Best time if your in highschool?


New member
May 18, 2009
I loved my time at 6th form...for those of you not knowing what this is - in Uk after finishing secondary school you can go college or to a 6th form...2 years doing AS then A thats age 16-18 i think it was.

But yeah I only really came into my own towards end of secondary school so I was at full flight for 6th form...loved it - funnily enough the work then seemed a lot harder than what I had to do at University...

I have now graduated and having trouble getting a job - degrees dont help that much it seems! (Though I am at work now ^.^ its only a 3 month contract though...and yes the escapist is open everyday for the whole day I am at work)


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I hated high school. College has been pretty entertaining though. Whoever came up with that "high school is the best years of our lives" was obviously a popular kid... or a total idiot.


Jan 23, 2008
I was told that too, and not by a long shot.

It's not that I was bullied or disliked. Hell, at least half the school knew and liked me. I couldn't talk a walk through the school without talking to people.

It just... wasn't anything special. I definitely have a lot of fond memories of events and people. It did have it's highs and lows, and was definitely better than middle school (which bored the living fuck out of me), but... Yeah. So not the best time of my life.

Uni, though, that has been great so far, despite being the most (in both quality and intensity) work I've ever done in my life, to the point of exhaustion... The whole thing just matters to me. The stuff we're doing, the context, the people. It's a whole different deal.

My parents always told me I'd "miss highschool sooooooooooooooo much!!!!!". I miss some people from those days, and as I said before, wasn't all bad... But what I do today in my uni... This I will miss.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
To me life really started AFTER high school. College is freaking awesome but high school sucks balls.


New member
May 13, 2010
For me, life didn't start till I was 16 and out of secondary school. That was when life started getting better :D


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Heh, right.
I was bullied in school and was seriously depressed for a while.
My relatives kept telling me school is the best period of my life.
I was bored out of my skull in class, bullied during breaks, get home to my dad who takes out his frustration on me by yelling at me for no reason, then mom comes home and yells at me for skipping class.
"Best time of my life", right.
I had such a blast.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
A quote from my dad.

"Son people are going to tell you that your years in high school are the best of your life. Don't listen to those people cause they didn't go to college."


New member
Oct 20, 2009
High school was definitely better than anything that had proceeded it, right up until junior year. Then it started sucking. By senior year I was just ready to get the fuck out. All the seniors constantly celebrating themselves simply for being 18 and about to graduate the 12th grade were pathetic to me. One of my junior high teachers, the biology instructor who let rats run around on her body, told me that college would be the time of my life.

So far, that's very very true.

Edit: The only people who will tell you that high school is the best time of your life are people who were immensely popular in high school, or people who were totally deluded about how popular they were, who are no longer very popular at all. They are the people who thought that popularity was THE THING to live for, the guys who no longer could impress women with Dad's cool jacuzzi and the women who were no longer attractive because they ballooned out after the douche with the cool jacuzzi knocked them up. In my hometown, they all hang out at a shitty little bar and talk about "old times" like that shit really even matters anymore.

Jake the Snake

New member
Mar 25, 2009
I've always been told College is the best time of your life. Now, I haven't particularly hated my high school years so far, but I can tell that being in college is going to be just ridiculously better.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Buchholz101 said:
Think about this for a second.

Adolescence, the point in life when hormones cause intense mood swings, depression, thoughts of suicide, sexual tension, anger, impatience, insecurity and fear.

If these are the best years of my life, then I might as well just go end it myself, 'cause this life ain't gettin' any better.
Don't worry too much about it: you level out eventually and it isn't so bad. High School is less an academic learning experience than it is a social learning experience.

Provided you don't go full pants on head retarded in all your classes, you can look forward to higher education if academia is your forte, or there are usually some great technical schools for those with a more hands on mindset. Those will be some of your greatest times in life.
Jan 27, 2011
hah, I was told that too.

High school was the WORST time of my life.

The best part was CEGEP (canadian equivalent to college). It was awesome.

I WOULD say the best part is university, but hot DAAAAMN is it hard when end of semester rolls in! >_<


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Batfred said:
Vault101 said:
Batfred said:
I was told this and agreed that it was bull at the time.

I look back now (I'm 33) and realise that they were right. So much so, that like my parents and teachers alike, I tell my nieces and nephews the same thing and one day will tell my kids it too.

You youngsters out there, please do try to enjoy these years.... it only gets shitter, I promise you.
I refuse to belive that, why should I?
No skin off my nose if you don't. Think though, why does virtually every single adult tell you this? There has to be a reason.... maybe we all found out the hard way and regret not enjoying those years as much as we could have? Nah, couldn't be... could it?
Im sure the kid who was bullied constantly and had suicidal thourghts wouldnt agree (no I didnt have eather of those things)

anyhow there may be truth to what you say but I dont like that mentality, high school is over for me, what should I do? shrug and say "well thats it...funs over time to be a miserable adult!" ,

screw that I say, this is my life and it is what I can make it, yes I know hard times come around and we all have to do things that we dont want to, but Im not about resign myself to (a completley false) fact the the greatest time of my life has passed

Ive never understood this Idea that my life has to follow a certain pattern (a patern set down by society) school partying work settle down and kids, yearning for my high school days, no way, the past is in the past, I can wish I did things differently all I want it wont change anything, sure its impossible to tell what I will or wont want in the future and I could completley change

to tell highschool kids that its a pointless waste of time and quite frankly the stupidest thing ever

telling highschool kids its the best time of their life is stupid and pointless


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Sarge034 said:
Vault101 said:
Batfred said:
I was told this and agreed that it was bull at the time.

I look back now (I'm 33) and realise that they were right. So much so, that like my parents and teachers alike, I tell my nieces and nephews the same thing and one day will tell my kids it too.

You youngsters out there, please do try to enjoy these years.... it only gets shitter, I promise you.
I refuse to belive that, why should I?
Cus it's the truth?
Im going to paste exactally what I said to the other guy

[spoiler/]Im sure the kid who was bullied constantly and had suicidal thourghts wouldnt agree (no I didnt have eather of those things)

anyhow there may be truth to what you say but I dont like that mentality, high school is over for me, what should I do? shrug and say "well thats it...funs over time to be a miserable adult!" ,

screw that I say, this is my life and it is what I can make it, yes I know hard times come around and we all have to do things that we dont want to, but Im not about resign myself to (a completley false) fact the the greatest time of my life has passed

Ive never understood this Idea that my life has to follow a certain pattern (a patern set down by society) school partying work settle down and kids, yearning for my high school days, no way, the past is in the past, I can wish I did things differently all I want it wont change anything, sure its impossible to tell what I will or wont want in the future and I could completley change

to tell highschool kids that its a pointless waste of time and quite frankly the stupidest thing ever

telling highschool kids its the best time of their life is stupid and pointless

Treaos Serrare

New member
Aug 19, 2009
i remember hearing some line of bullshit like this during several visits to the auditorium.
high school is a killing ground where the Culling of weak from strong takes place, now i don't mean this in a physical sense. i mean it in the sense that if you don't adjust, grow a thick skin, pick your battles etc you will get eaten alive and quite possibly become a statistic as seems to be happening all too often in this day and age

RonHiler said:
If college isn't the best time of your life, you aren't doing it right.
if by "doing it right" you mean constant partying(alcohol poisoning is always fun!) using drugs having unprotected sex that will lead to an std or a child both of which can ruin your life forever, Oooh or do you mean debasing your self and your dignity to be able to join an utterly pointless fraternity or sorority for the "status" of membership?


New member
Nov 12, 2010
So far, being in high school right now (literally, I'm taking my 1st block class right now), it's not the best time of my life, but hell, I can't judge it until I'm older right? But seriously, I don't really like it here, but maybe it's just the school, half the teachers suck and for some reason, they've let slackers get into honors classes(I'm not trying to sound like an elitist jerk, but if you clearly don't want to learn and instead spend most of the time talking, and making the teacher yell at you, wasting the time of those who WANT to learn something from this class,why are you in it?), honestly, it's fun when I'm with my buds, but other than that, the actual school part, it isn't all that it's cracked up to be because of the occasional idiot(once again, not trying to be an elitist).