Bad Sections In Good Games


New member
Dec 5, 2008
The fights with Wesker in RE5, especially the last one. "Hey, you know what would make sense? Having established that our bad guy has an attack that instantly kills you from close range, let's make the player have to get within melee range to finish him off."

Honestly, I think the game as a whole was full of fail, but at least it had its entertaining moments. Everything about the ending, though, was "If you pull this hackneyed chain of conditions off, we'll reward you by letting you see the glory of our D-grade cinematic aspirations."


New member
Nov 1, 2011
-The first few levels of (Dark Forces III:) Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. The shooting was good in the other Dark Forces, but in this game it was just a pain in the ass. Only three guns (In the parts were you HAD to use guns that is. You got plenty more once you had a lightsaber, but you'd be using your freakin' lightsaber by then), way too hard, and pulled a bunch of bullshit suprise death sequences just to ruin your quicksave. The Sniper level once you get your lightsaber is also bullshit, you can get insta-killed from across the map by snipers with lightning reflexes.

-Killer Croc in Arkham Asylum. Boring, pointless rinse-and-repeat section.

-Oblivion Gates in Oblivion. Do the same dungeon over and over (There's 9 unique maps for Oblivion gates, 2 of them locked to story sections. Up to 60 Oblivion gates can pop up on the map) or have infinitely spawning demons attack you? Most of the main quest wasn't very good, but the Oblivion Gates were particularly horrible.

-Mass Effect 2's ending. No, really. Mass Effect 2's ending. 2's. Not 3's. Oh, don't get me wrong, the suicide mission was amazing, definitely my second favourite sequence in the ME series. It's the end boss that is so amazingly retarded it hurts. Also, the lack of a reasonable choice at the end ("WILLINGLY give incredibly valuable artifact to terrorist" vs "Blow up incredibly valuable artifact you've been trying to get all game")

-The entire main quest of Fallout 3. Even Liam Neeson couldn't save it.

-The railroad section of Half Life 1. People don't complain about this one, but holy crap do I personally find it annoying. Sitting in a cart for half an hour, doing nothing but pushing buttons. Also, Xen. I don't think I need to explain that second one.

Honorable mention to:
-The SUPER GRAVITY GUN sections of Half Life 2 and Ep 1 (AKA: Half of Ep 1). I like the plot going on during these sections. In both cases, what's happening with the characters and the world I extremely enjoy. But the gameplay is just so bloody dull. Run up to dude, pick up dude. Rinse and repeat for an hour or two. The rest of the games had gun variety and some sort of possibility you might die. This doesn't. Manages to gain the "Honorable mention" qualifier thanks to the aforementioned story going on in the background.

Captcha: half done. I don't know, I think my post is long enough as it is.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
omicron1 said:
The mini games in Sly Cooper. Having fun platforming? Well, time to stop and do a mandatory no-errors-allowed speedboat section! I hope you like retrying a boring, dull level twenty times!
Bentley: Uh... Better luck next time?


Final Fantasy IX: That ONE minigame. You know which one I'm talking about.

Fucking hedgehog pie...

Jak 2: Well let's see here...

1. That one section where you have to blast your way out of the slums with infinitely respawning enemies.

2. ALL the racing sections.

3. That one section where you had to protect three very annoying idiots who can't defend themselves for shit. Oh, and there's no checkpoints.

4. The second time you have to escort Sig, an area that requires speedy and precise platforming, a couple of puzzle rooms, and a giant metal head centipede chasing you most of the way. Also doesn't have any checkpoints.

5. That race against Erol. With his stupid rubber band A.I.

That game had so many annoying sections it wasn't even funny.

And yet I still like the game.

Dark Souls: The New Games Plus versions of the Four Kings. So much rage.


New member
Jan 24, 2011
Assassin's Creed 3: New York part 1. It was just an incredibly annoying section of an otherwise great game

Bioshock: The escort mission near the end where you're pretending to be a Big Daddy

Oh, and Desmond's ending in ACIII. I was sooooooooo pissed at him.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Storm Dragon said:
-Playing through the Fallout: New Vegas addons with a non-combat character, which basically boils down to sprinting between objectives while shouting, "I'MSORRYFORLOOKINGATYOUFUNNYPLEASEDON'TEATMYFACE!"
I was playing through Old World Blues yesterday. I decided to do some exploring and went inside this building with radioactive good seeping out of it. Inside I found several of those trauma collar wearing skeletons. They were pretty hardy and I didn't want to waste ammunition on them, so I tried leaving the building.

Unfortunately, they all followed me outside, so I tried to use a stealth boy to get away. I was able to get away from them. Suddenly I found myself facing against a group of nightstalkers, so I mowed them down, then suddenly more and more came. Apparently I must have gotten the attention of every single night stalker in the crater, because there didn't seem to be any end to them. Eventually I got overwhelmed and died.

Not a very pleasant experience I must say.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
-Physchonauts: The Circus of meat.

-Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. A good game for it's time but then came SNIPERTOWN. You need to reach a King Tiger tank so you can hijack it and you are escorting a tank crew through a bombed out french town. Unfortunately, between you and the tank is the German Armies Crack Sniper Division, all of which are hard to spot and the only way to see if there is a Sniper half the time is to run out and let it shoot at you. Even better, the tank crewmen will often go out of their own accord and get themselves shot, just because they're tired of living. You can lose one of the 4 and still beat the mission but it's still irritating as hell.

-Thief 2: The Metal Age. The Last two or three levels. The two levels just before the final one are pretty much the same one, but you have to do it twice, just because. The Final mission is you running around in a giant factory, playing with machines and dodging robots while the bad guy taunts you over the loudspeaker. It's just as much fun as it sounds.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Owls87 said:
The miniature helicopter, bomb planting mission in GTA Vice City.
Fuck! Just started playing Vice City for the first time last night, and now I'm up to that mission.


New member
Feb 6, 2010
The racing levels and the minigames from Jak 2 made me stop playing for a month. Still loved the game though!


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Level 1-58 in World of Warcraft. Lol I know right?? Now guess why I stopped playing that game... and most mmo's.

Seriously though:

-Orzammar/Deep Roads (I would say the Fade but after going back and completing it a few times over it's not that bad)

-The Lava Eco in Metroid Prime. I hope you can still remember that forsaken level. Hell basicly all of the extreme-ecoysystems in Metroid.

-Desmond's sections in every game he's in. Except for AC3, they were actually done right, but still boring.

-Fallout: New Vegas, basicly that game falls apart once you have the Platinum Chip.

-Muted Free Roam mode in GTA IV. You might as well drop your pants and bend over the moment you join a match.

-Torchlight 1- The whole game became a droll sludge of meh-Diablo. Not Torchlight 2 though, that game's awsome.

-Dragon Age 2- After you finish the 2/3 of the game.
The whole templar/mage shit gets jammed in the plot

-The opening sewers in Oblivion. Don't get me wrong I loved it the first time, but after 20+ or so characters it got pretty tedious.

-In Starcraft... actually basicly every time in a Strategy when you're forced to turtle because there's "an evacuation" or "this thing is charging up".

Dark Prophet

New member
Jun 3, 2009
Bioshock 1 - the escort mission, the little shit had no self preservation instinct whatsoever, also the end cinematic was so fucking cheesy.
Borderlands 2 - those delivery boy quests, I think I failed every single one of them on my first run.
Mass Effect 2 - planet scanning, I would like to meet the people hwo thought it was a good idea and ask them what the hell were they thinking.
Rage - driving, all of it, I stoped playing it because it is necessary to advance in the story and some of the races can only be won if you are lucky as fuck.
Deus Ex Human Revolution - 1st and 3rd bossfight were just shit 2nd one was kinda ok not good by any means but ok.
Batman AA - final bossfight/arena fight thing the PC contols were just so fucking bad.
Crysis - the part after you emerge from the alien ship and have to escort prophet from one burning car to another before he freezes and the part where you have to pilot that fucking futuristic plane thing (vtol?)without those two Crysis would be in my top 5 of shooters.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
Manaan in KOTOR 1, or more specifically the diving sections which are incredibly slow,tedious and are not helped by the fact that instead of having combat you just press a button when a shark appears and then continue onward.
Dante's gameplay in DMC4. I hated that you couldn't upgrade your guns like you could in 3 plus most of the devil arms sucked so I was forced to keep using rebellion for the entire game. I also reeeeeally missed Nero's devil buster while fighting some of the more annoying enemies (Chimera I'm looking at you). Then there's the whole repeating the entire game again issue.

Storm Dragon

New member
Nov 29, 2011
AnarchistFish said:
Storm Dragon said:
-The combat in the first Mass Effect
Partly agree. The combat was definitely awkward and difficult and they improved it massively with ME2, but by the end I'd kind of grown on it. It was kinda endearing in how imprecise it was, more realistic. Although ME1's strength is its storyline, of course.
Yeah, you don't play ME1 for the combat. I must admit, though, that the combat never bugged me until I replayed it after playing ME2, which was a vast improvement in the gameplay department.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
GamingAwesome1 said:
Third stage of IllBleed really dragged down the game for me because of how combat-heavy that stage is and combat in IllBleed is pretty shit.
Holy shit. I've gotten used to THe Escapist being mostly filled with gamers loving this generation and the best games of the last one. Never expected to see obscure Dreamcast games appear on the first page of a thread on here. Kudos! :)

Many strategy games have reeeaaaally annoying missions that are artificially hard. They often just have that *one right way* to play it, which defies the basic rules of a strategy games. Can't really remember anything special that hasn't been brought up yet, other than that.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Sewer levels. In every game that I love, there is a sewer level. It's never a good a level.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
I bet all of these have already been mentioned... but for me, I'd say these were bad sections in otherwise great games:

1. The Fade in "Dragon Age: Origins"
2. The unconscious sequences in "Max Payne"
3. Mako/Planet Scanning in the "Mass Effect" series
4. The final act of "Mass Effect 3"
5. The Xen areas of "Half Life"

But, to me anyway, the top-dog of bad sections in otherwise great games...

QUICK TIME EVENTS in any game that has ever/will ever use them.


New member
Sep 8, 2010
Blackeagle said:
When they introduced the aliens in Crysis ... that was just plain bad
You do realize that's pretty much what Crysis revolves around?

The goddamn Green Bridge [] mission from Payday: The Heist comes to mind.
Seriously, it's nearly impossible to escape near the end of the mission, especially on higher difficulties.

The cops keep swarming the group, from all sides, and you need to push forward because they won't stop coming.


New member
Jun 21, 2011
The huge late-game fetch quest in Wind Waker. That really was not all that fun. :S

But even with that lame stuff, Wind Waker remains my favourite game of all time.


New member
Feb 9, 2010
As others have said, Orzammar in Dragon Age: Origins. It stretched on for WAY too long, it bored me to tears and made me realize how linear the game was. I loved the rest of the game though.

Another bad section in a good game is the escort mission in Resonance Of Fate. I still haven't beaten it unfortunately. It's just so stupid, why do I have a protect a statue? Why do these doll things want to destroy it so badly? Why can't I just weld the frame back on if it falls off from taking too much damage? WHY IS THERE AN ESCORT MISSION IN A TURN BASED GAME!?
>_> I loved the game so much till I got stuck on that part.

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
1. Escorting the little sister in Bioshock
2. The on rails section of Half Life
3. The stealth sections in wind waker
4. The levels in Thief with tonnes of undead enemies
5. The beginning of the ARSEnal gear section of mgs2
6. Robot factory level in Timesplitters 2, my god was that one frustratingly hard.