I was really hoping to make a character that could switch from ranged to hand-to-hand combat, but I'll surviving this one relatively minor blow in light of how polished, refined and masterfully crafted this game is sounding.
I echo however the concerns by others that guards that are pushovers, that don't put any threat in the players mind, are useless. The combat system looks to be significantly better developed though so it may balance out that, though they're not as hard to kill, the thick armour (?) and skill is still a factor when facing them, especially in any numbers. Additionally the difference between town guards, city guards, "royal" or unique guards should be pronounced.
I also had no problem with being an outlaw of the entirity of Cyrodiil if my crimes were especially prolific and heinous, but I didn't like I couldn't simply disguise myself, that the guards were, as mentioned before psychic. Pointedly in the sense that if I killed a whole bunch of people in plain sight with a single spell, then fled straight to my black horse that I buffed with increased speed, and went straight to Bruma, they somehow already knew. I'd appreciate eventually they might get told, but no one could have beaten me there unless they had clacks towers or something. ~stares suspiciously at white gold tower~