Arkham Asylum Pirates Get a Gimpy Batman


Quiet, Odd Sort.
Jul 8, 2009
United Kingdom
yourbeliefs said:
Shouldn't other red flags gone up, like a guy commenting on a "bug" for a game that hasn't even been released yet??
I am aware of a game that was flooded by complaints about the game being badly bugged and crashing after they had ran afoul of similar DRM.

The company did not point out they had snagged on a drm to avoid them fixing it... the net result that people reading the forums didn't pay attention to the dates of complaints being before the release date, and the negative word of mouth about how buggy it was pretty much destroyed the game before it was released.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
Now that's DRM I can live with! Why the hell hasn't every company adopted something like this? I guarantee it would crush pirating in record time.

Imagine you pirate a movie like say...The Sixth Sense. Within the first 5 minutes of the movie it cuts away to a black screen that says "BRUCE WILLIS IS ALREADY DEAD!" That would most definitely put a large damper on many pirates. This is a brilliant idea that actually makes sense; I'd back this concept all the way to congress if the situation ever arises.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
ChromeAlchemist said:
scotth266 said:
I have to say that this is quite possibly the best idea I've ever heard of. Good work on the part of Rocksteady.

Next step: "leaking" a "cracked" version of a game on the net, which turns out to be a demo that shuts down 20 minutes in to say: "Insert Credit To Continue" or "You are NOT morally superior."
"Insert Credit to Continue" Would be perfect.

No! "The police are on their way". Oh my god, if I could record their reaction...
Oh my God, that would be the most epic thing ever. If you could somehow just do that as a prank on one of your friends., it would be epic. They'd be like, "wtf?! I gotta get outta here!"


New member
Nov 1, 2008
Wouldn't it be awesome if they traced the call of the pirate, and got Christian Bale to dress up like Batman and throw a batrang at his computer, and then beat him up?


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Points for creativity but they're not the first company to try such things (Operation Flashpoint's loading screen advertises its 'performance degrading' anti piracy measures, and that's 8 years old now) and it doesn't take pirates long to find a way around such things. Anyone who downloaded a copy of Batman Arkham Asylum would merely have had to wait a day or so before a new crack became available so that they could carry on playing, and presumably this doesn't apply to the Xbox 360 version at all because a crack wouldn't be required. So all in all this was arguably a waste of the developers' time because they should have been coming up with something truly innovative that wouldn't be cracked in 15 minutes by some 16 year old. What's wrong with printing manuals full of code with glossy black text on a matte black background to prevent photocopying or scanning and then occasionally asking the gamer for the first letter of the third word of the second sentence of paragraph five on page 20?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
finally a reason not to pirate games beside me being terrified of the Internet police giving me a 8 million bill for downloading tetris.

nice to see developers punish the pirates instead of the customers.

Triple G

New member
Sep 12, 2008
This "Copyright trick" shalt not prevail, as in teh intarwebz are enough pirates who can solve this problem. No one fucks with Anonymous.

Slash Dementia

New member
Apr 6, 2009
Wow, this is just awesome. I hope more developers use stuff like this. Rocksteady has just made my day are now on my list of favorite developers.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Actually, I can see this backfiring rather incredibly. Some buggy installation problem or something and next thing you know you've got everyone with a messed up copy of the game, with them all being called pirates.

The idea is not strictly speaking new, little gifts being left for pirates has been around since the days of the Commodore 64 (causing things like scrolling text lecturing against piracy). However I think that the more companies do this, the more inevitably your going to see a massive backfire when something inevitably gets messed up.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
Last of the Chinchillas said:
100% concentrated awesome. The world needs more DRM like this, and less of the kind that you find in Spore.
You should check out FADE. It's a similar type of DRM used in Operation Flashpoint (the original games) and in the ArmA series. It slowly degrades accuracy, makes random radio calls, hampers movement, and eventually turns the player into a seagull if a pirated version is used.

EDIT: I don't believe that the version of FADE the protects ArmA 2 has been cracked quite yet. I know it wil lbe done eventually, but it's one of the more difficult DRMs to crack since it uses calls to specific, inconspicuous, registry keys as well as in-game triggers and a security key.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
LimaBravo said:
That is truly awesome.

Much like Operation Flashpoints FADE copy protection did anyone ever figure out if it actually existed or wroked ?
I mentioned FADE on a previous post because I did not see anyone else really give it credit (since it was doing things like this 8 years ago).

FADE was cracked eventually, and the ArmA 2 version will also be cracked eventually. However, I have my doubts as to whether or not the current version of FADE has been cracked, yet. I base this on the number of people that have claimed to have gotten NASTY viruses from their pirated versions of ArmA 2.

FADE is not perfect, but from my standpoint, it is one of the least intrusive and most iron-clad DRMs out there.


New member
Dec 26, 2007
Windknight said:
yourbeliefs said:
Shouldn't other red flags gone up, like a guy commenting on a "bug" for a game that hasn't even been released yet??
I am aware of a game that was flooded by complaints about the game being badly bugged and crashing after they had ran afoul of similar DRM.

The company did not point out they had snagged on a drm to avoid them fixing it... the net result that people reading the forums didn't pay attention to the dates of complaints being before the release date, and the negative word of mouth about how buggy it was pretty much destroyed the game before it was released.
Iron Lore was the company, I think. I know of that because they also made DoW: Soulstorm. I think Iron Lore shouldn't have the game actually crash, and instead let the player KNOWS that the game think it has been pirated.

On the Relicnews forum, there was much sympathy when Iron Lore went under...but that sympathy turned into utter rage when Soulstorm came out (considered the worst game in the Dawn of War series). Instead of people blaming piracy for Iron Lore's downfall, they blamed Iron Lore itself for creating lame games.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
I have a dream. I have a dream in which people can download games for free! was a stupid dream.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
elricik said:
Wouldn't it be awesome if they traced the call of the pirate, and got Christian Bale to dress up like Batman and throw a batrang at his computer, and then beat him up?
Yes. Oh, the irony...

As someone else mentioned, it doesn't matter so much if it gets cracked, they have a few more respect points in my books now ;p
Ye, wasn't expecting this from Eidos of all people though.