BioWare Co-Founder Promises Closure For Mass Effect 3


New member
May 17, 2010
Proverbial Jon said:
Andy Chalk said:
Muzyka wrote. "Even so, the passionate reaction of some of our most loyal players to the current endings in Mass Effect 3 is something that genuinely surprised us."
I don't buy this.

I do not believe that every single person within Bioware looked at the final ending and said: "Yup, that's a perfect ending to this trilogy; fans are gonna love it!"

Don't get me wrong, this is Bioware's baby, the people there must be very invested in the characters and the world. I get that. So how did these endings get a thumbs up from every single person involved in the game's development? Seriously guys?
I think group-think does to a degree set in, think Americans in Vietnam at the government levels, you don't allow things which challenge your perception to be discussed.

Honestly, and perhaps this betrays me as being very very naive I don't believe they were ware of just how bad the ending is, and as such are caught with their pants down.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Combining two of the worst endings ever.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
You know what, the ending wouldn't even be half bad if it weren't for the massive ass pull that is the Crucible.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
Mass Effect 2 had a large, diverse cast of well-written characters, with the opportunity to get to know them over the course of the game. The story itself had several instances where player choice had direct, visible consequences.

Mass Effect 3 gave us a handful of Flanderized [] returning characters and dropped the cameo bridge on the rest. We don't see the final results of any of our decisions, and the last choice of the game actually undoes every single other action we've done in the series so far.

The series' finale was as abrupt and unfulfilling as an "it was all a dream!!" ending. And fans are reacting pretty accordingly.

People being mad about this shouldn't surprise, BioWare. We wanted another Mass Effect game, not Gears of War as written by a slightly more articulate Michael Bay.

Choosing to focus on generic military wank and linear storytelling over character development and player choice suggests to me that Dr Muzyka doesn't know what made past BioWare games compelling.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Hmm, this is actually the first time I've actually felt rather bad about hating on the ending(s) so much. Now that I've had time to think about (and my initial rage over the ending, which I think may have been heightened upon hearing that some people didn't like the endings prior to seeing them myself) the one thing that worries me if Bioware did come up with a further ending to the game, it wouldn't be because they wanted to but perhaps because they felt they had to.

I'd happily wait a decent length of time (such as the time it took for Lair of the Shadow Broker to come along) for something that decently wraps up the series.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Maybe I'm on to something here...

The key word there is Love, the only reason any one is mad is because the game was phenomenal up to that point.

I hope Bioware does hear at least that much though. They should also hear that this is not about a happy ending or about the series actually ending. If they ruined my life with the most tragic thing I've ever seen I wouldn't be anticipating their response to this backlash.

Confusing, inciting, offensive, Deus Ex Machina is probably not the thing to give the intarwebs if you expected rationality and praise over your game.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
"...what I truly believe is the best game BioWare has yet crafted"

Somewhere, in a galaxy far far away, my KotoR character is laughing at this statement (My opinion of course)

At least they've (kind of) put forth a concrete statement on what they plan to do, maybe now people will stop whining and wait for the DLC


New member
Feb 23, 2010
The ending of the game was a dream, so they probably intended to add to it all along. They were just waiting for enough people to finish the game before announcing anything.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
this is so dumb... you have no right to make them change the ending, if they do then you've all just proved that it is not art, and history will remember it forever.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
BioWare co-founder Ray Muzyka says it's "incredibly painful" to hear that Mass Effect 3 didn't live up to fans' expectations and suggests that BioWare is taking steps to address the situation.
...because, you know, people, ahahahahahaa, you know, we never thought that, you know, uhhhhhhh, our endings tellling the tale of futility would bring so many baaaaaaaws. Ahahahaaaa. You know...

Seriously. It's the dawn of a brand new era in video gaming - usual parts of game are now officially moved to DLC section. Today it's, ahem, "happy ending", tomorrow - quicksave, quickload and game configuration.

Game developers could as well scream "give us your money bitches or we'll murder Cmdr. Shepard and ruin whole universe of Mass Effect". I don't know how it is called by their standards, but in my book it's "extortion".

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
I think what blows my mind the most would be peoples reactions to us, the fans, reactions. Even Andy makes it look like we are being silly about this. Thats simply not true. The simple fact is that all three choices (yes, a, b, or c...) are almost cut and paste exactly alike. There are so many plotholes in the endings its ridiculous. And YES, we are going to complain when the game was the absolute best in the series right up to the last 10 minutes. Fans are complaining because they CARE about the game. They give a damn! I feel I have a RIGHT to care, seeing as I have invested 5 years into these games, and these characters. A majority of us that are outspoken about this are going about it in a civil way, and hopefully, it will pay off. Shepard deserves better, and so do we.

Hold the line.

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
Harmondale2 said:
this is so dumb... you have no right to make them change the ending, if they do then you've all just proved that it is not art, and history will remember it forever.
I disagree. I have EVERY right to vocalize my opinion on it. After all, if it wasnt for my money, and all the other gamers money that went into the first game, there wouldnt have BEEN a second game. Ergo, I am a direct contributor to the life of the game.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
To paraphrase Garrus: If you yell loudly enough about something, eventually someone is going to come over and see what all the fuss is about.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
"Tell your friends if you feel it's a good game as a whole. Trust that we are doing our damndest, as always, to address your feedback. As artists, we care about our fans deeply and we appreciate your support"

IE please give us glowing reviews through word of mouth as all this bad internet buzz is hurting sales.

The whole programmers having artistic license thing is really getting on my nerves.

Yes you do have the right to end your story however you like. I also have the right to think it is horrible and not spend my money on it. If you want to keep your artistic integrity and die poor, who am I to deny you. If you want to make money, then make a game I want to play.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
came into this thread expecting to see the same lines i've seen repeated a dozen times, and i was not disappointed.

some times, its nice being the only one that genuinely doesn't care one way or the other what happens to a franchise


Cobra King
Apr 10, 2009
A consumer product is inherently not art in the Mona Lisa aspect. The consumer has every right to make demands of the company to the very least uphold their pre-release blitz of promises.

Agente L

New member
Apr 4, 2010
So much for "gaming entitlement", right guys?

Well, let's see if this is for real, or just bioware trying to do damage control.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
sir.rutthed said:
I really hope they don't change it. I haven't played it yet, but I don't think it's possible to maintain artistic integrity if they go back and rework their work just because a bunch of people don't like it.
Well, understand that something being "art" has it's dark side, there is a stereotype about people defending garbage as artwork to avoid criticism for a reason, and ME3 pretty much shows that the industry was quick to try and use "Art" as a shield to try and excuse the inexcuable.

Let me be blunt, just being art does not make something good, art can still be crap, and there is nothing wrong with calling crap what it is. Also many artists have modified their work given reception.

A point to consider here is that with things like movies if they slot people off to this degree people will demand their money back, and they will get it. Defending a crap movie as Art doesn't mean that mass refunds aren't going to destroy it. In the case of "Mass Effect" it's not like people can get their money back, and they spend way more than what a ticket cost.

Likewise when looking at things like a Gallery show, you see the artwork, and they decide if your going to buy it, or pay to support the artist. They don't hand you a box for $60 and you risk it being anything from a masterwork to a laquered piece of cow dung with a fork stuck in the top and a yellow "M" painted on the side.

Art does not put someone beyond criticism. What's more one has to remember that this is not REALLY an artistic issue, that's just the shield being used. This is purely about out of control greed. "Mass Effect" was intended to be a trilogy, but along the way EA/Bioware decided they wanted to turn it into a franchise. This ending is transparently set up to be a "do nothing" occurance since there is no way to even tell if these events really took place (as many people have argued), basically a desician to NOT end the game by putting in some art-seeming BS that doesn't fit with the rest of the game so they could hopefully spin it into more money with future installments and drag out actually resolving the central storyline. This DOES influance what people think, especially when you look at what Bioware promised for an ending, and what they actually delivered, which is at the root of the legal aspect of things (and as much as people call it silly, false advertising is false advertising, and the game industry should not be beyond such criticism).

There are a lot of reasons so many people are POed about this... and for those who read this far let me tell you one other thing: I called this last year. It didn't go down exactly as I expected but when I saw what happened with "Dragon Age 2" I predicted Bioware was on a bad path and that things were NOT going to go well with "Mass Effect 3". People overlooked a crap ending (and crap game design which was an issue that doesn't apply to ME3 to the same extent, given it's intent to be a shooter) because it was Bioware and every company can miss occasionally, but now with ME3 we're seeing an attitude that they can get away with this as the whole "do nothing" ending is in many ways very similar to that of DA2 and probably intended for similar reasons which have nothing to do with art despite art being used as a shield.

It also angers me to an extent (adding to the fire) to see a guy this high up in Bioware sitting there talking about professional reviews and the high scores as a sort of defense, yet the integrity of those same reviews has been in question for years now (heavily discussed here on The Escapist and in various articles). When you see an ending like this and high marks accross the board, that's not a defense, that's a sign that either the reviwers were bought or didn't do their job properly and play the game through. Bioware's people would do better to simply not mention that point, because using it as a defense is just going to make people like me even angrier. The bottom line is that while good PR and reviews can help with public perception, there is a level of sheer suck at which that backfires. Rather than a defense of Bioware, I see those professional reviews to be a reason to be more critical of the reviewers who gave this game high marks and their integrity, than a sign that I, and millions of other gamers are wrong.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
Wait...isn't this entire thing a marketing pitch?

"Guys, we're working on a "better" ending, so buy our game!"

And then we can buy the ending DLC after it comes out...5 dollars per ending.


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
I liked Mass Effect 3 (Overall) and I loved Dragonage 2. Im not asking for an ending, but I would buy one that gives more Closure.