Autistic Xbox Player's Mother Admits He Cheated


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Ghengis John said:
I'd like to see everyone who railed against "M$!!!" March in here single file and eat some crow, please. To be fair though, the escapist itself whipped them up with a headline like "Microsoft devastates innocent little crippled boy with heinous groundless, slanderous accusations that will ruin him for life!" I'm just gonna quote me from the other thread:

Ghengis John said:
Wow way to slant the story. You guys have re-written that headline twice now and each time it sounds meaner and meaner. You might wanna throw some bleach in there, your journalism is looking a little yellow. It's entirely possible the kid was cheating. Autistic or not. For that matter, autistic does not mean retarded or in any way disabled. You're tying to make it sound like "this poor sick child" but he's 11 and perfectly capable of cheating.
Hey, escapist why's this headline so tame, why isn't it "Deceptive ***** Lies To Millions, Uses Child's Illness To Run Con Operation!" or "Child Mastermind Bilks Microsoft In Media War Of Attrition! Gets Away With MURDER."? You should be ashamed guys. Next time how about feigning a bit more objectivity? Not only does it make you look like a credible, professional news outlet but you can avoid the embarrassing and regrettable situation of backing the wrong horse.
You make a great point. I totally agree that the earlier reporting and headline choices were extremely slanted. Glad this turned out to be a bunch of bullshit perpetuated by a sad woman using her son's condition to gain fame.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
She's given up on fighting Microsoft, and will likely take the company's offer of a free month of Xbox Live Gold and a new Gamertag for Jackson to start again.
So he gets busted for cheating and they give him a new tag and 1 month free Gold? How is that fair? Did Microsoft offer the same to everyone else who had been caught cheating or only to those who play the Disability Sympathy card?


New member
Sep 8, 2008
The Big Pickel said:
Oh please everyone that is on there high freaking horse . Oh he shouldn't have cheated hes a bad boy. How many of your achievements have you gotten 100% on your own with no help from any one else . Youtube/friend/faqs everyone does so grow up quit hammering the kid. As for his disability until you know the full extent don't assume you know what the kid can and can't do. Autism can be a real *****. The mother over reacted to lash out at Xbox facts are fact kid got caught.
Reading a guide=/= hacking or cheating.
Hacking or cheating is what happened here.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Wait, wait WAIT! Did Microsoft offer him a new gamertag, and a free month of xbox live because he did something illegitimate?!

I mean he did cheat, and now hes getting away with it, with a pat on the shoulder and a brand new gamertag?!


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Wow she's insane, she know's what happened but yelled anyway. I dunno what she was thinking but lady world doesn't bend to your will.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
MetalDooley said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
MetalDooley said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Actually, the last part is partially incorrect. I got a metric fuckload of the Mercenaries 2 online achievements offline due to a glitch that I did not do purposely. 35/40. No, I'm not giving them back because I've done everything to get them legit since then.
Most of the Mercenaries 2 cheevs can be gotten offline.There's only a handful that require you to be online
Yet I got 35/40. Most of the online ones. Many achievements that I hadn't even gotten close to getting. But, ehh, the game is buggy as hell so, ehh.

Still somewhat relevant.
I think I misread your post.I thought you were saying that 35/40 were online achievements rather than you unlocked 35/40 including the online ones
Ehh, it happens. I use tricky wording too much, my apologies.

OT: Who cheats for Recon armor anymore? Better yet, who actually cares for Recon armor anymore?


New member
May 19, 2009
Woot, I won 20 euros from this! I bet with my friend that the kid cheated and Mom used Autism as an symphaty leverage. Why I though so? Because it was completely irrelevant with the article, not being mentally capable to understand rules doesn't not free you from responsibility but transfers it to a guardian or person is denied of service. And last but least that microsoft gave the info straight to the mother and didn't splash it to the media.

On topic:

The mothers actions are sickening! You do not use something like that as a leverage, it is immoral*! (In my moral perspective, that is personal to me). Giving impression that her child doesn't break rules, ever. I feel no sympathy towards this them anymore. She is reason why videos game companies got bad reputation, she is part of the mold that festers on the corner of plate of Gaming and slowly corrodes it away.

I am proud that microsoft acted kind and HUMAN towards this problem (Even it was PR stunt for most parts), showing they aren't such a greedy bastard of a corporation.

C95J said:
First of all, Microsoft didn't know that the kid was autistic.
I been trying to tell this to people! Do they think Microsoft is god of some sort, or some big brother? Did he write it in hes profile and therefor gaining immunity? Since when did logic lose its spot in the minds of the people?


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Microsoft may or may not be evil (depending on who you talk to) but they are NOT incompetent.

Rusty Bucket

New member
Dec 2, 2008
The Big Pickel said:
Oh please everyone that is on there high freaking horse . Oh he shouldn't have cheated hes a bad boy. How many of your achievements have you gotten 100% on your own with no help from any one else . Youtube/friend/faqs everyone does so grow up quit hammering the kid. As for his disability until you know the full extent don't assume you know what the kid can and can't do. Autism can be a real *****. The mother over reacted to lash out at Xbox facts are fact kid got caught.
The account Zombie Kill67 transferred from the Xbox it is normally seen on, to an Xbox in another city. The account earned several achievements for Halo 3 that can only be done online and in succession. It was clear they were unlocked out of order and offline. Earning successive online achievements out of order and offline is an impossible feat, not due to skill, but due to the technology of the system. It can only be done by modifying the account and faking the achievements.
+1 reading comprehension!


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
... Nice, use your sons autism to get your 15 minutes of game even when you know you're wrong. Classy. I knew this story was bull shit when it was first reported.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Mcface said:
Lol this sounds like something Chris Chan would do.
Well Chris-CHan hates his HEX BAWX so proabably not.
OT: I. Fucking. Called it.
OffTOpic: Fuck Captcha, My Keyboard does not have Accents.


New member
May 19, 2009
2xDouble said:
Microsoft may or may not be evil (depending on who you talk to) but they are NOT incompetent.
Or stupid. Some people call the stupid and what not, truth is: You do not run multimillion corporations with extremely popular programs and devices, by being stupid.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
I'm hearing a hilariously different tune from all you guys since this new development. "Knew it all along!" "I could've guessed it!" "Of course she was milking it for sympathy!"

Two days ago, it was "What a dick move, Microsoft" "WTF Microsoft's on a power trip" "That poor kid, imagine being in his position" "Are the rest of us next? Hide your legal activities~!"


New member
May 19, 2009
PrototypeC said:
I'm hearing a hilariously different tune from all you guys since this new development. "Knew it all along!" "I could've guessed it!" "Of course she was milking it for sympathy!"

Two days ago, it was "What a dick move, Microsoft" "WTF Microsoft's on a power trip" "That poor kid, imagine being in his position" "Are the rest of us next? Hide your legal activities~!"
I though this whole situation was made bigger than it really was (For what ever reason), only to demonise Microsoft. Since what does this situation has anything to do with the child being autistic, why should the autism be Microsoft worry or how was Microsoft supposed to know of the child's misfortune? Does being disabled give you immunity to punishment over rule breaking? No...

Liquid Ocelot

New member
Nov 6, 2010
Not to sound harsh, but..

Should we really care that the boy is autistic? He still cheated, doing something that anyone else would get banned, achievement reset, ect. for.

Yet, just because he is autistic and his mother started a shitstorm, he gets a free gold month, and a new account? Bullshit, man. How about ValvE sets me up with a new Steam account with CSS and L4D on it? I mean, I cheated on CSS, but if I start a big enough shit storm... Free stuff, right?!


New member
Dec 5, 2008
It's nice to have a position that you don't have to compromise when the truth comes to light.

I'm just sorry they "rewarded" him with a free month.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
"seeing it wasn't a bank password or anything big, it's just a game"

First she yelled: "It's his only form of entertainment" and made a massive deal out of that.
And now the facts are out she says "it's just a game"


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Just like everyone else, I saw this coming.
I hate it when people use disabilities as an excuse for things like this. Even with Autism he should've known that cheating to get Recon (which is freaking stupid looking anyways) is wrong, and the mother lying about him not cheating doesn't put this in a good light.
Plus, who cares about Recon anymore? It's not a big deal.

Kakashi on crack

New member
Aug 5, 2009
Got caught and now she's trying to make it less than what it was?

Meh, she should be happy Microsoft is offering what they are. Course its all for publicities sake. *shrug*