Autistic Xbox Player's Mother Admits He Cheated


New member
May 13, 2010
Asehujiko said:
So basically, somebody lies to an autistic child about whether or not his methods for getting achievements are legit, autistic child gets punished for something he didn't do and had no idea his unknown "benefactor" would do, child and his mother are utterly bewildered why that happened and ask publicly wtf is going on, Microshit blames them for the third party's action and the entire escapist is hivemindedly hating on them as well?
That's what I'm getting from this too. Someone else hacked his achievements. Shes a MOM people, she doesn't know the first thing about halo or achievements or how they work. She just saw cheater and went WTF? The mom was a bit naive, and the kids 11, doesn't know better. Microsoft is being pretty cool about this if you ask me.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
Had a feeling when i saw the first thread. I couldn't understand why Microsoft would lie about it. Therefore they were lying. Just because he is autistic doesn't mean he's incapable of cheating.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
See. Not only is the kid a cheat, the mom is a liar. Being the bit of a bastard I can be sometimes, I say she should consider herself lucky that they don't get slapped with a defamation of character lawsuit or something similar. Or maybe I'm just mad that she's still trying to play the victim card even after blatantly lying and exploiting her son's illness to try and make a company look bad for following its standard procedures.

In short, I hereby declare that I find that kid's mom to be a total *****. They shouldn't even get a free month of Gold (the kid cheated, and then the mom ran to the media and lied. neither are deserving regardless of any illnesses).


New member
Sep 26, 2010
what the hell!! a free month and and a new account?! they don't deserve anything he cheated and deserves to be punished just like anyone else

way to make the rest of us that are autistic look bad lady >:[


New member
Aug 18, 2010
deth2munkies said:
Saw this coming a mile away as soon as I saw the title to the first news article.

Honestly, people need to stop milking disabilities.
Yup, and I agree

I'm autistic too but I don't milk it... (however it is my only excuse of "HOW THE HECK COULD YOU DO THIS IN A MONTH THAT TOOK ME 3 YEARS?!" getting all the beat hazard achievements, getting all the castle crasher characters, 5 starring through the fire and flames in a month [still hate that game])

That kind of stuff
on a side note
Yeah people, stop milking disabilities and playing this up and-

Wait a minute... did this say FOX News?
...that must mean his mom is a republican or an idiot... both of which explain everything on the "milking it/blowing it out of proportion")

Side Note: They still do 1 month free? I got a new 360 recently and made a gamertag for it (TrueWOPR) and got no gold free


New member
Oct 18, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
She's given up on fighting Microsoft, and will likely take the company's offer of a free month of Xbox Live Gold and a new Gamertag for Jackson to start again.
So the kid gets rewarded for cheating, (then, I'm guessing, lying to his mother about it). Fantastic.

Still, at least the mother had the honesty to admit her kid is actually in the wrong. Pity Microsoft didn't have the balls to stand their ground over the cheating...


New member
Aug 18, 2010
hardband said:
Had a feeling when i saw the first thread. I couldn't understand why Microsoft would lie about it. Therefore they were lying. Just because he is autistic doesn't mean he's incapable of cheating.
...just for the record HE didn't cheat
he had someone cheat for him (probably by paying them)

just as bad, just will kill any "way to go on hacking it!" trolls out there


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Asehujiko said:
So basically, somebody lies to an autistic child about whether or not his methods for getting achievements are legit, autistic child gets punished for something he didn't do and had no idea his unknown "benefactor" would do, child and his mother are utterly bewildered why that happened and ask publicly wtf is going on, Microshit blames them for the third party's action and the entire escapist is hivemindedly hating on them as well?
Okay. Now try actually reading what this article says, because it's not what you just described at all. What really happened is they knew damn well this other player was going to cheat to give him armor, and they went ahead with it and gave that other player the account details so he could do it. Then they played the victim card when they got busted for the cheating they both knew had happened.

The key is they gave the other guy the account details. If he had hacked the kids account, that would be a different story. But they willingly gave that information so someone could cheat for them, which means they deserve the punishment. And after the mom goes to the media and lies about how her son didn't cheat, yeah, those of us in reality think poorly of the mother.


Blatant Narcissist
Mar 31, 2008
To paraphrase Stephen Toulouse himself during Desert Bus IV:

Stepto's Law: The length and complexity of an explanation is directly proportionate to how much of it is lies.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
deth2munkies said:
Saw this coming a mile away as soon as I saw the title to the first news article.

Honestly, people need to stop milking disabilities.
This one. It's ridiculous.
I hate people doing stuff like that.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
My question is, did the kid understand he was cheating? I'm not convinced he understood the nuance of the situation. Which doesn't mean he shouldn't be punished for it, just the same, I'm just wondering.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
vxicepickxv said:
So Microsoft followed standard operating procedures, got slammed by the mother of an Autistic child, then proven right? I fail to see a problem with this.
and lets be honest here...Autistic or not...sounds like the kid is being babied by his mother and that autism isnt the LEAST of his worries for the real world


New member
Aug 2, 2009
Not to sound to cruel, but thats kinda sad. For one to allow your son to cheat, then lie about it, then try and get sympathy for the lie. And also, that the kid went to that much trouble for Halo 3. Its not even that good.

The Big Pickel

New member
Jan 27, 2011
Oh please everyone that is on there high freaking horse . Oh he shouldn't have cheated hes a bad boy. How many of your achievements have you gotten 100% on your own with no help from any one else . Youtube/friend/faqs everyone does so grow up quit hammering the kid. As for his disability until you know the full extent don't assume you know what the kid can and can't do. Autism can be a real *****. The mother over reacted to lash out at Xbox facts are fact kid got caught.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
MetalDooley said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Actually, the last part is partially incorrect. I got a metric fuckload of the Mercenaries 2 online achievements offline due to a glitch that I did not do purposely. 35/40. No, I'm not giving them back because I've done everything to get them legit since then.
Most of the Mercenaries 2 cheevs can be gotten offline.There's only a handful that require you to be online
Yet I got 35/40. Most of the online ones. Many achievements that I hadn't even gotten close to getting. But, ehh, the game is buggy as hell so, ehh.

Still somewhat relevant.

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
You selfish twat... pardon my french.
Microsoft has been saying for at least a couple years now that they will not tollerate cheating of any extent and anyone caught doing so will have their gamerscore reset to 0 or be banned from the service and everything in between. But you using your child's ailment to gain sympathy from the community and whatever else you tried to do is just sick.

There are things on XBOX LIVE I'd love to get like the gold camos in Black Ops but I'm not going to cheat the system because I don't want my score reset; I worked hard to get up to 27,000 gamerscore and I don't want all that taken away. Although I don't know how some people on LIVE have over 150,000 gamerscore unless those are points aquired from the Original XBOX.