Bethesda Confirms Skyrim Will Be Moddable


New member
Oct 25, 2009
HellspawnCandy said:
zehydra said:
I've played several modded versions of Morrowind after playing the original for several years and hated all of them. I don't really like the Bethesda modding community, and I sure as hell hope they won't use modding support as an excuse to leave out game features.
Just because a few Morrowind mods didn't work out for you doesn't mean the community is bad, the Oblivion mods are usually more well made and don't crumble under software bugs and such and most mods I've tried made the game a ton more enjoyable or atleast fixed some serious bugs.
it has nothing to do with bugs. I dislike the way the mods changed the very experience of Morrowind. By the time my cousin had uber-modded, I didn't feel like Morrowind at all anymore.

What was great about Morrowind was that it was an example of extremely good artistic continuity, that is, it was artistically consistent throughout the game. Ultimately, I loved Morrowind for its world, rather than gameplay. It rubbed me the wrong way to see people play the game with what they believed were "better graphics"


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Straying Bullet said:
Kalezian said:
demoman_chaos said:
Thus the console versions are rendered pointless.

not really, its an easier way of getting achievements/trophies than having to deal with the Games on Windows mess. plus people like vanilla games too, contrary to PC elitist belief.
Sorry, but being a major console player myself, I have to call bullcrap on your statement. Morrowind//Oblivion changed for the better due the Mod support out there. The game is played to this very day even still on the PC and the Mod community is still active.

Console users on the other hand? Barely mate, the Console versions are really rendered useless after a few tries whereas the PC can enjoy basically unlimited replays/longevity without becoming stale or repeative.
Or people could play the actual game, and not some half-baked add-ons that people come up with.

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
demoman_chaos said:
Thus the console versions are rendered pointless.
Exactly! unless:

Greedy possibility: they'd would use the best mods as a marketing technique, replacing the infamous DLC by a stupid-er name like BMC or some crap like that...

Utopic possibility: they would port the best PC mods and let them be downloaded for free in PSN and XBL for our greatest pleasure.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
demoman_chaos said:
Thus the console versions are rendered pointless.
eeeeexcept for those who don't like using a PC. I hate games on the PC personally. Too fiddly for my liking. Not to mention I don't have a good system anyway - I had to lower my system incredibly when I tried to play Hitman Blood Money a while back. Also, console games are more reliable and less likely to inexplicably crash.

Hey, this might *just* be my opinion, but I don't really think it's fair to say console versions are pointless. I might agree that there's less to do on a console but not so much less that there's no point.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
zehydra said:
HellspawnCandy said:
zehydra said:
I've played several modded versions of Morrowind after playing the original for several years and hated all of them. I don't really like the Bethesda modding community, and I sure as hell hope they won't use modding support as an excuse to leave out game features.
Just because a few Morrowind mods didn't work out for you doesn't mean the community is bad, the Oblivion mods are usually more well made and don't crumble under software bugs and such and most mods I've tried made the game a ton more enjoyable or atleast fixed some serious bugs.
it has nothing to do with bugs. I dislike the way the mods changed the very experience of Morrowind. By the time my cousin had uber-modded, I didn't feel like Morrowind at all anymore.

What was great about Morrowind was that it was an example of extremely good artistic continuity, that is, it was artistically consistent throughout the game. Ultimately, I loved Morrowind for its world, rather than gameplay. It rubbed me the wrong way to see people play the game with what they believed were "better graphics"
Well then, point taken.


New member
Sep 14, 2009
In other news, Bethesda will also be releasing video games!
Seriously though, how would anyone not expect this? Unless of course you never played a Beth game before, than that's understandable.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Low Key said:
That's great to hear, though I kind of expected it to be moddable like their other games.
Will the console versions be moddable?
That would be news.

lovest harding

New member
Dec 6, 2009
strum4h said:
Kalezian said:
demoman_chaos said:
Thus the console versions are rendered pointless.
not really, its an easier way of getting achievements/trophies than having to deal with the Games on Windows mess. plus people like vanilla games too, contrary to PC elitist belief.

OT: taking bets now, first mod is a nude patch.
And what is that elitist belief. Is more free customizable content bad or something?
Not at all, but claiming that the PC version is the only 'good' version (especially to the extent that the original post said) is elitism.
And elitism is just a grown up fanboyism (haha! pc gets dis an conzuls get notin!. becomes Forsooth! The PC community receives the most content, ergo it is the best. What a shame for the lowly console users.)


New member
Jun 7, 2009
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i have to buy my brother it now lol i put a bet on with him that since it is on a new engine (like the majority of previously modifiable games now on new engines) it will be locked down so you cant mod it and the only way to get new content would be to buy it :mad: glad to hear it though, personally i didn't play or intend to play any of the oblivon games, i like fallout but im guessing a new fallout game will come out on this engine so its good to hear that

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
OK, (Moves Skyrim to possible purchase list) that is good news. I bet the Oblivion Nexus mod site is going squee! with joy.


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
Mod tools make the world better, says Bethesda's community manager.
I really don't believe this. I played Oblivion and tried out the mods. Most of them were just little shits 'n giggles things, and I swear that 1/10 of them were nude model mods. And the ones that were actually interesting were of quite noticeably inferior quality to the rest of the game, and the rest just wouldn't work. I don't really trust these kind of modding communities to bring a game up.

I'm excited for Skyrim, but I could honestly care less about this. Unless, of course, they decide to just half finish the game and leave the rest for modders. Then, I'll be angry.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Kalezian said:
demoman_chaos said:
Thus the console versions are rendered pointless.

not really, its an easier way of getting achievements/trophies than having to deal with the Games on Windows mess. plus people like vanilla games too, contrary to PC elitist belief.

OT: taking bets now, first mod is a nude patch.
We elitist PC players do not care for achievements, we care for gameplay.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
GonzoGamer said:
Low Key said:
That's great to hear, though I kind of expected it to be moddable like their other games.
Will the console versions be moddable?
That would be news.
Would be cool if people could use the creation kit to make a mod, then use a USB to import it to consoles.

I'm sure Sony would be on board for that. Now only if we could convince Microsoft.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
ITS BOOTIFUL. Can't wait super excited. New pc no more 360 elder scrolls for me. And modding sounds so fun.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
I would get for computer, but:
1- my computer makes Oblivion look like Fable TLC coz it's graphics card
2- I got oblivion for computer and ruined both game and computer by building up a layer of mods so thick it would need a stick of virtual dynomite to remove them all (some where from dodgy sites D: )
3- I want achievables (bleep bloop)

and I also think bethesdas games are top quallity with or without mods, and too many ruin the game