BioWare: A Dead Shepard Stays Dead


New member
Sep 22, 2009
thenamelessloser said:
Utterly pathetic, by making it so the choices you made in the first two games don't matter if Shepard dies they take away any impact that Shepard dying has at all on the series. I have no idea why they would hype the fact Shepard could die, when it really has no impact on your game experience whatsoever when you can just continue the game by playing the third one? I guess it may mean that the Reapers win in the third one if there isn't a Shepard.
It's pathetic that the developer wants you to play their game properly? You literally have to skip about 70% of the content for Shepard to die at the end of Mass Effect 2. It's perfectly reasonable for Bioware to "punish" the player for getting their ass killed.


New member
Oct 3, 2009
tehroc said:
Sounds pretty lame to me, so no matter what, it doesn't matter at all what you do in Mass Effect 2. A fresh Shepard is established into Mass Effect 3 with a canonical background with what happened in the second game. So how is that different from any other game ever made?
Because you won't be playing as a "fresh" Shepard if you didn't screw up the suicide mission. Honestly people I don't see how your Shepard could not survive the mission. You'd have to rush the game and not do any loyalty missions, which IMO means you aren't playing the game to it's full potential, and are missing the whole point.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Or you can play Mass Effect 3 and just imagine it being Shepard's Brother/Sister/Daugher/Son.


New member
Dec 24, 2007
I approve of this, particularly as I couldn't ever bring myself to play through the game in a manner sloppy enough to warrant canonical death.

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
JeanLuc761 said:
thenamelessloser said:
Utterly pathetic, by making it so the choices you made in the first two games don't matter if Shepard dies they take away any impact that Shepard dying has at all on the series. I have no idea why they would hype the fact Shepard could die, when it really has no impact on your game experience whatsoever when you can just continue the game by playing the third one? I guess it may mean that the Reapers win in the third one if there isn't a Shepard.
It's pathetic that the developer wants you to play their game properly? You literally have to skip about 70% of the content for Shepard to die at the end of Mass Effect 2. It's perfectly reasonable for Bioware to "punish" the player for getting their ass killed.
Agreed. Even if it means that Shepard gets killed in the third game anyway.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
JeanLuc761 said:
thenamelessloser said:
Utterly pathetic, by making it so the choices you made in the first two games don't matter if Shepard dies they take away any impact that Shepard dying has at all on the series. I have no idea why they would hype the fact Shepard could die, when it really has no impact on your game experience whatsoever when you can just continue the game by playing the third one? I guess it may mean that the Reapers win in the third one if there isn't a Shepard.
It's pathetic that the developer wants you to play their game properly? You literally have to skip about 70% of the content for Shepard to die at the end of Mass Effect 2. It's perfectly reasonable for Bioware to "punish" the player for getting their ass killed.
Then they shouldn't have hyped the fact Shepard could die, by making it so you can't import the characters death into the third one, it takes anything of interest out of the situation. If my choices truly did matter, shouldn't the fact my character who died have huge repercussions on the third game? I mean, I wouldn't even need an import, just have if Shepard dies in ME2, have an ending showing the Reapers winning or something. Note, I have no what the Shepard ending is really like besides a few things i read online, when I beat the game the first time almost everyone survived.

If you say it is because you play the game as Shepard and that is your role, then in the second one they should have never had that boring part where you play as Joker for a few minutes. By doing that they displaced my role as being Shepard in the game just as much as if I would play as another character in ME3.

Also, what right way is there to "play the game," I mean consumers should be able to experience the game as they see fit. Maybe they could be role playing a Shepard who cares more about stopping the collectors than spending time doing the loyalty missions.

Desert Tiger

New member
Apr 25, 2009
"And that is the tragic death of Gordon Shepard."

You're right. This makes so much more sense.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
If you ask me, they should let you play as someone else in Space wizards three if commander blankslate dies. Then again, when I saw the trailer for Space wizards 2 I thought that was the direction they were going. I guess we will never be able to play as Wrex...

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
Well, whatever it's going to make me reconsider how I play through the first and second game, anyway. I won't rush through the first game, I'll just take my time with it and do as good as I possibly can. When I'm done, I'll go get the second game and do the same thing with that.


Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
thenamelessloser said:
Utterly pathetic, by making it so the choices you made in the first two games don't matter if Shepard dies they take away any impact that Shepard dying has at all on the series. I have no idea why they would hype the fact Shepard could die, when it really has no impact on your game experience whatsoever when you can just continue the game by playing the third one? I guess it may mean that the Reapers win in the third one if there isn't a Shepard.

I mean, just think of how cool it would be to play as a different character in the third one dealing with the choices that recently deceased Shepard made and everyone saying you're not going to be able to get the job done for you're not Shepard. =)
What do you mean that the your choices don't matter. He died. And it was because you chose not to gain the trust of your team and skipped over a lot of the content of the game. The game is all about Sheperd, so if he died by your hand then the third installment would be a failure without him in it.

Of course it's a risk on their part, but I think it's bold and well thought out. Sheperd already died at the start of ME2, so it would be a bit too much to have another two year siesta and go through all the loyalty missions again. Not many developers could pull this off without making it seem like punishment, but since they built Mass Effect to be a trilogy from the beginning, they can't continue it if the main character dies at the end of the second part.

Though it may be cool to have to deal with the consquences of Sheperd dying, it wouldn't be Mass Effect because Mass Effect is Sheperds story. They gave you the option to skip all the side mission, but made it have negative consequences. They hyped it because it added a new level of depth and actions-to-repercussions to the game and to the RPG genre as a whole. Since most people will be playing through multiple times anyway, they can't be expected to cater to the percentage that speeds through once to say they did it, and the casts it aside to wait for the sequel.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
the protaginist said:
So the Lazarus Project won't work twice, I suppose?
Without spoiling the ending, its sufficient to say Shepard's body would be unrecoverable should he die on the mission.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
IdealistCommi said:
Well, you pretty much have to fuck up big time for Shepard to die.
Indeedie. You have to MAJORITY screw up with ME 2 to kill him off.