Autistic Xbox Player's Mother Admits He Cheated


New member
Apr 9, 2008
It's a silly game, a mom dealing with an autistic child didn't put it at the top of her list of concerns, and purposefully believed something in her favor, an Autistic kid wasn't entirely cognazent that what he did was wrong, and Microsoft cut the poor kid a break as a reasonable exception to a reasonable policy. Seriously, NONE of this is an unforgivable sin, and the kid got his beloved achievements back, which makes being forced to deal with Autism a little more bearable. Sounds to me like this is a case of rational but flawed adults handling a minor problem in a responsible way. I don't see what anyone should get worked up over.


New member
Jun 20, 2009

Aah. Justice makes me happy.

Tom Goldman said:
She's given up on fighting Microsoft, and will likely take the company's offer of a free month of Xbox Live Gold and a new Gamertag for Jackson to start again.
Wait, what? He shouldn't get anything. He has cheated and he got what he deserved.

Captain Pirate

New member
Nov 18, 2009
necronmm said:
Still getting a free month of Xbox live gold for lying? Wow
That's what I thought.
He should get nothing, he cheated, Microsoft did the totally morally right thing, and what they are totally within their rights to do, and the boy should just deal with it.
Autism isn't a ticket to break the rules.

I guess I can see where Microsoft is coming from though, as if they just did nothing, people, for some totally inexplicable reason, would label them 'Autism-haters' because they 'weren't nice to the disabled kid'.

The Western World is far too sensitive; too quick to label people racists, evil and such like.


New member
Nov 9, 2007
Desworks said:
The lessons to learn from all of this is that autistic people can cheat too, parents will lie to paint their children in a better light and just because the big faceless corporation has taken action against the little guy doesn't mean that they weren't absolutely right to do so.
I thought the lesson was to stop spreading rumors and let stories play out to the point where you have some information rather than post articles with titles like "Microsoft Dead-Legs Disabled Child".


New member
Feb 25, 2008
So basically, somebody lies to an autistic child about whether or not his methods for getting achievements are legit, autistic child gets punished for something he didn't do and had no idea his unknown "benefactor" would do, child and his mother are utterly bewildered why that happened and ask publicly wtf is going on, Microshit blames them for the third party's action and the entire escapist is hivemindedly hating on them as well?


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
"It isn't a bank password" well, yeah, and that's why nobody is going to jail and just having their acheivements wiped and a mark put on their online record. A virtual gaming punishment for a virtual gaming crime. Pretty much a measured response.

That said, I have to wonder about part of the justification for this. To be entirely honest achievements glitch on the 360 all the time. When I was trying Bully and doing the various class mini-games I wound up totally missing out on an earlier achievement (for doing so many classes) but getting one for doing more classes. Someone looks at my gamer tag they could say "OMG, Thorley 231 cheated, he couldn't possibly have that acheivement without having the earlier one", when in reality it was just a bloody bug where I actually wound up getting cheated out of an achievement actually (I know about this, but I'm not a big enough acheivement hunter to care all that much). :p

They investigated this pretty well, but I'm not sure if I like the "out of order" part of this because as I said, I've had problems, and I know plenty of people have talked about games rewarding achievements wierdly over the years (either for the wrong thing, out of sequence, or whatever). Earning online achievements offline is the big part of course, along with the data transfer, but it still raises some eyebrows here.

At any rate, it's good to finally hear this has been resolved. If the kid has to re-earn all his Cheevos (thanks for the term Kathleen, it's pretty funny) anyway, if the mom cares that much and is willing to go through all this effort, she might want to invest in a new system and perhaps hope a lesson has been learned about cheating.


New member
Jun 3, 2009
I'm with MS on this one. First the mother goes after them for killing her son's gamerscore and branding him a cheater, and maintaining that he'd done nothing wrong but when presented with the evidence she crawls back into the hole which she came out of. Then tries to get sympathy for the situation, fuck this *****. Now I don't care about the armour or even the gamerscore that he obtained illegitimately its the fact that he cheated and he should face the consequences for it.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
Cuy said:
You'd have to be either a journalist for some tabloid or a moron not to have seen this coming a mile away.
You'd be surprised - if you'd seen the post on Kotaku and the early pages of the original thread here on The Escapist people seemed to immediately believe the kid was perfectly innocent...even when it was revealed they had evidence he cheated people still doubted them and claimed it was "damage control" - if anything it just shows how little people trust these corporations; that they need an admittance by the "average person" side before they'll beleive them.
Feb 13, 2008
You'll very rarely hear this but:

Tom Goldman said:
take the company's offer of a free month of Xbox Live Gold and a new Gamertag for Jackson to start again.
Good work Microsoft.

Autism is a serious mental problem and should not be used as an excuse. I still disagree with the "Cheater" label, but they've managed to come out smelling of roses.

Maybe they can talk to some other companies that wouldn't have gone this far.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
Ugh this whole stupid ass story was shit from the get go. First off, do you really need to point out the kid is autistic every time? Especially in the headline like it's some crazy important detail. It's not important at all, except to put a little emphesis that the kid is anti social and therefore games... problem I see there is that a significant number of gamers are in the same boat, even ones who aren't autistic.

Secondly, who really cares that MS may or may not have made a mistake in calling someone a cheater - child or adult. It just doesn't matter and should not be news. Who gives a crap.

And then it turns out the mother was just being a stupid b****, who knew the son cheated, and raised a stink, and pointed out his "disorder" (I put that in quotes because autism, I've heard, is significantly over diagnosed) to get media attention.

Basically the entire story sickens me.


Feb 9, 2010
I love this bit...
She's given up on fighting Microsoft
Of course she has.She claimed her son was innocent knowing full well that it was bullshit.They produced evidence and now she's backed down because she never had a case to begin with

However this..
and will likely take the company's offer of a free month of Xbox Live Gold and a new Gamertag for Jackson to start again.
is complete bullshit.He cheated and lied about it and gets a free month as a reward??

LegendaryGamer0 said:
Actually, the last part is partially incorrect. I got a metric fuckload of the Mercenaries 2 online achievements offline due to a glitch that I did not do purposely. 35/40. No, I'm not giving them back because I've done everything to get them legit since then.
Most of the Mercenaries 2 cheevs can be gotten offline.There's only a handful that require you to be online


New member
Apr 17, 2010
Recon armor? The armor set you get FREE with Halo ODST (And is easily one of the ugliest sets of armor I have ever seen)? I'm feeling a slight hatred for these people now.

But hey I'm glad that we got to the truth of the matter.

XT inc

Senior Member
Jul 29, 2009
Okay so this kid got owned pretty good. Why has no one brought up the question as to why she is buying M rated games for a little 11 year old. I mean really whining to the media, playing the disabled card and letting them play games meant for someone 4 years shy of a decade older than the kid, good job mom way to raise a kid.


Salvation a la Mode
Apr 1, 2010
Yeah, called it.

I really don't get the number of people who were posting in the other thread assuming that Microsoft was just saying "Oh he has a really high Gamerscore - he must be cheating" I mean really? You think they're that sloppy about how they check into this stuff?

Penalizing legit players goes against every interest they have, they aren't going to just haphazardly punish and ban players.

The mom should be slapped, especially for trying to milk sympathy off the "my autistic child" thing. That was never even the least bit relevant to the situation.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
necronmm said:
Still getting a free month of Xbox live gold for lying? Wow
yea i have a feeling MS is going to offer a nice shiny lawsuit instead of a new account and free month