Atheists who celebrate X-mas


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
All this jibber-jabber about holidays being stolen leads me to wonder if the Jews are going to bug out at Roman pagans for stealing the concept of the weeklong December holiday festival.

Io, Saturnalia! December 17-23 (just in time for Steam sales).


New member
Jun 12, 2010
lax4life said:
I'm an atheist and I celebrate Christmas because of the idea that it brings of togetherness, unity, and unconditional love for at least a day. AND THE PRESENTS!!
So you partake in this holiday because it represents a concept that undermines part of human nature and because of greed? Very mature (sarcasm).

OT: Speaking as a Christian, I don't think it really matters who celebrates christmas as now it's pretty much all about getting shit and has been for a couple of decades.

Ftaghn To You Too

New member
Nov 25, 2009
zehydra said:
then they really shouldn't call it Christmas.
They call is Christmas because most atheists grew up Christian, and called it that. A lot of Jews celebrate Christmas too, for the same reason as atheists: Fun.

Besides, most people I know pronounce it Chrismus.


The Morally Bankrupt Weasel
Sep 10, 2008
Christmas has become so divorced from its religious roots and now the roots that adopted it that's its just a long holiday at the end of the year and while that's not a bad thing in itself its probably a part of the reason that atheists do celebrate it because they don't tend to have any religious sensibilities to offend and a way for retailers to push heaps of sales in a short time in the guise of presents and people push them selves into massive debt because they have conditioned to equate Christmas happiness and joy with the value of stuff i dont like it its not right and then you have the thieves that come out of the wood work this time of year
and christmast parties how i hate them i have to get a bunch of dresses made to wear at christmast parties so my suppliers dont get their nose out of joint and refuse to give me the good deals the next year and if i wear the same dress twice i get the ahha she is cheeping out on us we dont matter as much as other people maybe we should not be nice to her as normal

but Christmas is useful as a yard stick for showing me how cynical i have become from year to year and lots of games come out which is fun

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
Christmas has very little to actually do with Christianity. Its more or less taken from the Roman holiday Saturnalia, in which the Romans held a harvest festival each year at about this time for 3 days. During which, they would feast and give gifts to one another (Often gold coins). Christians ended up adopting it and using it as their own holiday since they can't actually determine when Jesus was born.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
The OP's lack of punctuation...ow.

But yes, Christmas is now more than just a religious holiday; it's become a commercialized excuse to have everything on sale so that people will come and buy their products at lower prices than average, thus lining their pockets so that they in turn can buy something for their family. Or keep it for themselves, whichever greedy impulse comes first.

If Atheists want to celebrate it, then by all means, let them. They were probably raised as Christians, hence why they still celebrate it. It's part of their upbringing, and they can't or don't want to uproot something like that, even when it's a religious icon. You'd be surprised how fast a religious outlook on life is dropped the moment it effects their personal comforts.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Ftaghn To You Too said:
zehydra said:
then they really shouldn't call it Christmas.
They call is Christmas because most atheists grew up Christian, and called it that. A lot of Jews celebrate Christmas too, for the same reason as atheists: Fun.

Besides, most people I know pronounce it Chrismus.
I've never heard of jews celebrating Christmas before. I've never met one that did anyway.


New member
May 8, 2009
Aidinthel said:
Drakane said:
note how you refereed to it as x-mas, and everyone knows what you mean, that kind of says your right
Actually "X" is the first letter of the Greek word for "Christ". It's just an abbreviation, so proper pronunciation would be the same as the full name.
Under proper pronunciation this very well may be true, but in general I think its used in a much more "pc" less offensive way of saying Christmas. It may be the same thing, mean the same thing, but for many it makes it different.

People like to *****, if its a Christmas sell Atheist may not go, but an X-mas sell, hell I'm in. Having a Christmas tree in town hall UNACCEPTABLE, an X-mas tree... well maybe


New member
Jan 2, 2009
Atheist here. I have been for at least close to 10 years. My family is predominately Christian and they celebrate Xmas like most people I know. I've continued to celebrate it the same way I did when I was a kid. They don't bring too much religion into the celebration. Rather, they keep it the common commercial holiday that lots of people see today.

I continue to celebrate Xmas because it is another day that I can be together with the people I love. I also enjoy the presents but I do hate the idea that I should feel obligated to empty my bank account because of a day on the calendar. But besides that, I choose to ignore the religious aspects of the holiday (as a lot of people have) and just choose to celebrate it as a day of togetherness and love. Yes, atheists are capable of a wide range of emotions and morals despite what some religious types might lead you to believe.

Also, while speaking out loud I will call it christmas. When typing I call it Xmas (partially because of Futurama-if you don't know, don't ax). And whether it makes any logical sense I prefer not to capitalize the C as it makes it feel more like its referring to Jesus Christ. I have no reason to make this part of my celebration so I personally don't like to use it. I don't feel that a holiday that began as a religious (really, pagan) should be forced to stay the same over the years for the same reason that language shouldn't be stuck to it's original source material. Like the use of 'gay' in the 40s is not the same as it is today. It's something that can evolve into what we prefer it to be.

Merry Xmas everyone!


New member
Oct 30, 2010
It's a time of the year to get wasted, eat a lot and maybe get some presents while at it, who wouldn't want that?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I'm deist and I still celebrate Christmas. I mean, why the hell not? Though I think once I've moved out and started living on my own, I may stop visiting family on Christmas... family gatherings aren't quite my thing. That, and I really enjoy sleeping in until 4 PM or later.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
It's not just being a Christian that makes a person celebrate Christmas. The whole symbology of birth and renewal is just a basic human response to the changing of the seasons, the winter solstice, and the like. When we are at twilight, we dream of the dawn. When we face death, we dream of birth. It's just how we defy our surroundings in order to survive.

That's probably how the original pagan idea of Saturnalia formed from an idea into a ritual, then over time a tradition, then eventually was reformed into Christmas by the religious machinations of empires.

Of course, if it really is all about seasons and solstices, that DOES mean that those in the Southern Hemisphere could celebrate at a different time of year, but that would mess with dating systems and consumerism (i.e. when people from the Northern Hemisphere sell their calendars southwards and the like) if it ever really took off. But it does seem fair that we can't say that atheists should celebrate it "due to the solstices", particularly if they live in the South of the world.

Instead, I think celebration for its own sake is a good enough reason. Eating, drinking and being merry is how humanity forms communities. Whatever the excuse is to down an alcoholic beverage, people will do it anyway. That's how we come together. Tradition came before religion, and it stays after religion too. Which is certainly not always a bad thing.

Sep 9, 2010
I prefer the commercialized version of the holiday, that it's about giving gifts, helping our fellow man, spending time with loved ones, getting wasted on egg nog, and watching holiday movies on the boob-tube. My atheist best friend very much agrees, but also claims he's merely just celebrating the Winter Solstice. Hell I wish we could de-religionize it so everyone could enjoy it.

That being said, I don't celebrate Easter because of the religious reasons. Not that I'm an atheist, I'm agnostic, I just don't feel right celebrating it if my hearts not in the subject matter.


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
It swells my heart when I see, perched from above, the decaying of this malignant "spirit of christmas"---and not just christams, but also faith. The very idea of "christmas" shows that we are still all-too-akin to the apes. The future is bright; the future is ours.

It's not Christmas I'm against, It's the idea that I loathe.

Also, this is the second time I'm observing today, why the hell isn't this post in the "religion and politics" section? How does OP sort through his underwear in the morning?


New member
Nov 13, 2009
When you say Christmas, do you mean the one Christianity made to get pagan cultures to convert that also became associated with Jesus' birthday or the one about buying gifts, because only one of those has something to do with religion.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Sightless Wisdom said:
Christmas has nothing to do with Christianity, never did. The pagans made it an the Christans stole and renamed it. Now it's a commercial holiday celebrated by most people regardless of religion. People like getting gifts and spending money, why not celebrate it?
Exactly. I'm an atheist and I love Christmas. There is never a reason to not have people give a little.


New member
Aug 30, 2009
People can come up with all the bullshit reasons they want, at the end of the day you cop out and celebrate Christmas to get free shit.
Nov 24, 2010

Jks, I like X-mas because I like presents and I always get to see my whole family which is difficult because there are so many of them.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
I'm not Irish and I celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I'm not Hispanic and I celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Does it really matter? I say we put all of the holidays back up on the calendar and celebrate all of them.

Besides, we need to bring back Yule. I think everyone can get behind Yule. That's what we do anyway. eat, drink, be merry, and distribute gifts.

Then we can put Jesus' birthday in a more accurate spot. It was somewhere around the end of Spring or something like that.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
Popido said:
Nobody really cares about christ you know...
Wow, who murdered YOUR puppy as a kid? Jeez...

I've always been of the belief that if the holiday is not meant to be celebrated by you, don't celebrate it. I don't really understand all the people that celebrate Christmas as a secular holiday, and that's fine, but people'll get pissed when you're not Irish or Mexican, but celebrate St. Patrick's Day and Cinco de Mayo, etc.

Those situations just don't make sense to me. I'm not going to stop you from celebrating it, but I might judge silently from the corner.

orangeapples said:
I'm not Irish and I celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I'm not Hispanic and I celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Does it really matter? I say we put all of the holidays back up on the calendar and celebrate all of them.
I did NOT see his post before I made mine.