BioWare Says PS3 Mass Effect 2 Will Be Better, Incites Flame Wars


New member
Apr 14, 2010
Sephychu said:
Well, everybody gets to play Mass Effect 2. I'm happy.
Agreed now we can all just get back to what games were made for, having fun.


New member
May 31, 2009
Well, finally my PS3-crazed sister can get Mass Effect goodies.

As for the game itself, I don't think anyone played Bioware games for graphics. I mean, look at Dragon Age, not exactly good looking (not even on PC)

EDIT: Datass!


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
An interactive comic. That's cool. I'm glad that Bioware has mostly fixed the issue of PS3 owners not having access to content you would normally get only from playing the first game.

You PS3 owners are really in for a treat.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
It's bullcrap if the PS3 gets all the DLC (unless they have to pay extra), in which case I expect compensation, as in all the Xbox DLC for free. Otherwise who gives a crap? I played, loved and finished ME2 friggin AGES ago and could really care less about how much better the PS3 version is as it doesn't effect me in the least.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
rockyoumonkeys said:
Considering I found no real flaws in ME2, I couldn't care less. An interactive comic is no substitute for playing the first game, and PS3 owners should be insulted that they thought it would be.
It's not that they think it is an adequate substitute, it's just that it's the ONLY substitute, or none at all. They cannot release ME1 for the PS3 since Microsoft owns that game, after all. I'm quite happy that I at least get to know the story before I jump into ME2, that was my prime concern.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Fallen-Angel Risen-Demon said:
Is it bad that I'm re-buying ME2 on the PS3?
No it's not.

I'm actually contemplating it myself since I don't really like playing on my 360 anymore. Plus, I never bought any of the DLC and the disc-swopping always threw a wrench in the flow of the game.

They're releasing a demo next week, so I'll check that out first. A one day purchase is very likely though.


New member
Apr 11, 2009
Took me a few minutes to realize there was an article to go with that picture. Damn it, Miranda.

Anyway... I'm mostly curious about exactly which decisions this comic will allow you to make. I don't suppose it'll have the less major ones like Conrad. If not, then at least the 360 fanboys have something to cling to. "I can make decisions that don't really have any effect on the story, ha!"


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
a year late it better be better :p

I mite buy this in loo of getting the DLC for the Steam version. XD yes i know it cost more that way but dammit i wanna give Bioware more money! (plus i absolutely ABHOR the points system used for DLC in the Cerberus network! Just let me pay directly for REAL MONEY not buy your stupid points!)


New member
Jun 4, 2010
Well, 360 players should look on the bright side. At least they don't have to tolerate the PS3's shoulder buttons for gunplay.

Still, I've never been so sure on this 'rewarding people who had to wait with a better or more complete game' mentality. Especially if it leaves the people who bought your game right away with an inferior version.

Though, I wonder how much better the PS3 version really is.

Jesus Phish

New member
Jan 28, 2010
I enjoyed playing it and the first one on my pc when they were released. It's nice that they're giving PS3 owners a little extra but it effects me in no way.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Meh as long the PS3ers don't get any non 360 quests then i'm fine with it. Improved graphics don't mean shit, no bugs is always good and they deserve the DLC as well right?


New member
Feb 5, 2009
I'm a bit confused as to why Bioware put the ME3 engine into ME2. Either way, I'll be playing it on the platform that counts, aka the PC!


New member
Apr 9, 2009
*snickers* Ahhhh console pride!

I remember when Mass Effect 1 was announced as Xbox 360 exclusive at first and Bioware being all coy and stuff, saying "Aight, you can plan for a PC version, just don't be surprised if after 2 years it's still not out" but obviously doing so, after going from Microsoft over to EA. The amount of whine from Xbox 360 fanatics about how it was "ruining the exclusivity of their console BAWWWWWW" while completely forgetting that it was making PC gamers like myself infinitely happy was just...delicious.

And now it looks like the same is repeating itself yet again...only this time with its sequel ME2 and the intruder isn't the PC master race, but rather the arch-nemesis PS3 crowd. Flame on! :D


New member
Apr 14, 2009
To me, it feels a little insulting that as the buyer of the primary version, I get less for the money. I don't mind that the PS3 get the game, that's perfectly fine. I do mind however that once they get what was supposed to be an exclusivity, they even get the sweeter deal. Being a fan of the series, it's as if I was "punished" for buying the game as soon as I could. Exclusive DLCs, shoddy ports, superior versions specific to a single console... those are lame tactics. I prefer it by far when everyone gets the same version as much as possible, no matter the SKU.

Edit: And I want to add that it's not as if I was enraged or anything about this topic, I'm not getting into the flamewar and I'm not one of those fanatics that can't accept this kind of business decisions. I'm just saying that learning this came with a bitter taste.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Hybridwolf said:
So, Bioware and Valve are both twats. Inciting flamewars for the sake of it is bloody stupid, and makes people less willing to buy their game on the affected console. But at least Bioware will be correct, this has all the patches and DLC. Still, very stupid comment.
Or perhaps they're just trying to encourage PS3 owners to buy their game since they've had such a long delay on it, and have foolishly assumed then gamers aren't a bunch of morons who feel the need to ***** and moan about why their console of choice is better?

It is the better version anyway: it comes with all the DLC, patches, and the updated version of the engine.

And what have Valve done?


I wonder what the character limi
Jun 18, 2009
They might be getting the best version of the game, but they'll be getting the worst version of the story... CAUSE WE'LL SPOIL IT!!! MWAHAHAHA! THE REAPERS WERE SHEPARD'S SLED! WREX KILLS DUMBLEDORE! AHAHAHA!

Seriously though, I'm fine with this. I've played ME2 more times than I can count, and I'd say that adds up somehow for me.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Radynj said:
They neglected to mention the PC version in all of this. You know, the best version?
Everyone knows that already. Acknowledging that is a given. Don't involve the PC in all of this anymore. At least show a little respect.