Best/Favourate Anti-Zombie weapon?


New member
Mar 2, 2009
SecretTacoNinja said:
Gravity Gun + Big Frakkin' Saw Blade
Even better: the blue-glowy enhanced gravity gun (the one you get in the citadel). Best fictional weapon ever. Just mash the trigger and watch the zombie hordes disintegrate in a lovely glow, slowly rising as if ascending to some better place...

Sorry got a bit poetic there. zombies!!! W007!!!!1!!1!!!!!!11


New member
Feb 5, 2008
The legohead in the toy shop in 'Dead Rising'. Not the most effective weapon of choice, maybe not a weapon at all but along with the toy lightsaber its definatley the most enjoyable!


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Lightsaber is the supreme owning weapon ever thought up my man kind, and if I didn't have one of those I would a Falcata

This is the best anti-zombie melee weapon out there.


New member
Nov 22, 2007
The ultimate weapon against zombies is Lynx deodourant. If the advertisements here in the United Kingdom are to be believed, a man wearing this product will be swamped with women and thereby have a force field comparable in protective ability to that of the legendary cat force field.

Failing that, I guess it's depend on the kind of zombie and the means by which a person gets infected. If, for arguments sake, you have to be bitten to be infected then my weapon would probably be... er... Godzilla. Yeah, that's probably a safe bet. That, or a suit of MJOLNIR Mark VI combat armour.

Seriously though, the best weapon to have would probably be some form of hacking weapon or shotgun. Both are perfectly designed to hack and blast things off and, more importantly, a hand-to-hand combat weapon can't run our of ammunition and shotgun ammunition would be reasonably easy to come across. Not to mention that shotguns are low maintenance, easy to use and very reliable, and hacking weapons are even more so.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Kusari-gama, katana on my back, and a P90 with grenade launcher attachment at my hip (for those enclosed encounters). The idea being that as I entered an enclosed area, I would holster the kusari-gama and pull out the P90 until I ran out of ammo and then use the katana. EDIT: I might use a shottie instead of or in addition to a P90. Just because, you know, you can fire essentially anything out of a shottie.

For those of you who don't know, a kusari-gama is two kama (small scythes, common peasant weapon in ancient Japan) on either end of a 6-7 foot long chain. Deadly in the right hands.

Mine that is.

Only downside is that it requires a certain amount of room to be used effectively. Hence the katana and P90. EDIT: And shottie.

My transportation would be a modified 1994 Dodge Ram Maxivan with armored chassis and sideboards, a minigun turret up top, running boards with concealed (spring loaded) blades, school bus motor, and a futon instead of bench seats. THAT'S what I call a tank.

I may actually start to build that now...minus the minigun obviously. Because I can't afford one, not because it's illegal, 'cause apparently you can own one, if you've got a line on where you can get one of the 11 or so that were grandfathered into the States' legal code and have $400,000 to blow. This is the US military M134 General Electric I'm talking about. Hooray for the 2nd amendment!

Sometimes I wonder about the wisdom of that amendment...


New member
Jan 14, 2009
dual uzi's all the way! plus if theres futureistic technology involved then i'd have to pick the floating buzz saw launcher you can get in dead space.


New member
Sep 1, 2008
I'd just use a Stealth Boy to sneak away from hiding places when zombies discovered them.
Unless they could smell my brains...


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Either a Scotish Claymore,German Zweihander or a Roman Gladius. Some kind of long range rifle and an Ak-47.And some kid of fortress.


New member
Jan 26, 2008
Something with a long range preferably full-auto shotguns would be the worst choice ever in a zombie situation.

Rock Beefchest

New member
Dec 20, 2008
Dark Crusader said:
Fondant said:
I can't beleive that anyone hasn't guessed this, but a flamethrower. Duh?
That'd depend on your distance, zombie's don't feel pain remember, and the last thing you want is to be close to a zombie on fire. The Flamethrower lacks stopping power, and takes a while to kill a zombie. Hence, unless you've got awesome range on it, or can get away easily, it's not an ideal weapon. It would however be the best weapon to take down a mob of zombies from afar. (After you know bomb's and shit). The zombie's would turn into BBQ! Although, one you quite probably would not want to eat.
According to World War Z and I agree bombs are a terrible idea they blow the zombies apart and rain still living zombie parts all over the battlefield. Flamethrowers similarly result in flaming zombies (actually on fire not just effeminate). What you need is a weapon such as a 45acp pistol with a target barrel. The ammos cheap and plentiful. Then as a backup have a weapon capable of destroying the brain such as a club.

Of course this assumes the slow moving zombie scourge. In a fast zombie Left 4 dead scenario we are all fucked no matter what the weapon you choose you will run out of ammo before they run out of zombies.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
A sword would be preferable i think, if we are thinkinh mass numbers of zomibes. A shotgun and a sword....


New member
Jan 10, 2009
thiosk said:
Wait, no one mentioned the rocket propelled chainsaw?

Took three whole pages for me to get ninja'd. I expected better from the Escapist Community!

If vehicles are included:


Pointy Object Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2008
A railroad spike would be the most efficient for traditional hand to hand zombie combat, but seeing as if you get into hand to hand zombie combat, you may be as good as dead any way, a mark XIX desert eagle should suffice for holding off the hordes and not encumbering your average survivor. Granted, I'm no gun expert, so I'm a bit dodgy and I'd probably get the flesh clawed off my bones in no time in the event of a traditional zombie attack, no matter how much Left 4 Dead I've played or how many times I've read the zombie survival guide.

EDIT: Though I must say, that rocket propelled chainsaw looks downright epic.


New member
Aug 29, 2008

And I believe my [i\]favorite[/i] weapon to kill a zombie with would be one that is both simple to make, easy to kill things with, and is actually useful in other ways.

A broken alcohol bottle.

I can even carry liquid in it. VERY useful.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Hmmm...considering that the zombie survival guide is in my library, I have to say that the best weapon would be a .22 rimfire rifle. Long range and the bullet is accessible everywhere. It doesn't have the stopping power, but it's accurate enough that you can shoot through the eye.