Autistic Xbox Player's Mother Admits He Cheated


New member
Aug 29, 2009
I want to join right in on the enormous "called it" left over from the last thread and concur that this lady can go take a long walk off a short pier.

Also the arbitrary "Fox News" hate being spewed every where is kinda stupid, local affiliate does not mean the same thing as Fox News, if your gonna hate, hate accurately. Hate the media in general for that matter, for every stupid story Fox pulls CNN does the exact same thing, so does MSNBC, so does ABC, so does the bastion of the stupid NPR, the list goes on and their all morons who will trump up and whore out any possible story in the name of ratings.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Uhh. Guys. It's just a game.

Yes it was silly for him to cheat. Yes, it's stupid that it got a huge media spectacle. Yes Microsoft kind of did make too much of a big deal out of this. Whether it was due to the mother or the company both, the fact is that a kid got publicly humiliated just because he faked some achievments in Halo.

No he doesn't get a free ride of sympathy just because of his condition, but you can't ignore the conditions under which someone lives either.

And at the end of the day... it's just wrong that the media has made such a big deal out of this one little case, and that some kid has to go through a great deal of publicity and shame over some stupid, worthless achievments. And no matter what you say about his mom, she probably just was trying her best to cheer her son up, and you don't know them personally and thus can't say how bleak or painless their existence is. Maybe this whole achievment thing was just another little frustration and sadness in life that they just didn't want to deal with (worthlessness of achievments aside, it meant something to him). Or maybe the mom's outrage was just the overpriveleged whinings of someone expecting special attention.

But you know what? We don't know. It's their deal, not ours. And it's over Gamerscore. Nothing that ever has or ever will matter in the grand scheme of things. Don't be so assumptious or judgmental over something that you have absolutely zero connection to and even less reason to freak out about. It's a trivial thing. Have a heart.

Case in point:

squid5580 said:
Stupid fucking *****. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on you lying scumbag wench. you smear a company because they caught your kid cheating and punished him for it? Fucks sakes you should not be allowed to have children. Lucky they didn't post his new gamertag otherwise they would really know what it means to have his only source of entertainment taken away from him. I really hope what you mean by a free month of gold and a new gamertag means he loses his old account DLC, arcade titles and all.
Is this seriously the kind of reaction people have to gamerscore?

Stay classy, Internet.

Flare Phoenix

New member
Dec 18, 2009
TheZooblord said:
Uhh. Guys. It's just a game.

Yes it was silly for him to cheat. Yes, it's stupid that it got a huge media spectacle. Yes Microsoft kind of did make too much of a big deal out of this. Whether it was due to the mother or the company both, the fact is that a kid got publicly humiliated just because he faked some achievments in Halo.

No he doesn't get a free ride of sympathy just because of his condition, but you can't ignore the conditions under which someone lives either.

And at the end of the day... it's just wrong that the media has made such a big deal out of this one little case, and that some kid has to go through a great deal of publicity and shame over some stupid, worthless achievments. And no matter what you say about his mom, she probably just was trying her best to cheer her son up, and you don't know them personally and thus can't say how bleak or painless their existence is. Maybe this whole achievment thing was just another little frustration and sadness in life that they just didn't want to deal with (worthlessness of achievments aside, it meant something to him). Or maybe the mom's outrage was just the overpriveleged whinings of someone expecting special attention.

But you know what? We don't know. It's their deal, not ours. And it's over Gamerscore. Nothing that ever has or ever will matter in the grand scheme of things. Don't be so assumptious or judgmental over something that you have absolutely zero connection to and even less reason to freak out about. It's a trivial thing. Have a heart.

Case in point:

squid5580 said:
Stupid fucking *****. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on you lying scumbag wench. you smear a company because they caught your kid cheating and punished him for it? Fucks sakes you should not be allowed to have children. Lucky they didn't post his new gamertag otherwise they would really know what it means to have his only source of entertainment taken away from him. I really hope what you mean by a free month of gold and a new gamertag means he loses his old account DLC, arcade titles and all.
Is this seriously the kind of reaction people have to gamerscore?

Stay classy, Internet.
Umm... this is a GAMING website; games are kind of what we talk about here...


New member
May 22, 2009
We all called it.

I don't mind so much the fact that he got banned for cheating, what does get me annoyed is that his mum tried to play victim and using her son's disability to win the sympathy vote.

And after all this, he gets a free month of Xbox Live? I understand their trying to save face here but it still kind of irks me, not that major though, I can understand the position Microsoft has been put in here.


New member
Feb 4, 2009
The mother definitely should've told the truth right off the bat. She still could've played the "my poor autistic son doesn't deserve this" card if she'd tried to say that he cheated but didn't necessarily know/understand exactly what he was doing. Now, she's in way over her head and look like an idiot because:
1. She lied about how her son got certain achievements, something that common sense dictates Microsoft would be keeping track of. After all, if they didn't track these things, how would they know when people cheat?
2. She didn't think it was a big deal that her son gave out a username and password to a complete stranger, saying that "it's just a game." What other information might her son be willing to give out, possibly due to an inability to draw a line between harmless information and vital personal information? Great parenting there...
3. Knowing all along that she was wrong, she still took her story to major news outlets. Didn't she realize that these people check out stories and contact other parties for the other side of a situation?
4. Microsoft is offering a free month of Live Gold (not a very long amount, not very expensive, and it will cost absolutely nothing to Microsoft) and a new username (which anyone could create with a second email address, anyway) to the kid. Microsoft, with absolutely no effort or loss or profit on their part, have maneuvered to make themselves look sensitive to gamers with disabilities as well as willing to work with customers under extenuating circumstances.
This all could've gone away if she'd admitted to her and her son's mistakes, taken the time to explain to her son what he did and why it was wrong (I know this can be particularly difficult with an autistic child, but it's far more responsible than expecting the world to move for the kid), and started over with a new gamertag (possibly trying to help her son accept the situation by saying that this was an opportunity for him to replay all of his favorite games and have them feel like new).
More importantly, any parent- especially the parent of a disabled child- needs to be aware of what their children are doing online. It was her responsibility to read terms of service agreements, do research on Microsoft's policies as well as exactly how XBox Live works, and monitor what her son was doing.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
MrJoyless said:
Guess who looks like an ass now...... seriously fuck that woman and her bleeding heart bullshit

I wish there were consequences for attacking a company with blatant lies just to try and make them look bad because she was upset her son got caught breaking the rules

tho the odds of Microsoft going after these people after all of this attention are pretty much nil but man o man i'd be pissed as hell
M$ can take care of themselves.

The case didn´t even make them look bad. The majority here actually sided with M$ in the poll we had about it. That doesn´t happen often.

Danish rage

New member
Sep 26, 2010
Wow... so much misplaced parent hate? Most of you sound like you never really rebelled against you parents. I find that sad.

Said mom is dumb as a brick, but to say only stupid people have children is a stretch, are you parents stupid?


New member
Mar 7, 2010
LOL I should have listened to my inner cynic. The silly little bastard did cheat after all, then used autism as a scapegoat to try and win sympathy? I should have known better than to trust humanity over fact..


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Wow, we all called that from day one didn't we?
It was so painfully obvious he had cheated. And she knew? Yet she ran a smear campaign against a company while lying the whole time utilising media outlets?

Wow... classy lady.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
Too be honest, I'm sure she has some kind of disorder in where she craves attention. Can't for the life of me remember what it's called.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
In the original article, Microsoft were pretty adamant that the dude had cheated.

I don't think they would have been so firm if they weren't sure, so I'm not surprised the story came out like this.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
It actually kinda pisses me of that he now gets a free month of gold. I mean he cheated she complained which is lying and now they get live. Doesnt that complete ruin the whole saying 2 wrongs dont make a right kind of thing.

Cat of Doom

New member
Jan 6, 2011
Why would anyone risk this for achievements, They mean nothing.

I mean yeah there fun to try and get, but there?s no reward other than the achievements themselves and bragging rights. I can understand why some spacks cheat on COD or bad company 2, but to risk this for gamerscore, its a number that?s it.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
Flare Phoenix said:
tsb247 said:
I think the kid should still have, "Cheater," attached to his logo forever. After all, he is essentially getting rewarded for bad behavior with the free Xbox Live Gold for a month.
I think he shouldn't have gotten the free month of Xbox Live. It spits in the faces of all the people who follow the rules, in my opinion.
I agree, and I am wondering why he is getting anything at all. I know Microsoft is doing it purely as a PR move, but it has already been proven that he was infact cheating. If it were up to me, I would just keep him as a cheater forever and do nothing. It's already been shown that his mother was wrong and that Microsoft treated him no differently than anyone else who cheats.

He has autism... So what? He should get the same treatment as everyone else.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
deth2munkies said:
Saw this coming a mile away as soon as I saw the title to the first news article.

Honestly, people need to stop milking disabilities.
you saw this to huh, good im not the only one, seriously people who milk a disability for publicity you are a ass


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Apparently part of the original punishment was having "Cheater" added to the front of his gamertag, now can they go back and add "son of a liar" to the end?