Are most gamers into metal music?


New member
Mar 31, 2010
I'm not a big fan of metal. I generally won't touch it though as with most musical genres there are some standouts that transcend boundaries.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Ï,m not a metal head myself but I like some metal songs and a friend who is also a gamer is a metal head I personaly like allot of music


New member
Aug 4, 2009
I don't mind it, but I prefer other stuff, like the classical, the epic and the relaxing genres, along with some video game music and anime openings here and there. Also, I don't listen to music often, unless I'm doing trivial tasks (like cleaning my room or playing "Voltorb Flip" in Pokemon HG so I can get Polygon... I hate "Voltorb Flip" with a passion >_>)


New member
May 26, 2010
I generally listen to power metal(i.e. Grave Digger, Opeth and Blind Guardian).

It's a perfect mixture of classic and heavy metal.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I like pretty much anything that isn't rap, although metal is close to being my favorite I suppose.
Needless to say, I'm also a gamer. Take from that what you will.

...*sings* you and me could write a bad romance~



New member
Jan 24, 2010
depends on the type of metal. Crash metal just makes me put my fingers in my ears, screamo metal can be good, unless the screaming is just throughout the song. i like it when its just used to emphasise certain lyrics or to make me jump xD
I can kinda dig classic metal too, but most of the time it bores me. and i always used to associate metal with people who were trying to hard to convince themselves they were cool (you know the type, the ones at school who always have that blank sort of expression, the ones with the very pronounced lisp and who always make up stories about having fun doing horrific things with their non-existant 7 feet tall friends called "killer" or "hunter". the ones who only listened to metal music because they thought that would make them cool or badass) and due to that stereotype i made in my head, its been hard for me to get into.

plus, i'm far too much into happy-go-lucky Ska music, where the lyrics can be about how depressed the dude is and how he wants to kill everyone or rape them, but i barely notice because the trombones are making rainbow-super-happy-fun-land noises :D

I'd say i've got a wide taste to music, i can listen to almost anything if the people i'm with are enjoying it. there are obviously exceptions to this, most hardcore techno i don't understand, re-mixes can be annoying and i think that the best rap songs have already been created, so people should stop bothering... okay, so i'm a lot more limited than i say... but hey, least I'm not a liar.
my friend says he's got a wide taste of music and doesn't really hate any style. but he's a lying tosser, soon as a bit of pop comes on or techno, he goes on about how its not music. urrm, yes it is dumbass, its called music you don't like. I wish he'd get his head out of his arse, stop being all "i've got the soul of jaaaaaaazz maaaaan" (which is ironically about the only thing he listens to nowadays without complaining) and admit that actually, he's very narrow minded when it comes to music.

anyway, i don't really know where this post really came from, most of it seems a bit irrelevant reading through it. happy reading though :)


New member
Jun 29, 2009
Ye I listen to more metal than anything else but taking from people I know who are also gamers *18-30 yr old* I'm in a minority. The diffrence seems to be in my case I'll play a greater variety of games where most just seem to play Halo or COD.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Lukeje said:
Flames66 said:
I don't know what the majority of gamers listen to. Metal would make sense though as alot of online gamers I have met are very impatient. I personally don't like overly heavy music.
What does impatience have to do with listening to metal music?
I'm not saying that all Metal listeners are impatient, but it is kinda designed to get your blood pumping. What I'm saying is that if someone is already getting frustrated in a game, having fast paced Metal music on might exasperate that.


New member
May 18, 2009
About half (at least) the gamers I know are into Metal. Which is a fairly large amount, since I know Metal isn't like by 50% of people...
Certainly the Escapist seems to have a fairly large amount of Metalheads in the community.
For the record, yeah I'm a Metalhead too.
Flames66 said:
Lukeje said:
Flames66 said:
I don't know what the majority of gamers listen to. Metal would make sense though as alot of online gamers I have met are very impatient. I personally don't like overly heavy music.
What does impatience have to do with listening to metal music?
I'm not saying that all Metal listeners are impatient, but it is kinda designed to get your blood pumping. What I'm saying is that if someone is already getting frustrated in a game, having fast paced Metal music on might exasperate that.
I (and all my Metal friends) find that music can have a very calming effect. It all depends on the situation. I listen to Metal to fall asleep, and to wake up in the morning. To get me psyched up, or to calm me down. It's weird like that lol. Mostly when gaming Metal just has the effect of focusing me. I suppose sometimes it could cause impatience, but just as easily it could actually calm people down.


Contra Bassoon
Jan 15, 2010
I don't listen to metal.

I prefer indie rock and blue-based stuff.

Can't stand rap, pop, techno etc.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
I like metal and hard rock, real country they don;t play on the radio,classic country they try to play on the radio 90s hip hop and R&B a bit of rap a bit of this and that.
ezeroast said:
I cant stand metal, its just noise to me...
Most music is noise, sometimes one digs the lyrics or the noise or the rhythm the most.

I am more lyric centric than noise centric.

open trap

New member
Feb 26, 2009
Because Metal is good music and it just so happens the gamers have discovered both gaming and Metal to be really awsome?

Rakun Man

New member
Oct 18, 2009
I don't listen to metal, but it isn't like I hate it. I just haven't taken to time to listen and figure out the good metal vs the bad metal.