BioWare Explains Why There's No Homosexuality in Mass Effect 2


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Does it realy matter if it's in there or not? It would still be a great game. I think people are just looking into this too much.
I think it's just "Extremist" Homosexuals and sensationalist media who care, looking for something to complain about to be honest.


<Insert Avatar Here>
Jul 3, 2008
These are videogame designers, not champions of pressing social issues. So what if they don't wanna depict man-man rumpy-pumpy? No-one said videogames were gonna change the world, it's enough that they CAN go where they want to go, and enough reason not to if they say "not my area, soz."


New member
Sep 10, 2008
elvor0 said:
Does it realy matter if it's in there or not? It would still be a great game. I think people are just looking into this too much.
I think it's just "Extremist" Homosexuals and sensationalist media who care, looking for something to complain about to be honest.
I beg to differ. The issue here isn't that I demand Bioware make a political statement, but rather adress a legitimate question instead of constantly side-stepping the issue.
We know that the content was originally planned to be included. Several animations were finalized. Most dialogue was recorded.
- So why did they opt not to?
That Shepard is a "pre-defined" character is pure bs, seeing as Shepard's persona is completely up to the player to mold.
And the hypocrisy of having two very obvious examples of sapphic eroticism (Kelly Chambers, the asari) when they claim that homosexuality isn't an option for either gender is just jarring.


Tired. Cold. Bored.
Nov 13, 2009
Does it matter? Most people aren't gay and it has no real affect on the story.

Want an explanation? Here's one that might help:

"Our current programmers just weren't comfortable with spending a fair few days programming it so that a few homosexuals could beat their meat to some F-Grade porn of Shepard being butt-fucked."


"Because it's a fucking game, we've better shit to do than program a butt-fucking scene".

or perhaps even...

"We're a games company, not a gay rights group, fuck off".

Quite frankly people who whine about this sort of thing is one of the reason that people won't accept gays or in fact things like womens' rights (I mean in the whiny *****/Hillary Clinton approach, not the normal approach). You're making a scene and trying to change everything to your liking. We're glad that you find happiness in fucking each other, but we're not going to work harder just because you say so.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
LiquidGrape said:
elvor0 said:
Does it realy matter if it's in there or not? It would still be a great game. I think people are just looking into this too much.
I think it's just "Extremist" Homosexuals and sensationalist media who care, looking for something to complain about to be honest.
I beg to differ. The issue here isn't that I demand Bioware make a political statement, but rather adress a legitimate question instead of constantly side-stepping the issue.
We know that the content was originally planned to be included. Several animations were finalized. Most dialogue was recorded.
- So why did they opt not to?
That Shepard is a "pre-defined" character is pure bs, seeing as Shepard's persona is completely up to the player to mold.
And the hypocrisy of having two very obvious examples of sapphic eroticism (Kelly Chambers, the asari) when they claim that homosexuality isn't an option for either gender is just jarring.
Mm, I guess when you put it like that and they did have the stuff -there- already, it's a bit more odd as to why they just didn't implement it, however I do feel that Shepard has a little bit more of a personality than an empty shell like in DOA, but the fact that they have it for one gender and not the other is a bit homo...word....thing...phobic, thats the one!

I still havent played the second one in great detail, but are the female characters hinted at having that as part of thier persona throughout the game regardless of wether the Player wants them to be lesbians? If thats the case it may be that it's supposed to be part of their character for the female shepard (or one of the female chars) but not with MaleShep, then again. Could just be the programmers wernt comfortable with programming male-male scenes.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I don't care.

It doesn't ditract from the experiance of Mass Effect 2, so there is no need to care


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Baron_BJ said:
Does it matter? Most people aren't gay and it has no real affect on the story.

Want an explanation? Here's one that might help:

"Our current programmers just weren't comfortable with spending a fair few days programming it so that a few homosexuals could beat their meat to some F-Grade porn of Shepard being butt-fucked."


"Because it's a fucking game, we've better shit to do than program a butt-fucking scene".

or perhaps even...

"We're a games company, not a gay rights group, fuck off".

Quite frankly people who whine about this sort of thing is one of the reason that people won't accept gays or in fact things like womens' rights (I mean in the whiny *****/Hillary Clinton approach, not the normal approach). You're making a scene and trying to change everything to your liking. We're glad that you find happiness in fucking each other, but we're not going to work harder just because you say so.
Congratulations on missing the point entirely. And being rude in the process.
I'll say it again. This wouldn't be an issue if it hadn't been for the fact that they are so blatantly hypocritical about the whole thing.
And allow me to ask; why is it that people automatically assume that the ones who advocate the inclusion of these kind of equal opportunities are homosexual themselves?
I think many would agree with me, regardless of sexual orientation, that Bioware has made a real ass of themselves on this.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Sentox6 said:
Susan Arendt said:
I mean, seriously, have you seen Miranda's ass?
I know.

It's interesting that Bioware's other two internal IPs (Jade Empire and Dragon Age) both had homosexual options. KotOR on the other hand, had a half broken "lesbian" option with Juhani, but given it's the Star Wars license, I didn't expect much more than that. Mass Effect, therefore, has really surprised me in this regard. If anything, they've retreated even further after the first game too, especially with the ridiculous excuses contradicting their own canon about Liara not being female (and therefore no F/F relationships are in the game).

I wonder if they're not just playing it safe, trying to avoid any controversy in a target market that perhaps has a partly less mature demographic than, say, Dragon Age. But I'm just guessing now.
That does sound like a fairly valid point actually, I hadn't really thought of that. Dragon Age does have a bit more of a 'grown up' vibe if you will.

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
When it is assumed rather than implied though, it may come under the context of libelous activity.
Of course, Bioware may just think that homosexual activity within game may prove to be purely titillation, and not want to waste their time putting out a game that will solidify Faux News's position that all games are ungodly.
First of all, Hudson's comments about making a PG-13 movie don't just imply that BioWare left out homosexual relationships to maximise sales, they do everything but outright say it.

Secondly, I'm unsure how a homosexual relationship would be 'titillation' any more than a heterosexual one, and I don't think it's really fair to call their inclusion a waste of time.


New member
May 28, 2009
elvor0 said:
LiquidGrape said:
elvor0 said:
Does it realy matter if it's in there or not? It would still be a great game. I think people are just looking into this too much.
I think it's just "Extremist" Homosexuals and sensationalist media who care, looking for something to complain about to be honest.
I beg to differ. The issue here isn't that I demand Bioware make a political statement, but rather adress a legitimate question instead of constantly side-stepping the issue.
We know that the content was originally planned to be included. Several animations were finalized. Most dialogue was recorded.
- So why did they opt not to?
That Shepard is a "pre-defined" character is pure bs, seeing as Shepard's persona is completely up to the player to mold.
And the hypocrisy of having two very obvious examples of sapphic eroticism (Kelly Chambers, the asari) when they claim that homosexuality isn't an option for either gender is just jarring.
Mm, I guess when you put it like that and they did have the stuff -there- already, it's a bit more odd as to why they just didn't implement it, however I do feel that Shepard has a little bit more of a personality than an empty shell like in DOA, but the fact that they have it for one gender and not the other is a bit homo...word....thing...phobic, thats the one!

I still havent played the second one in great detail, but are the female characters hinted at having that as part of thier persona throughout the game regardless of wether the Player wants them to be lesbians? If thats the case it may be that it's supposed to be part of their character for the female shepard (or one of the female chars) but not with MaleShep, then again. Could just be the programmers wernt comfortable with programming male-male scenes.
Maybe they just didn't want to create more scenes of that orientation. If this is the case then I do care because it affects the story and gameplay. But for any other reason it is un-important, it's a game don't look too much into it, play the game enjoy it.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
RanD00M said:
Susan Arendt said:
I mean, seriously, have you seen Miranda's ass?
Yes I have.And it is a very lovely ass.But there is more to her then her ass.You know,like her daddy issues.

OT:Well I wanted to get down with Liara again.But could I? No.So I tried to flirt with every other female.And did I get anywhere? No.
All I wanted was for my Shepard to feel the sweet touch of a woman before she had to do something quite possibly life threatening.
I know, but I'm one of those women who just loves fixing the broken soul. Getting Miranda to believe she was more than just the sum of the parts her daddy created for her would've been a worthwhile endeavor, I think.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Susan Arendt said:
I know, but I'm one of those women who just loves fixing the broken soul. Getting Miranda to believe she was more than just the sum of the parts her daddy created for her would've been a worthwhile endeavor, I think.
I must agree with you there Susan.Miranda's loyalty mission was easily the saddest one.And it was my favorite one.Just seeing her cheery made my all giddy inside....I'm not gay.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
But for any other reason it is un-important, it's a game don't look too much into it, play the game enjoy it.
Oh, I enjoy playing Mass Effect. But I would enjoy it more if the game wasn't contradicting itself, if it was truly egalitarian, and if my opinion of the developer wasn't so shot.
- Did you hear they hired Orson Scott Card to write a Dragon Age comic? Orson-Scott-Card. A man who thinks homosexuality is directly linked to sexual abuse in childhood.

Susan Arendt said:
I know, but I'm one of those women who just loves fixing the broken soul. Getting Miranda to believe she was more than just the sum of the parts her daddy created for her would've been a worthwhile endeavor, I think.
Which is exactly why my Sheploo wooed Jack. And why my femshep wanted to.


DRM-free or give me death!
Dec 11, 2009
If you're going to include a gay story better make it a good one right? Writing homosexuality into the story would have to the environment, the background, and the culture behind it explained.

Is it just so open that no one cares and you can do whatever you want? I doubt it, there is plenty of racism, "speciesism", and sexism in the game if you listen to the dialogues of random people. The planet, organization, species, and person make a huge difference.

None of the characters seem gay at all. Except maybe Tali or Miranda. The men either have families, aren't sexually driven, or aren't set up to being "gay".

Gay or not, you still have to write a good story behind it, and it was their choice to not have one slapped on the side of their game. They got enough flak for the first one, just remember this, you know why there isn't any gay romance in this story? Look around, people still find that behavior a threat for no good reason. Whether its politicians, shareholders, or the game designers/writers themselves.

And if they don't find it a threat, how good are they at writing gay relationships that people can enjoy? Or does it just end up looking dumb and awkward?


New member
Mar 17, 2010
If any developer wants a game to be purely straight - whatevs.

The thing that ticks me off is that for a game that wants Shepard to be straight, there is an incredible amount of male centric female-female fan service.

Please, Bioware, don't feed me that BS line that there "technically aren't any lesbian relationships because the asari are aliens". Yeah, okay. Asari have boobs. They have feminine curves. They have feminine faces. They have feminine voices. Some wear make up. They look delicate. They presumably have vaginas. For all intents and purposes, yes, they were built to be sexy alien women. Just like how there was a crazy amount of sexy female aliens in Star Trek which Kirk promptly banged. If your femShep is in a relationship with Liara, she is seen by any run-of-the-mill viewer to be in a lesbian relationship because it LOOKS and feels lesbian.

This is not a bad thing in any way, that's just the way it is. Then there's Kelly. She has no absolutely no reservations about shacking up with your femShep.

Is there a male looking alien race anywhere that is bi? Is there a bi human male? Nah, that's totally weird. It's only hot when girls swing around.

It's not like I would even play the gay relationships. I only see it as a little immature to not include the gay option because it tarnishes the default maleShepard "somehow" when the female one can.

But ignoring the self-righteous nitpicking, yes, I still enjoy the game and the issue doesn't completely murder the experience for me. Parts were suitably epic and memorable. I don't think it was as intelligent as Dragon Age but the shooting was ridiculously fun. To each their own.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
addeB said:
joshthor said:
they are the first big developer with a mainsteam game with a real noticable homosexual relationship (at least that ive seen) and they are under fire for not doing it on all thier games!? (i really want to say "how gay is that!?" :p) anyway, its kind of dumb.
I'm pretty sure Will Wright had homosexuality in the sims before bioware?
ah. didnt think of that. :p


New member
Sep 10, 2008
joshthor said:
addeB said:
joshthor said:
they are the first big developer with a mainsteam game with a real noticable homosexual relationship (at least that ive seen) and they are under fire for not doing it on all thier games!? (i really want to say "how gay is that!?" :p) anyway, its kind of dumb.
I'm pretty sure Will Wright had homosexuality in the sims before bioware?
ah. didnt think of that. :p
There's also Fallout 2, which flat-out had same-sex marriage.