Best Videogame Quote (NO Bioshock)


Social Justice Squire
Jan 3, 2010
I'm kinda a fan of Lloyd's explanation of why he dual-wields swords in Tales of Symphonia. "If one sword has a power of 100, then using two swords would make it 200, right?"


Regular Member
Oct 25, 2010
Portal 2 has some of my favourite video game quotes.

GLaDOS - "You look ugly in that jumpsuit. That's not my opinion, it's right here on your fact sheet. They said on everyone else it looked fine but on you it looked hideous. But still what does an old engineer know about fashion. Oh, wait it's a she. Still, what does she know about, oh wait. She has a medical degree. In fashion. From France."

And Barney from Half-Life 2

Barney - "Great job, Gordon! Throwing that switch and all, I can see your MIT education really pays for itself."


New member
Mar 15, 2011
"Oh, this is not right. I'm coughing up blood that isn't mine." -Bard, Gears of War 2

"You killed Poonflip! The flippest poon I've ever known!" -Grunt, Halo 3


New member
Nov 17, 2010
"And the trannies! Don't even get me started on the trannies. It's-it's science, run amok. It's very confusing, I'm looking at a woman, I'm talking to a woman, I see the woman's penis, NOW I'm confused."
Fuck - GTA4 is a goldmine for quotes.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
You know, I've been playin' games since I was six, but I'll be damned if FFXIII didn't have some great quotes:

"Let me land this bird or I'll fly it up your ass!"

Sazh: "We're gonna be a l'Cie food buffet!"

Lightning: "l'Cie food? Cute."

Also, Kefka. "I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate YOU!"

And, finally, to quote Dissidia:

"Your friend is SMACK ...Dab in the middle of enemy territory."

Why so many quotes? I don't know. Why are they all Final Fantasy? ...No comment.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
"Heeey Listen..." nuff said

and better yet

Oghren: Yep, lotta tension around here
Alistair: You think so? Do you?
Oghren: Know what I do to relieve tension?
Alistair: I hesitate to wonder
Oghren: I polish the 'ol weapon
Alistair: Really?
Oghren: Yep. Give it a good shine with a dry rag. Then with a little grease
Alistair: That's disgusting!
Oghren: You're telling me you never gave your blade the 'ol spit shine?
Alistair: I think that's private
Oghren: Really?
Oghren: Sodding Chantry and its rules. I like to do it right out in the open
Alistair: Where people can SEE you?
Oghren: Yep!
Alistair: Wait... What are you talking about?
Oghren: What are YOU talking about?


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter!
-NCR Troops in Fallout: New Vegas


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
Mike Laserbeam said:
vrbtny said:
War. War never changes - Fallout 3
Ahem. I think you'll find that's not where that quote comes from, sure it was in the game, but there were two far superior uses of it before Fallout 3...
(I'm not counting Tactics, F3's better than that)

Edit: OT: "I wanted orange, it gave me lemon-lime."
Sorry, didn't see a "Original" before "Video game quote" So I just got a quote, from a video game....


Premium member
Sep 10, 2009
I can't really remember any, but since the only game I'm playing is pokemon black there's a few qoutes from those that I like and one from plantium as well.

First of the sign when you're about to cross marvelous bridge, "marvelous bridge, truly marvelous and also a bridge."

"Having no psychic powers is better than having pyschic powers you can't control." (Catlin from the elite four)

"A flipped coin doesn't always land on heads or tails, sometimes it may never land at all" (Grimsely from the elite four.)

"I'll run! you gonna chase me? You run! am I going chase you? change your perspective and the reality changes. (NPC trainer)

Of course who can forget Oak's famous line from blue, red and yellow.

"I came when I heard you beat the elite four."

More from Grimsely.

"If somebody wins, the person who fought against that person will lose. That's battle. A good contender just seeks the next victory without bragging after winning, and without getting upset after losing."

"Life is a serious battle, and you have to use the tools you're given. It's more important to master the cards you're holding than to complain about the ones your opponents were dealt. Let us begin. And may the best Trainer win! Contests like this are proof that you are really living..."

Finally the one from Plantium which takes place when your rival pays a visit to your villa.

"This is a cool place you've got here, I've kind of got to like it, so I'll drop in for no reason at all from now on." (Made me laugh, personally I think Plantium had the best rival, but then again he may be funny but he's no Gary Oak)