[back to gaming] What are you playing now?


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Finished Thomas Was Alone for the first time last night. I'm also playing From Dust, but I expect to finish that within a day or so.

Debating the next game I want to play, but seriously considering playing through the Mass Effect Trilogy in one go. Especially so I can stop avoiding the ME3 spoilers(Yeah, I still haven't played 3 yet).


New member
Sep 2, 2011
Currently swapping between playing through Dragon age: Origins and eventually it's sequel again on my Xbox 360 and playing through Dark souls 2 with two new characters on my PC.

Dragon age is getting most of my time as Origins was a pretty fun game with an interesting world. I like it more than Dragon age 2 but can still enjoy the sequel so I am probably going to play through it as well.

I am also downloading the demo for Shadow warrior since I've heard good things about it on this website and it looks pretty cool


New member
Jun 14, 2013
I finally started Skyrim. Then I stopped because I couldn't save due to a bug. After deleting and reinstalling it, I'm in the first town and off questing for the townfolk. I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Right now, nothing :/ I just finished Valkyria Chronicles yesterday. Ordered Mass Effect 3 and Remember Me in the post... I'm waiting for them to arrive. Hopefully they'll come tomorrow while I'm at work.

...Not sure what to do tonight. It's the first time in a long time that I've had nothing to play :D

Shanicus said:
-Finishing up my 'Box Run' of Pokemon Y (where I use an entire Box of pokemon instead of a team of Six - EXP share overdose and a half)....
That sounds painful O.O Very interesting I'm sure, you get to use all sorts of fun stuff, but to keep a whole BOX of Pokemon leveled enough to continue... does that not take a ludicrous amount of grinding?? Or does X/Y do something to make that kinda thing easier?


New member
Dec 9, 2013
Total War Shogun 2, Total War Medieval 2, Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn, Way of the Samurai 4, Unreal Tournament 3, and Quake 3 CPMA.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
About a third through the story of FFX-HD, just beat the Elite Four and Champion in Pokemon Y, and waiting on Smash Bros for 3DS and I got the demo... good :D, realized I need to replace my L/R buttons... bad :(. About 3/4 through Shovel Knight on Wii U, unlocked Mirror Mode in Mario Kart 8, and about to get Paula in Earthbound. I've got a hardcore Demon Hunter sitting in the 40s in Diablo III (PC) just waiting for a lull, I've barely started Lego Batman 2, and I could always keep trying to finish Crown World in Mario 3D World.

Plus waiting for price drops on Dark Souls 2, South Park: Stick of Truth and FFXIII-3. And the release of Smash Bros for Wii U and amiibos (and maybe Bayonetta 2 - but $60 for 2 action games is not my ideal price point).

Rayce Archer

New member
Jun 26, 2014
Wolfenstein: The New Order. It's okay but considering the overhead I guess I expected IdTech 5 to look at least a little better than Crytek's latest. It doesn't. Good job, Carmack.

C&C Generals with the Shockwave mod. Really breathes new life into the game, giving each army enough new units that they seem legitimately unique. Also adds 3 new generals and unlocks higher particle caps. Modded for further camera zoom and higher resolutions, Generals still looks pretty good today, too.

Mount and Blade: Warband. I lost my save with businesses in every city and a maxed out army of pure cav in a reformat, so now I get to start over. Teaching Ymira and Jeremus all the skills so I don't have to learn any baby, aw yeah! Someday I may even play the game as a balanced army instead of some dick riding around with a big cavalry mob ganking the weakest lords I can find. SOMEDAY.

The Darkness 2: Also lost my saves in this one. And while I like the acting and writing and visual design, the game itself is kind of bad so I may just play it on Easy.


New member
Sep 11, 2014
A bit of tired of current offer of multiplayer games, I wanted to find something new in the MMORPG world, and so I stumbled upon the "Wind of Luck: Arena". At the very beginning it was clear that I will not find here a fantasy world and imaginary creatures, but I also think it's time to finally get a break from it. Instead of elves and orcs, I entered into the realm of naval battles, but the ships were not of the latest technology, as well as in some competing titles. That's exactly what I was retained, because I was very interested to find out more about the history of shipbuilding and the types of ships that now we can only watch in the documentaries.

Da Orky Man

Yeah, that's me
Apr 24, 2011
I've been playing the game game for about 3 months now, Europe Universalis 4. I've colonised Siberia as Japan, united the Holy Roman Empire as Austria, formed the Scandinavian Empire as Sweden, reunited the entirety of India as Vijaynagar, and am currently giving Muscovy what-for as Poland-Lithuania.

I've had the game for 3 months, and I've clocked 250 hours. And this is someone who almost completely stopped gaming through simple apathy before discovering Europe Universalis.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Been playing the crap out of some Payday 2 lately, and loving it now that I've got a computer that doesn't freak the fuck out whenever the game patches. Seriously, PD 2 on steam is a terribad monster when it comes to patches and screwing with computers.

Though after watching Many A True Nerd's Fallout New Vegas: You Only Live Once run, I'm getting an itch to play that again. Not sure if it will last, as I just get so bored with New Vegas, but I am interested again.


New member
Oct 18, 2013
Mostly trying to finally finish Anachronox right now, mixed with a lot of "never-ending games" like Crusader Kings 2 or Europa Universalis IV. I never got around to finish Anachronox, played it pretty much nonstop until the end of Hephaestus and then lost interest. Right now I'm having a blast with it, the game is just fully insane (running around shrinked on one of your team mates who is a shrinked planet? We got you covered!)

Also a lot of Dwarf Fortress, I love the new version but oh my god the performance....


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
well i'm mainly playing diablo 3 atm, hadn't heard about seasons until about a week ago and finally leveling up a barbarian and having a great time (i think i got bored of being a wizard and the effort of leveling a new character was what put me off, not the game itself).

when i have a dedicated couple of hours (and there isn't anything i want to watch on tv on the side of my screen) i'm going through the dead space series. i only ever played 2 before, but a while ago i got DS1 and DS3 really cheap/free with a bundle or something (possibly a humble EA bundle, there was a bunch of other EA games in my origin list i didn't buy) and picked up DS2 for about £2.50, so can't really go wrong.

i did try metro 2033 redux, but something felt off about it. i dunno, i'll need to try again in the future, but right now i'm just not feeling it


Dec 3, 2010
Elder Scrolls Online
Needed a new MMO to keep me busy during my down time. Found it extremely cheap and figured I might as well give it a try(tried the beta and hated it). Turned out it's a pretty damn good game. Been over a week now and I'm still enjoying it greatly. Definetly recomend it if your current MMOs are making you bored... though make sure to read up a bit on how the classes work before you start playing.

Way too much mats in this game though. I have a bank of 80 slots full, as well as seven alts with 420 slots filled and I still have too much stuff in my main characters bags(81 slots!). Had to give up woodworking, alchemy and provisioning mats around level 20 since it started becoming such a problem by then.


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2010
Been playing a shitton of Fable Aniversary since it came out on steam (played it 8 hours straight when it got released... whoops) and finished the main story on day 3, played for 17 hours.

I've been playing Hearthstone casually but regularly since season 1. I did miss out on a whole season though, so maybe not THAT regularly.

I recently got the Diablo 2 expansion, so I'm going to be playing that with my brother and his friend later on today. They're gonna be getting back into the game, from what I've seen it isn't as dead as I thought it would be. (I used to play a lot of D2 classic before Diablo 3 came out. When D3 came out though I've probably spent like 4 hours on it in total and dropped it, I have serious buyers remorse right now)


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2009
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment on my Vita. Contains the full PSP game on top so will take me a while to grind through this thing.

Also Borderlands 2 on and off.

And Every once in a while some Ni no Kuni with my little boy. Whenever our boss lets us :)

p.s. just realized it is a lot more interesting what I am NOT playing. And that is the Dark Souls 2 DLC. Platted the game but haven't felt the slightest urge to put the disc back in the drive since ...


New member
Oct 22, 2009
I just finished leveling a crusader in Diablo 3 to 70. I have now moved on to Destiny, and I love it. It is easily a 9.5 to me, but I understand others might find it too light. I suppose you have some folks wanting tons of options in the multiplayer and deeper MMORPG elements. Others just gotta hate. It was worth the wait for me.


Welcome to the Fantasy Zone
Jul 3, 2010
Been playing a ton of PAYDAY 2 lately, and I'm eagerly waiting for the Hotline Miami DLC and Hoxton breakout heist.

Also been playing some older games, such as Rise of the Triad: Dark War, System Shock 1, and Outlaws, been having a lot of fun with those.

I've been looking into getting Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth, and probably will soon, just don't wanna spend the money on it right now, especially 'cause I have other games that I'm not currently playing, but need to finish up.


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
raeior said:
Mostly trying to finally finish Anachronox right now, mixed with a lot of "never-ending games" like Crusader Kings 2 or Europa Universalis IV. I never got around to finish Anachronox, played it pretty much nonstop until the end of Hephaestus and then lost interest. Right now I'm having a blast with it, the game is just fully insane (running around shrinked on one of your team mates who is a shrinked planet? We got you covered!)
That game is awesome! I've finished half a dozen times. Started it up a lot more times.
Too bad that sequel never happened, since it was planned as a trilogy.

There has even been a movie made out of it's in-game cut-scenes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNcgitxaGDc *Warning, long looong youtube clip.*