they want Hollywood action, a quick, easy-to-grasp bit of fun. And that's cool. We all have our fun in our own ways.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
annoying children love COD but I still think its a lower number than HALO. (Let me live in my fantasy world plz)

The Breadcrab

New member
Mar 20, 2011
How is Call of Duty a kid's game? And how is it that much more simple than other games? Last time I checked, popular shooters like Uncharted, Half-life, Resistance, Medal of Honor, Halo, Fear, Gears of War, Red Faction, Timesplitters, etc were not extremely complex games, at least not more so than Call of Duty. Half-life 2 is one of the best games of all time and yet it is a shooter no more complex than Call of Duty. I just don't understand.

I'm sick of people being jealous of Call of Duty's success, because in my eyes that is what it comes down to. There are actually reasons why the games are popular, guys. They control very well, have intense and well-paced campaigns, are easy to get into(not simple, though), are some of the few games with split-screen these days, zombies mode is fun, the production values are high, the multiplayer is varied and supports individuality with its perks, and the games usually have a lot of value when taken as a whole.

In my opinion Call of Duty takes the aspects of games we enjoy and combines them into a polished and enjoyable package. It doesn't appeal to everyone, I know. But some of the arguments against Call of Duty are getting ridiculous. Play it if you like it, don't play it if you don't, and just be quiet. And don't be jealous that it's making more money than your favorite game. Who cares? Just enjoy the games you want to play. End of story.


New member
Sep 8, 2010
Without any depth? Okay, I understand all the hate for CoD. But you have no idea what you're talking about if you say CoD has no depth. Both MW campaigns sucked me into their world and are one of the rare shooters that are immersive, unlike some other FPS. It's moments like this [] and missions like this [] that make CoD shine.


New member
May 18, 2009
It's simple, easy to play, it's not a childrens game. You need look no further than the rating to know that. Back when I was a kid it was GTA. Is that a kids game? God no, but it's easy (and violent) enough to pick up and play, especially with cheats.
I also take exception to the Harry Potter remarks. Those are very well written books, and the story is brilliant. Unless you're talking about the movies...

Da Orky Man

Yeah, that's me
Apr 24, 2011
Juk3n said:
CoD Bash Fail, it's not cool anymore, it was never cool. I understand that you're upset becuase you want to get a squad together on battlefield but all your- dang-nabbin- friends are playing CoD instead, but they can't help the fact that Fun is Fun, no matter where you have it. It doesn't make them "Noobs" or "Kids" or "lacking in taste" or "not a real man" or "fanboys", they're just enjoying some gaming!

In alot of peoples honest and humble opinions Infinity Wards multiplayer is more fun than Dices multiplayer. You need to wake up the fact that there's nothing wrong with it. Kicking ass on MW2 is more fun than anyother multiplayer game i have played in the last 2 years..for me. I will be buying CoDMW3 at midnight, and have booked a week off'f work to sit and play it in my underwear for 20 hours a day and frankly Battlefield wishes it could make me feel the same way.
I'll say first, your post was one of the better posts on this topic. I'm hoping that that statement will karmatically balance the next one.
I never did like COD. I have indeed played WaW, MW2 and Black Ops, but never felt involved in them. It feels too lone-wolf, and I have always loved single-player, something that COD lacks.
On the other hand, I like Halo because of the brilliant single player campaigns, with decent multiplayer. And I truly love Bad Company 2 because you are forced to work together to win.

And I have a theory that the kinds of games particularly enjoyed in specific countries are altered by the kind of government.
Us in the UK have a much more left-wing psyche, compared to America, so I do believe that games that reward the individual, such as CoD, are more popular in more right-wing countries.

Thats my £278,854.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
From my experience, a whole mess of everybody plays CoD. It's a videogame constructed for mindless shooting. Who needs complexity when you're blasting away with a variety of weapons? I certainly don't. Leave the complexity of story and mechanics to the games that require them.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
PoisonUnagi said:
katsumoto03 said:
Wait... Did you just equate Harry Potter with Justin Beiber? This entire article is null.
Well they're both depressingly average and uninteresting. They're kinda similar when you think about it.
I hope you're talking about the movies, or you simply just read the first book and decided that it was shit. If you payed attention to the books, you'd see that they contain more detail than most fantasy novels. And no, I don't mean detail in atmosphere description, I mean storyline details that actually matter.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
It's so easy for children to play, they're GONNA PLAY IT! My sister can't even use the second analog stick so she is stuck playing 2.5 side scrollers like Kirby's epic yarn, Donkey Kong Country Retuns, and Little Big Planet.

Lost Cause

New member
Nov 18, 2009
The fact that two of the games I own have this slapped on them would debate the assertion that it's a kid's game:
<img src=>

Nevertheless, almost every lobby I go into has at least one mouthy twelve year old who thinks he's the best player on earth even when he's 0/12 after four minutes.

Daniel Allsopp

New member
Mar 30, 2011
TF2 has 9 classes all with their own purposes, strengths, weaknesses and personalities. And even then, the weapons they are using make changes to their play style. You can simply glance at your enemy and know what to expect from them and how to deal with them.

In CoD, all the guns are the same. Sure, somebody might have a different assault rifle to you, but it shoots ordinary bullets just like yours. The characters are all just plain, boring soldiers with no personality. There are no set classes, so you can't tell just by looking what makes one person different from another.

In TF2, you have a set role in your team, and if you don't play your role right, you're useless. Even if you are the best player ever, if a class you're weak to has you in his sights, you're dead.

In CoD, you equip whatever you want, then run around completely carefree, not needing your team. You regenerate health, so you never need to retreat. As long as you're skilled, nobody presents a challenge, regardless of weaponry or perks.

TF2 = You have to change playstyle depending on your own/enemies class, and you rely on your team.

CoD = A point and click adventure. Does not require thought at all.

Daniel Allsopp

New member
Mar 30, 2011
The Breadcrab said:
Last time I checked, popular shooters like Uncharted, Half-life, Resistance, Medal of Honor, Halo, Fear, Gears of War, Red Faction, Timesplitters, etc were not extremely complex games, at least not more so than Call of Duty.
Granted, taken as a whole, those games may not be "more complex", but they are very different games that provide very different experiences, so comparing them doesn't really work.

The Breadcrab said:
easy to get into(not simple, though)
The game IS simple to get into, you just aim and shoot. Being GOOD is a different matter, but it's easy as hell to play it. Easier than, say, Half-Life, which has puzzles that require you to stop and think for a second.

The Breadcrab said:
Play it if you like it, don't play it if you don't, and just be quiet.
So, people aren't allowed to say "I think CoD is overrated", but you are allowed to go on a huge rant of why it's the only game you can fap to? If your whole post had consisted of only this one sentence, I would've thought you had a point.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Azaraxzealot said:

after reading this article, i got the strong impression that kids just REALLY love COD for some strange reason. and it seems to be more popular with them and they're more willing to get excited over it than its supposed "target audience"

i, myself...
Maybe you should add a poll.
& yeah I totally see the target audience as little kids MW2 was boring as all hell with the cut-scenes & set pieces so easily predictable boring & "over-the-top" there's no way it's intended for adults.

That being said the only reason I play COD is for multiplayer which as we all know MW2 was shit for multiplayer.


New member
Jan 28, 2011
I would say something but I cant blame kids for likeing COD, I recently had to entertain a 8 and 6 year old and when asked what game they wanted to play they picked MWII and they clearly had played it a lot. I just think back to when I was young and loved goldeneye and perfect dark

Jake the Snake

New member
Mar 25, 2009
I can understand the appeal to kids, but why are parents letting their small children play a game like COD? I mean, my parents had a strict no M rated game policy when I was little all the way up until I was 13 or 14. Hell, my first T-Rated game was Jak II, when I was 9, and my dad was super pissed at my grandpa for buying it for my birthday (teehee).