Be a man (Say something you hated about a game you Love)


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
RNG in most RPGs, especially the D&D ones. I know dice are the heart and soul of D&D, but difficult battles in some of these games (especially Neverwinter Nights modules) can range from downright impossible to laughably easy based on how often you get lucky rolls. There's just something wrong with that.

In the same line of thought, combat in Civilization IV can feel very random and unfair at times.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Deus Ex.

God, it looked old when it came out. It also played old compared to similar games at that time.

But I still dearly love it for having a compelling story, some genuinely clever ideas and a great attention to detail.

The Shade

New member
Mar 20, 2008
Fallout: New Vegas had invisible walls when you were scaling the mountains.

Why, Obisidian? Why???


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Brutal Legend's single player ends really sharply, and you never get to actually explore the demon lands. Also trying to pick a specific Double Team in the middle of your army when they're all running around stuff can be annoying as hell. Oh, and the gameplay isn't explained very well.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
So many...

Well, I've been playing a lot of Mass Effect lately, so:

ME2: Obviously the resource gathering. Someone at Bioware needs to understand that putting an unfun task in a game that lasts more than a couple minutes is not good game design. Especially when one quest that promises a "massive deposit of resources" at the end only gives you an amount of one resource that can be gathered in about 30 seconds of scanning any given terrestrial planet (yes, the reward/time ratio is several times less than just scanning from orbit. This is a failure, and people who design things like this do not belong in the game industry).

All they had to do to negate the need for planet-scanning is increase the resources found during missions or lower the upgrade costs. Make it so there's no planet-scanning except for missions, and set it up so that the total cost for all upgrades is like 75% or so of the total available resource caches that can be found during missions. The Mako of ME1 was boring too, but it was less boring than planet-scanning because in the Mako you actually have a sense that you're going places and seeing new things.

The stupidity of this mechanic just blows me away every time I think about it. I understand the inevitability of mistakes, but something of this magnitude just doesn't seem like the product of a person who is actually qualified for their job.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Planescape: Torment.
Don't mind the graphics and stupid AI.
But the spellcasting UI...
Holy shit I hate that thing.


Digs Giant Robots
Dec 30, 2008
Just Cause 2.
There's nothing really to do after you've done all the faction missions and conquered all the settlements.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Team Fortress 2:

Drop rates are absolute crap, they're adding too many hats, and they create too many Payload maps.

Yes, I can see you are proud that you created Payload, but can you stop making maps and alternative Payload modes?


New member
Jan 25, 2011
McMullen said:
So many...

Well, I've been playing a lot of Mass Effect lately, so:

ME2: Obviously the resource gathering. Someone at Bioware needs to understand that putting an unfun task in a game that lasts more than a couple minutes is not good game design. Especially when one quest that promises a "massive deposit of resources" at the end only gives you an amount of one resource that can be gathered in about 30 seconds of scanning any given terrestrial planet (yes, the reward/time ratio is several times less than just scanning from orbit. This is a failure, and people who design things like this do not belong in the game industry).

All they had to do to negate the need for planet-scanning is increase the resources found during missions or lower the upgrade costs. Make it so there's no planet-scanning except for missions, and set it up so that the total cost for all upgrades is like 75% or so of the total available resource caches that can be found during missions. The Mako of ME1 was boring too, but it was less boring than planet-scanning because in the Mako you actually have a sense that you're going places and seeing new things.

The stupidity of this mechanic just blows me away every time I think about it. I understand the inevitability of mistakes, but something of this magnitude just doesn't seem like the product of a person who is actually qualified for their job.
I agree, how the hell did nobody playtest say, "Um, this part is boring as all **** "

Did the developers say "Well you made fun of our Mako, so deal with it" *Crosses arms*


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Every recent Bioware title. The DLC is 95% of the time utter tripe and a complete waste of cash.

Korahn 27

New member
Apr 7, 2010
OK, I'm going to attempt this with possibly my favourite game of all time - Chrono Trigger.

Aside from "not out on XBLA" I'd have to say - the music gets really repetitive.


New member
Apr 29, 2011
Dragon Age: Origins - Morrigan does not ever "bat for the other side". Petty gripe I know, but the lesbian and bisexual girls of the world demand a female character to bunk up with who is not a goody two shoes or one who whines on about love and commitment. Leliana and Liara I'm looking at you.

Dragon Age 2 - What the hell did you do to Anders? How you go from "all I want is a nice meal, a pretty girl and the right to shoot lightning at fools" to "blowing up the chantry and killing the innocents inside is the only way to save ourselves" and still expect us to like this now-psychotic personality is beyond me. Also, getting lazy with level design, are we?

Mass Effect 2 - I miss guns that overheat, I miss my bouncy car, I miss my chaotic and cluttered inventory system and I miss being able to roam MY entire ship without needing a companion to take up that particular space. Basically everything you changed from Mass Effect 1 that no-one else but me liked.

Shadow of the Colossus, Banjo Kazooie/Tooie, Hogs of War and Goldeneye (N64), thank you for being perfect <3

I am a girl, btw, so I don't know if answering this makes me a man now. If so, grr, arg, scuse me while I eat some cheese and throw beer barrels at Teemos in League of Legends.


New member
Feb 12, 2010
Dragon Age 2. They should have spent about, let's say, twice as long making it.

Copy/pasted maps, repetitive combat (it looked damn awesome but every battle was the same...), glaring continuity bugs and a general lack of polish through the whole thing.

Still, I loved that game!


New member
Nov 12, 2010
First of all, I have to agree, that's about the only thing wrong with Chrono Trigger. Badass game.

Second, I'll do this with Dragon Age 2: Stop pasting the same ten rooms throughout the game and saying, "Oh look, it's different, five years passed." No, it's not different, and I'm not that stupid. Otherwise great game (in my humble opinion) ruined slightly by an obvious lack of effort in designing a variety of environments.

Edit: Wow, guy above me totally beat me to the punch. Great minds think alike, etc.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Portal 2: The single player is short. Yes I know co-op is supposed to make up for that but it still feels too short.

Gran turismo 4: tire physics really aren't that good. Every car feels like it understeers. Gran turismo 5 remedied this issue.