Bethesda Raising Fallout 4 DLC Season Pass Price and Details First Content

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Ohh right, still have yet to complete this game. Once I saw the robot pirates (or pirate robots) to their conclusion through morbid curiosity, I sort of lost interest in anything else after that. So it's probably not going to happen.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Honestly, I don't see the problem. Borderlands 2's season pass was slated to include $40 of content for $30. They added in an extra $5 content piece, but they still left the two $10 character packs out of the season pass. So, if you wanted all the content, you had to pay $50, and that isnt even counting Headhunter stuff.
If Bethesda is planning on releasing 6 $10 dlc packs, then I fail to see the issue in charging $50 for the season pass that includes all of them, plus any other content that comes out.
If you want all $60 of the content, you have the option of buying the season pass at a modest discount, or buying the individual packs that interest you for $10 each.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Oh, Escapist! After suffering through the blind fanboyism that clogs the Total War forums it's nice to finally see people with sense on terrible business practices.

Bethesda, listen to me. I love you, you make games I enjoy the shit out of. But this is revolting. Strong arming us into buying your season pass before it doubles in price is low. I expected better of you. So I'm not mad, I'm disappointed.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
erttheking said:
I subscribe to the train of thought that I shouldn't just not buy what I don't like and then keep my mouth shut. I happen to like voicing my disapproval. They exist to make money? I don't care. That's not my prerogative. When I'm looking at trends in the gaming industry, I'm looking towards the future. Because we're already pretty far down the slippery slope and I don't like where we're going.

The season pass is something that's getting more and more ridiculous with the price getting higher and higher and I'm expressing my disapproval at it. If you don't like me doing this. Well. I'm not sorry.
Perfectly put. It's surprising it still needs to be explained to others. I thought the "just don't buy it" line would have died with the Numa Numa awhile ago. At least "why don't you make your own" line died out. Well I haven't seen it.

This whole season pass idea is a shill corporate move that only tells me to get it when it's really on special or never.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Adam Jensen said:
How is this an issue? It's like people keep forgetting what being a corporation is about. They exist to do one thing and one thing only - make more money. No one is demanding that you buy their products. Exercise some fuckin' restraint every once in a while and don't buy shit if you don't think the price is right.
Didn't you complain about the Tomb Raider games fairly recently on the grounds that:

Adam Jensen said:
The problem with new Tomb Raider is that it wants to appeal to everybody.
But corporations want to make money. They're supposed to appeal to everybody.

Frezzato said:
Heh, I don't feel much in terms of pressure tactics with games. Because I prefer DLC on disc (plus I'm a super cheapskate bastard) I'll just wait a year and get the whole thing plus DLC for less than $30.
I'[d never planned on paying full price for the game or its expansions, but it's still a shitty tactic and ert is right to voice his disapproval.

If the DLC that they're asking us to gamble on is poor, they could burn a lot of good will, too. This is the sort of thing that's worth thinking about.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
The first 2 of those already exist to an extent with mods. Once the creation kit is finally out, the mods will probably be better than their DLC counterparts (similar to the house DLC in Skyrim). Is the season pass going to include more than just those 3 things, because the first two sound like the kinds of things that'd normally be like 5 bucks.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Chances of anyone who matters in Bethesda reading my comment are probably second to none. Like, less than a trillionth of a percent. And same as yours, if you even bother to post. So I'm just gonna vote with my wallet on this one. Wait for the price to come down, or just stay away from it.

Honestly, I will support CD Projekt in the same manner. Hell, I'd even buy Witcher 3 on 2 fucking platforms, plus DLC if I could really afford it. Their expansions cost half of this, and put together are a tad bigger than Witcher 2 (or so they say). Having said that, Bethesda will do it if they can get away with it. Hell, they've gotten away with totally bugged games at launch for years now, people throwing more and more money at them is not going to get them to improve that standard.


Will fight you and lose
Mar 27, 2010
erttheking said:
SIXTY!? SIXTY!? Are you as high as a fucking kite Bethesda?

I know that your DLC tends to be a cut above the rest Bethesda, but that is asking for a GIANT leap of faith.
Well, Fallout 3 had 50$ worth of DLC, I can't say I'm that surprised.

OT: Too disappointed in Fallout 4 to consider buying anything (I've yet to even get the will to power through and beat the game)- worsened by the fact that none of the announced offerings look appealing to me.


Elite Member
Jun 30, 2010
They raise the price. Everyone waits for the summer sale.
Maybe wait for whatever Fallout 4.5 game they end up making that makes 4 feel inferior.
Make your own vault! Like the app except good.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
Honestly, this actually seems fine to me.
Step 1: Release several games with good, consistent DLC support to demonstrate your reliability with DLC.
Step 2: Release a game with some planned DLC, and a season pass to gauge interest in future DLC.
Step 3: Based on sales of the season pass, plan out extra DLC accordingly, then increase the price of the season pass to reflect value added. Early adopters of the season pass have their faith rewarded with better value, so for once waiting isn't the best option.
I fail to see the problem.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
It will be $80 in Australia. Will wait for a Steam sale, if at all. First they shafted PC users who bought the physical copy, now this.


New member
Jul 5, 2015
Personally ive got 624 hours in the base unmodded game and i still love it. has issues and could do with some improvements but im definitely enjoying it.

as for the season pass, knowing whats in it at least a little gives me incentive to pick it up next week


New member
Apr 15, 2011
Awesome! This is what Fallout 4 needed. When playing around with the Settlement I always thought: "This needs more ugly, non-functional parts to slap together".
And how many times trudging through the wastelands doing the same quest a dozen times over while fighting the same enemies a dozen times over did I yearn for another big map filled with repetetive quests and enemies to kill and do a dozen times over.
Bethesda knows what their fans want! Best company ever!


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
So everyone who was waiting for the season pass to go on sale got fucked over. Great move, Bethesda.

Also, take it from someone who bought the Arkham Knight season pass, any season pass over 20 bucks is never, EVER worth it.


Premium Fraud
Nov 6, 2014
Eh, my interest in this game was relatively high before release, but it became boring very quickly. In fact, for some reason it seems the main quest was the main thing compelling me to complete the game, because once that carrot on a stick was gone I dropped the game shortly after.

Honestly, the Far Harbor DLC sounds interesting, but the others just seem like fluff. They seem like the kinds of features you would advertise leading up to release, not the kinds of things you'd care enough about to throw cash at later down the line. In fact, they sound more like ideas for mods (and one of them them apparently already exists).

If the actual environment in Far Harbor is different, large and interesting enough then I guess I might give it a try, but the others don't really sound worth the extra cost.


Premium Fraud
Nov 6, 2014
IceForce said:
Somebloke said:
Here's hoping they will back away from leaning so heavily on Radiant.

At least in Skyrim, you could mostly ignore the RNG-populated template: "Go to X and kill Y", "quests", but in FO4 you are outright "spammed" with them, pushed relentlessly onto you, and masquerading as significant (EDIT: ...and urgent) side-quests, until the pattern becomes painfully obvious and you wisen up.
Ugh, yeah, Bethesda's obsession with radiant questing annoys the hell out of me.

As you say, at least in Skyrim they were listed in the Misc section of your journal, so you could basically ignore them. But in Fallout 4, Bethesda somehow managed to re-work the engine to list them as actual separately-listed quests, which initially fools you into thinking they're not radiant, even though they are.

Anyway, the reason why it bugs me so much is because, going back to Oblivion or even earlier, my main way of tackling a Bethesda RPG is to always do ALL the side quests first, then focus on the main quest line for the finale.
The problem with Fallout 4 and this playstyle is, if you forgo the main questline in favor of completing all the side quests, you'll literally be there forever, and you'll never get around to the main questline. Trying to complete all the side quests in Fallout 4 is a fool's errand, because it's not physically possible as they go on and on forever.
Agreed. To use an incredibly contrived analogy, the radiant quest are like sitting down to have a nice meal, only for the chef to dump a giant sack of raw oatmeal on top and expect me to be grateful for the extra food. Thanks, but the raw oatmeal isn't really worth the time it would take to eat, so I'd rather it wasn't in the way ... okay, that analogy wasn't going anywhere, so I'll put it in more direct terms.
Bethesda games often have far more content than any but the most obsessive players will ever burn through entirely, so I really don't see the point in them. Sure, they extend the game indefinitely, but who is really going to complete every single quest, and why would such a person then bother with the radiant quests? If you've done everything then the paltry rewards wouldn't be much of a motivator, so if it's just more quests you're after, wouldn't you be better off just making a new character and starting again? Redoing all the quests would be far less repetitive than grinding an infinite steam of bland radiant ones.
They really don't do anything other than dilute the game and drag down the overall quality of quests.


Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
FirstNameLastName said:
Bethesda games often have far more content than any but the most obsessive players will ever burn through entirely, so I really don't see the point in them. Sure, they extend the game indefinitely, but who is really going to complete every single quest, and why would such a person then bother with the radiant quests? If you've done everything then the paltry rewards wouldn't be much of a motivator, so if it's just more quests you're after, wouldn't you be better off just making a new character and starting again? Redoing all the quests would be far less repetitive than grinding an infinite steam of bland radiant ones.
They really don't do anything other than dilute the game and drag down the overall quality of quests.
Yup. From a completionist perspective, it's an absolute nightmare. At some point you just have to throw up your arms and say "Fuck you, Preston Garvey. The next settlement you mark on my map is also going to marked on your fucking face as well. I'mma go do some main quests instead of this shit."

It's a rather grating thing to have to do. Rather than neatly ticking off each quest and feeling like you're making progress, you instead feel like you're on a never-ending mousewheel or stuck in a rut. You're eventually forced to just say "Fuck it." and leave the quests sitting there incomplete.


Say what you will about Mass Effect 3, but that game handled questing perfectly in my opinion. Optional side quests would open up one by one as you progressed through the main quests. You could either do them as they came up, or ignore them and fail the quests, (ultimately leading to the 'bad' ending at the end of the game).
It encouraged players to do more 'completionist' runs of the game, because of the ending differences.

Bethesda on the other hand seem to be the complete opposite. They want people to get bored of the side quests (the radiant ones, at least) and deliberately leave them for something more interesting.
It's such a waste and an incredibly bad use of a game engine feature.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Already have the season pass. Dropped 90$ on the game, got 122 hours off of it. Got my money's worth, now I just sit back and let the DLC automatically install when they're released.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
I thought the point of a season pass was to get the DLC at a discounted price because you were paying for it up front? If they just raise the price to match the value then what is the point of paying for it up front?