Biggest plot holes

Aaron Sylvester

New member
Jul 1, 2012
The biggest plot hole ever is Bruce Banner's pants. Seriously, what the F are those pants made of??

The biggest plot hole in the Harry Potter series is the goddamn Time Turner. Where the hell did that thing go and why wasn't every character (good and evil) seeking to find it and use it? It seemed to be the single-most powerful artifact in the entire story.

Also regarding the Fusion Reactor in Dark Knight Rises, I totally agree that you can't turn a fusion reactor into a bomb in ~15 seconds. You just can't, it's not how reactors work. When a fusion reactor destabilizes it melts down and releases a whole bunch of radiation into the surrounding area. It does NOT explode and vaporize everything in a 6 mile radius, because it's not a goddamn nuclear's a reactor. They are built completely differently.


Insert funny title here
Oct 19, 2010
Calibanbutcher said:
TheKasp said:
Calibanbutcher said:
They kinda needed to stay hidden.
From a giant eye in a very high tower.
A giant eye which also commanded a group of incredibly powerful Nazgul, who, incidentally, also had flying mounts who could incapacitate almost anyone within hearing range by simply screeching at them.
Now, the eagles were shown to be capable of downing said flying-screech-beasts, but not whilst also carrying someone.
Plus, let's not forget that the eyes power is so strong, that simply being looked at is dangerous.

So why in Galadriel's name would you choose to ride a flying beast over the enemies territory?
You would be spotted almost immediately upon crossing the border and assaulted by a group of immortal spirits whose only wish is to see you broken and destroyed.
It seems safer to me to simply walk into mordor.
Then why the heck were the eagles capable of entering the territory without problems in the end?
Don't forget that the followship has a wizard and master bowmen, those fancy flying mounts are surely vulnerable to arrows in the eyes as well as some protective magic from Gandalf (also a ringbearer). Heck, why not even ask Radagast for help as well. Screaching? Have fun screaching with arrows in your throat. Oh, and we also can't hear you over Gandalfs awesome magic.

So they had to choose to either fly over - with the only problem being the Nazgul (can be dealt with easily as we saw several times in the movies - sorry but they appear to me as a slightly more effective Team Rocket) or to walk on foot through areas held by orcs in masses. Instead of facing 11 flyers at worst they chose to face armies, trolls and a friggin Balrog...

Yeah, somehow I don't buy the ending of Lord of the Rings.
Have you seen the ending of the Lord of the Rings?
Then clearly you have seen Sauron's tower crumbling immediately after the ring was thrown into the flames?
Which, incidentally, happened before the eagles dared cross the border.
Just saying...

And we all saw what good Gandalfs magic was against the Nazgul and their screeching lizards.
The screeching got to him as well and he couldn't protect the soldiers around him.
Then he faced on of the Nazguls head on:
His staff exploded and he was thrown around the place like a ragdoll for a bit before the Nazgul said "screw this Im goin home"

Plus, I never said that the Nazgul were the only problem.
They are the second worst problem I dare say, but let's not forget that Mordor is swarming with orcs and, as far as I know, eagles aren't really known for being arrow proof.
Or rock proof for that matter.
In terms of the movie you are right Gandalf could not protect anyone from the Nazgul but in the book he is immune to their evil presence due to the fact that he is a demigod in human form. It is also said that the Nazgul's presence causes people to feel fear and despair but when Gandalf is their it is all sunshine and rainbows.


Insert funny title here
Oct 19, 2010
DoPo said:
I will just concede the point. It has been a long time since I read any Harry Potter and stopped enjoying them after Chamber of Secrets I just kept reading them to find out what happened. So as I do not remember enough to debate this you win :)


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
Gizmo1990 said:
Yeah I was going by the movies, in the books everything around Gandalf is sunshine and happy rainbows.
Still wouldn't have protected them from having Sauron look at them, which apparently is so unpleasant that even Aragon could not withstand it and also doesn't do a lot of good against the Nazguls just being formidable foes.
Also, having Gandalf on one of those eagles flying into mordor, a guy Sauron counts amongst his most powerful enemies, is a bit like bringing a neon sign reading "We are going to try and wreck your shit, so come at us".
And even if you are the greatest wizard in the world, having all of Mordor's orcs against you seems like a bit of a tough challenge to me.


New member
May 12, 2011
One of many from Final Fantasy IV: The After Years...
In FFIV, Rydia aged up from let's say an eight year old to a twenty year old in what couldn't have been more than a few days by living in the Feymarch. At the end of the game, she decides to live there permanently.

The After Years takes place ninteen years later. She barely looks a year older. Unless Asura and Leviathan put some anti-aging charm on her new, draftier outfit, she should be either dead of old age or rocking the robed ancient sorceress look.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Jurrasic Park.

The little blonde lass, computer genius. Able to sort out the security systems while being yelled at and having Raptors trying to get in and eat the,

Yet she can't turn off a fucking flash light.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
Scrumpmonkey said:
I was always of the opinion that Princess Celestia has the biggest plot hol- oh right movies!

Probably the Twilight books/films. Everyhting in them is just so poorly plotted that it could be called one big plot singularity.
We can't confuse plot holes with piss-poor plots.

Also I'm very surprised you didn't use this:

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Calibanbutcher said:
They kinda needed to stay hidden.
From a giant eye in a very high tower.
A giant eye which also commanded a group of incredibly powerful Nazgul, who, incidentally, also had flying mounts who could incapacitate almost anyone within hearing range by simply screeching at them.
Now, the eagles were shown to be capable of downing said flying-screech-beasts, but not whilst also carrying someone.
Plus, let's not forget that the eyes power is so strong, that simply being looked at is dangerous.

So why in Galadriel's name would you choose to ride a flying beast over the enemies territory?
You would be spotted almost immediately upon crossing the border and assaulted by a group of immortal spirits whose only wish is to see you broken and destroyed.
It seems safer to me to simply walk into mordor.
Thank you!

I always get a bit annoyed when people bring up that supposed plothole. They don't ride the Eagles to Mordor for the same reason they don't bring a giant fucking army of soldiers to accompany Frodo.

OT: How is it that in Terminator 2 the T-1000 is able to travel back in time, when Kyle Reese specifically stated that only living tissue, or something surrounded by living tissue, can go through the portal? Seeing as the T-1000 is pure metal.
Rawne1980 said:
Jurrasic Park.

The little blonde lass, computer genius. Able to sort out the security systems while being yelled at and having Raptors trying to get in and eat the,

Yet she can't turn off a fucking flash light.
You think that's strange?

How is it that the T-Rex paddock suddenly sank like 300 feet after the Rex stood right infront of the fence at the exact same spot before it escaped?


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Casual Shinji said:
You think that's strange?

How is it that the T-Rex paddock suddenly sank like 300 feet after the Rex stood right infront of the fence at the exact same spot before it escaped?
Or how the T-Rex managed to sneak in at the end without anyone hearing, or feeling, it coming.

One minute they are all stood there ... in silence ... being surrounded by Raptors then...


Ninja T-Rex suddenly appears.


New member
Jan 30, 2011
well since most of the ones i can think of have already been mentioned,and i don't really watch a lot of movies, there's not much for me to say, except for maybe the one in the shining. Yes jack went crazy and all that, but it doesn't explain how he just froze to death in the maze, he didn't even go that far from the entrance, 2, maybe 3 turns in and away,while his son runs deep into the maze and yet easily finds his way back out, while somehow gets stuck out there for the night and freezes to death, like he didn't only go insane, but lost his intelligence as well apparently...still love the movie though.

Aaron Sylvester said:
The biggest plot hole ever is Bruce Banner's pants. Seriously, what the F are those pants made of??

The biggest plot hole in the Harry Potter series is the goddamn Time Turner. Where the hell did that thing go and why wasn't every character (good and evil) seeking to find it and use it? It seemed to be the single-most powerful artifact in the entire story.

Also regarding the Fusion Reactor in Dark Knight Rises, I totally agree that you can't turn a fusion reactor into a bomb in ~15 seconds. You just can't, it's not how reactors work. When a fusion reactor destabilizes it melts down and releases a whole bunch of radiation into the surrounding area. It does NOT explode and vaporize everything in a 6 mile radius, because it's not a goddamn nuclear's a reactor. They are built completely differently.
While i can't say anything about Bruce' pants(maybe magic since it's the marvel universe...meh,let's go with that), and you've already explained how fusion reactors work. the time-turners weren't gone after for 2 reasons.
1)due to the use of one, when a person goes back in time, they have a chance to run into said past self. since the past one wouldn't yet know about the use of a time-turner, they're like to shoot first and ask questions later at seeing a double, since it would be assumed polyjuice potion over time travel.

2) I don't know if it's shown in the 5th movie since i stopped watching after the 4th one, but in the book at the fight in the ministry, one of the spells used by a death eater destroys the place where the time-turners are stored when not in use, while i'm sure there's some still around, that's where the majority of them were so they assumed they were gone.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
For me, it's when Elrond says, "I was there when the strength of men failed", as clearly the strength of elves also failed that day, because Elrond had a sword, and didn't do anything, if he had at least lost to Isildur in a short fight, I'd understand, but he kinda just stood there shouting while Isildur walked past him with the ring of power.

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
Gizmo1990 said:
If he only lernt after Chamber of Secrets then fair enough. I did not know that. However he did know about the prophesy. He knew what Voldermort was capable of and he knew that Harry would have to face him. You would think he would actually teach him some magic that would actually help him. Plus that raises more issues.

Dumbledore did not know about the Horcruxes, ok, but in the years he spent fighting him did he never try to kill Voldermort? If he did not then he was willing to let countless people die for his principals, making him a selfish person. If he did and found that Voldermort could not be killed, Dumbledore is a smart guy. There can only be a few ways to make yourself immortal. Surly he could have worked it out. Also how the hell did I forget about the DKR. That thing is riddled with plot holes.
Dumbledore knew about the prophesy, yes, he knew that neither Harry nor Voldemort could die while the other still lived. He knew that Harry had to kill Voldemort because Harry himself was a horcrux, meaning that Harry had to effectively sacrifice himself in order for Voldemort to die. But Harry's death would have been in vain had the other horcruxes still existed so he had to play the long game.

Besides, it was probably near impossible to find all the horcruxes while Voldemort and his supporters were all in hiding. Once Voldemort had lost a few horcruxes he became paranoid and put more protection around the others, making them, paradoxically, easier to locate. Voldemort himself contained a horcrux, the last twisted remains of his soul, something that would have been impossible to find before he had a physical form. Between the time of Voldemort's original downfall and Book 4 he was just a weak and floaty spirit thing with no true body.

At least that's how I see it.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Rawne1980 said:
Casual Shinji said:
You think that's strange?

How is it that the T-Rex paddock suddenly sank like 300 feet after the Rex stood right infront of the fence at the exact same spot before it escaped?
Or how the T-Rex managed to sneak in at the end without anyone hearing, or feeling, it coming.

One minute they are all stood there ... in silence ... being surrounded by Raptors then...


Ninja T-Rex suddenly appears.
Yeah, but then that was just really fucking awesome! Dramatic effect before logic... to a degree.

Also, how in hell did Samual Jackson's severed arm get propped behind the electrical cables in the maintenance shack? Did the Raptor just store it there for later like a squirrel?

Don't even get me started on that scene in The Lost World with the T-Rex killing all the people on the ship, even the ones in the control room where the T-Rex never should've been able to get without tearing the structure apart, and then getting itself locked in the ship's cargo hold by, yet again, a severed arm.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
Oh yeah I have one and it's been bugging the hell out of me when Loki touch Tony's chest with his staff in Avengers why didn't it work? Did his chest piece protect him somehow?


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
Rawne1980 said:

Ninja T-Rex suddenly appears.
That's kinda like a shiny Haxorus, amirite?

Anyways, I saw Mass Effect mentioned, but not the issue I was hoping to see addressed:

Captcha: Ghost Squirrel. Would probably have been better.


New member
May 12, 2011
Azurian said:
Oh yeah I have one and it's been bugging the hell out of me when Loki touch Tony's chest with his staff in Avengers why didn't it work? Did his chest piece protect him somehow?
That was what I got out of it, yeah. Mini arc reactors don't conduct mind-controlly waves.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Sonic '06. How was the city NOT on fire after it was clearly shown to be on fire in the opening sequence after Robotnik attacked?

Even more, how does a little girl NOT CRY her entire life until Sonic, a hedgehog she barely knows, is killed.