Personally I don't see the big deal. They didn't consider it, monogendered aliens can't be gay because they're only
one gender, and if they didn't want to wedge it in just because then that's their right as the creators to do so. Granted things are getting a bit out of hand here in this debate but at least it's been moderately civil-
blindthrall said:
So Bioware is saying that FUCKING AN ALIEN, which is technically bestiality-
...nevermind forget what I said about civility. I sincerely hope you were joking because that is just out-and-out stupid. Beastiality is the act of having sex with a nonsapient animal. Alien species are clearly sapient. I guess by 18th century rules when blacks were considered sub-human, having sex with one would be beastiality under your logic, yes? No I certainly hope not. Of course defending the player's right to pursue relationships with aliens is just going to add more fodder for this and spin off another increasingly bizzare debate so I hope this dies right here and now.
Back to the topic at hand. I really don't see the big deal. It's not really "equality" if you're wedging in all possible relationship options just to appease a certain group. You can't please everyone, and it's more than obvious that the lack of full-on same-sex relationships did not hurt ME2's sales.