Autistic Xbox Player's Mother Admits He Cheated

Easton Dark

New member
Jan 2, 2011
Lying on the news.

Using Autism as a sympathy factor.

Knowingly let her son cheat probably knowing the risks.

Oh my, she sounds like a caring, but at the same time awful person.

Spoon E11

New member
Oct 27, 2010
I'm glad she at least had the guts to say: my son cheated.

Well I'm glad microsoft didn't back down on this one.

The Hungry Samurai

Hungry for Truth
Apr 1, 2004
Simply shameful. There are two things that bother me from my former time working in Retail, and my current time working in the school system.

1. People who refuse to admit their child can do any wrong and will defend them blindly, even with proof to the opposite.

2. People who believe that they can always get their way by complaining enough.

This parent has succeeded at being both, and this disgusts me.

I'm a gamer, and the father of an autistic child and should I ever be stupid enough to allow my kid to play that game online at that age, I'd never go to a public forum crying about unfairness.

Instead I'd just take away his xbox privileges, and cancel his account, because he should no better than to give his XBL password to other people.

Arec Balrin

New member
Feb 26, 2010
RatRace123 said:
Typical, stupid parents thinking their shitfaced spawn can do no wrong, so they'll ***** and moan until reality warps in their favor.
Microsoft gave the kid too much if you ask me, the company didn't have to give him anything. He should carry the mark of cheater on his profile.
Autistic boy is naive, believes what another boy tells him, gets called 'shitfaced' by denizen of the Escapist. Other regulars put the boot in too.

I don't know whether to give up on humanity or just the Escapist.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Arec Balrin said:
RatRace123 said:
Typical, stupid parents thinking their shitfaced spawn can do no wrong, so they'll ***** and moan until reality warps in their favor.
Microsoft gave the kid too much if you ask me, the company didn't have to give him anything. He should carry the mark of cheater on his profile.
Autistic boy is naive, believes what another boy tells him, gets called 'shitfaced' by denizen of the Escapist. Other regulars put the boot in too.

I don't know whether to give up on humanity or just the Escapist.
I wasn't referring specifically to him, I was referring to the pattern of parents going to extravagant lengths to protect their kids, even when their kids are at fault.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
Oh my god. This pisses me off so much. That kid is going to get older and realize, if he hasn't realized already, that his mom is a lying asshole, who will publicize his disability so she can manipulate people with it.


Free Thinker
Dec 9, 2010
deth2munkies said:
Saw this coming a mile away as soon as I saw the title to the first news article.

Honestly, people need to stop milking disabilities.
I have Autism and I get almost nothing. No one has ever given me much of a break for my disability. In fact I have been punished for it, because I could not do the same things as someone who does not have Autism. I have also been targeted by predators who could see I was different so in their minds that meant I was weak and they had every right to abuse me. This kid did not know he was breaking the rules. And mom should have known about the consequences of giving anybody the right to mess with an account that is so highly valued. This mom was simply not internet or video game wise and should have settled things with Microsoft before going to the Media.

Thousand Tides

New member
Apr 12, 2010
The kid totally knew what he was getting into. His mom is making our industry look bad by falsly accusing Microsoft and hiding behind her son's disability as a safe cover during all of this. If you don't know cheating is against the rules you probably shouldn't be playing.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Tom Goldman said:
her son gave his information to another player, but still paints her son in an innocent light. "I did warn him about this but seeing it wasn't a bank password or anything big, it's just a game we didn't worry about it too much and the boy just offered to give him Recon Armor, which he did," she said. She's given up on fighting Microsoft, and will likely take the company's offer of a free month of Xbox Live Gold and a new Gamertag for Jackson to start again.
So, back up here -
1) You're saying it didn't matter, UNTILL you got called out for cheating. Yeah, welcome to video gaming, lady - would you belive it, developers don't really like you fiddling about with their software to make it easier for yourself.
2) So, even after she admits that her son was called a cheater because, ya know, he fucking cheated, Microsoft is STILL going to give her a free month? Honestly, I'd be more impressed - and so would quite a lot of other people, who kind of don't like it when people say "OH HE HAZ ASSBERGERS IT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING" - if Microsoft offered her a chance to shut the fuck up and nothing else.

Honestly, though, I dislike the mother much more then the kid. I question why the kid, if achivements mean so much to him, decided to use an external source to get the things, (and a really crap one at that - I mean, getting online achivements offline? I don't think even I would make that mistake.) But whatever. This probably would have blown over, if the mother hadn't decided that it was clearly discrimination instead of the fact that her son, ya know, Cheated?
Hope your son enjoys the month's free Gold, if he takes it, lady - after this crap, I'll be amazed if anyone will want to play with him at all.