Be a man (Say something you hated about a game you Love)


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Metal Gear Solid 4, love the game but there's more time spent on cutscenes than actual gameplay. And the fact hardly anybody plays MGO anymore.

Army of Two. Useless AI companion.

FFVIII, party runs in single file, I don't know why but I found it really annoying


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Dissidia 012:

Where's Auron, Seifer and Vivi?!

Also, Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires: I'd like to be able to choose what kind of troops my officers command, and I'd also like some kind of indication as to whether or not an officer will betray me, even though it doesn't happen often.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
WhiteTiger225 said:
For me. Saints Row 2: God this game was so much fun, and has a special place in my heart, but god if they needed bigger battles, and more random missions to help keep the game flowing. Gang Customization also needed to be that instead of choosing predefineds.
I'd say a much bigger issue was shit like linear car control. Everything else felt more or less fine, but yeah, I do get your complaints a bit too, just wouldn't say I "hate" those things like they were a big deal to me.

Morrowind - combat sucked. Don't think I need to explain
Oblivion - addition of fast travel system and largely samey environments sucked, as did the removal of a lot of fun spells (Mark/Recall, Jump, Levitate, etc.)
Alpha Protocol - minigames had a completely technically flawed difficulty progression and some skills were too overpowered and unrealistic (mainly referring to stealth stuff). The latter was a somewhat acceptable consequence of RPG elements though, it's the first that sucked arse most

Can keep going... don't mind admitting faults in games I love, none of them are perfect and I'd be the first to tinker with every single one of them if I had the know-how :)


New member
Aug 16, 2008
i love Ocarina of Time but to have to go through the button controls every time i play it is REALLY annoying


New member
Apr 12, 2011
Shadow of the Colossus was excellent but it got very frustrating at points, and the puzzles concerning the clossi didn't always make sense. Why would a completely armored giant BULL be afraid of fire so much that it would let fall off a cliff instead of simply attacking the guy??

Also some of the weak points were on ridiculous places such as the the PALM of a giant humanoid tower? Would it really be like: "hurr hurr there's a little guy trying to stab me to death on my hand, well I guess it'll go away if I won't do anything like, I dunno, CRUSHING him?"

That said, I loved most of the colossi and the overall atmosphere (especially the music).


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Prince of Persia Warrior Within
Shahdee. Just Shahdee. I can cope with emoprince, but please give that girl a pair of trousers

Max Payne
The nightmare sequences made me feel motion sick and that one hallway with the rocket launchers is just...

Does the word "circus" mean anything to you?

Apollo Justice
Why is Klavier so helpful? Let me figure the obvious things out on my own please!

Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness
The story and scenarios were good. Just the controls, bugs and levelling system were bad (wait, why do I like this game again?)

Myst 4
Spending a week on a puzzle which needs super-human reaction times is not cool, even if there is eventually a patch for it. And that ending was a complete cop out. The music more than made up for it though

Discworld Noir
There's a certain character with a pre-interaction animation that is very very VERY long. And in a point and click adventure game when you don't know what to do and decide to talk to everyone again...


Aug 27, 2010
Star Wars Battlefront 2 is one of my favourite games ever, and it was ridiculously easy! Oh how I'd love for a sequel to fix all of its problems, it'd be the best game evar!!
I have the same feelings and problems with Portal 2, it was ludicrously easy!

Ross Fixxed

New member
Sep 10, 2010
Half Life 2 you wonderful game.

But for some reason I always felt the engine was going to fall over if I did something wrong. A constant niggle. Gordon's run / inertia was a little off.

Mind you the 360 constantly gives that sense of dread. Oh you turned your console on... 3 red lights. Welcome to Xbox live... 3 red lights. Halo 3 is finally out, pre order now and get 3 red lights.
May 5, 2010
Love Uncharted 2, played it like 5 times, Nathan Drake is a douche.


EDIT: Um...Why did I just have to agree to the Forum Terms of Use again?


New member
Jan 3, 2008
Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

I love the games overall, but I hate hate HATE the way certain enemies are extremely, arbitrarily tough. Fallout 3's DLCs contain the most egregious examples, such as Albino Radscorpions (approximately four times as strong as a normal one) or Feral Ghoul Reavers (approximately FIFTY times as strong as a normal one). It's not that I don't like difficulty, but it should be genuine difficulty. Fast-moving enemies? Sure. Enemies that do a lot of damage should they hit you? A-OK. Enemies that take a Mini-Nuke to the face and keep on going? Hell no. That's just stupid for anything short of a Super Mutant Behemoth.

It wouldn't be so bad if those enemies were rarely encountered 'bosses' of sorts, but they're not. At higher levels you can and often do encounter them anywhere, which means you constantly have to be ready and able to fight boss battles if you want to travel anywhere at all. I don't like being forced to pack heavy weapons and power armor everywhere I go.

New Vegas avoids this for the most part but it's a problem in Vault 34, where the ghouls are several times as tough as the normal ones for no apparent reason, which leads to bullshit like them surviving 40mm grenades to the head with half of their hit points still remaining. God I hated that place.


New member
Jul 3, 2008
Littlebigplanet 2: I can breeze through your story mode in an afternoon. On top of that, your music was not as quirky and fun this time through.

I love the idea of Nightwish in Littlebigplanet, but the music from the 1st sold it for me.


New member
Aug 9, 2010
Black & White

That song is like a barbwire in my ears, and if it goes in my brain it plays on repeat inside my head for daaaays

And the third Island where the creature gets frozen

and teh fact that the wolf is not unlocked until you're almost done with the game, and since I'm the kind of person who assign personalities to my diningchairs (har har) I'm attached to my stupid looking adorable cow

Kazaar dies!

Lethys has an awesome name but is evil


And since I played it a billion millon times, the fact that you CAN'T skip the tutorial without that.. patchthingy-thing and i couldn't get it to work

But I really love the game cause I played it when I was little and it taught me english...
Besides I really did love that cow..
Even though it turned evil by accident..


I really do love it


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
Neverwinter Nights 2: Buggy beyond what is acceptable in a game. Also, the influence system was arbitrary.

Nwn2, Mask of the Betrayer: Plot holes in the timeline, Kaelyn was annoying if you decided to be a follower of Kelemvor, and the game is quite buggy

Fallout 3: Combat disparity, odd use of V.A.T.S., Having a lot of worthless perks

Pokemon Silver: Graphics and sound were crap, story was odd, PC box was useless without constantly checking back

Dragon age: Origins. Combat was slow at times, the PC was a blank slate to the point of being empty, the DLC items made the game very easy

Dragon age 2: To many specializations were removed, you no longer had the option to stop at chat with your companion no matter where you were,

Mass Effect: The story exposition was laid out far too quickly, and the plot twist did not shock me

Mass Effect 2: There were to many squadmates, they added ammo, and it felt less like an RPG and more of a shooter.

RDR: Controls were horrible, and just trying to walk broke emersion.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
No Joker romance in Mass Effect 1 and 2 ......he's the most likable character! Come on Bioware :<

Also Planet Scanning ;_;

I love tomb raider games but there was always something about the camera or controls they messed up and it would completely ruin the game for you at the worst moment. Don't even talk to me about the grapple section at the end of anniversary. QQ

Cuppa Tetleys

New member
Mar 22, 2010
Bioshock. Best story in a game.

Should have ended after the twist - afterwards it then had an escort mission and an arbitrary boss fight that did not need to be there. Why did you ruin the perfection! My biggest complaint is that there wasn't enough of it. And I didn't like the taking picture idea.


New member
Jul 9, 2010
Fallout new Vegas crashes too much

Diablo 2 doesn't have enough options for different screen resolutions


New member
Feb 4, 2011
Irridium said:
New Vegas' interior level design feels like it was designed by brain-damaged monkeys.

Seriously, when a 3-room house becomes a maze, you failed at level design.
Same problem with Fallout 3. Remember, same engine, same issues.
Another was when bodies would glitch into the ground, so you can't search them.
Or when people would just disappear completely.

Despite your faults, I still love you Fallout.
"Everyday you love me less, each day I love you more."


New member
Feb 4, 2011
Rattler5150 said:
Fallout new Vegas crashes too much

Diablo 2 doesn't have enough options for different screen resolutions
Same problem on Fallout 3. If your save file gets bigger than 15 MB, the game gets glitchy, unstable, and just crashes on a regular basis. Sorta sucks, but I completed 3/NV on my 3 karma saves at the 12 MB point, so it wasn't really a problem, more of an annoyance.


New member
Sep 8, 2010
Heavy Rain: There's no way to kill Shelby and Ethan before the final scene. Not that I want to, it's just that I know that I don't have to worry during their scenes.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
KOTOR: Enemies respawning on the last couple stages is a massive pain
Metal Gear Solid: The game can be very unclear on what you need to do and the item needed for the task
Jet Set Radio Future: The camera loves to screw me over a lot
Final Fantasy VII: The outdated graphics sometimes make it hard to tell what something is
Kingdom Hearts II: Way too easy

I figured I would go through my top five just for the hell of it.