BioWare Tackles Strategy with Command & Conquer Generals 2


New member
Jul 12, 2010
RhombusHatesYou said:
Frostbite3789 said:
sindremaster said:
Not the same, I already use Steawhich means $120 for a game. Steam does not do this.
I have some Australian friends who would like to have a word.
Errrr.. Steam's prices for Aussie users are in USD.... it's just that the numbers after the '$' are ones Australians are familiar with (eg, USD $89.99 for LA Noir)... which is sorta okay when the currencies are near parity in their worth but a right facefucking at other times... and even at parity it's usually no cheaper than physical retail so, except for Sales, Steam generally isn't a money saver for us.
Which was my point.


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
You know what I'm significantly more interested in about this announcement? The game is going to be using the Frostbite 2 engine.

Destruction as a major element of strategy, maybe?

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
New management that knows nothing of RTS, new engine that was never made for RTS, brought in to recreate the least interesting iteration of C&C... well let's hope for the best :D


New member
Dec 23, 2010
sindremaster said:
I'm sorry EA, but changing the name of the developer of a game to Bioware doesn't make it a real Bioware game.

Next year EA sports will become Bioware sports.
What you don't want sexual harassment, assault, drug possession, DWI and or gun charges in your sports games. It'll add much more immersion to Dynasty Mode to watch your players trainwreck and still win the championship games.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Sober Thal said:
What's the real Bioware going to be working on next? That's all I car about.
I wish I could car about. Shame is, we don't do those learner's permit things here in the UK.

OT: I'd be interested in a Mass Effect RTS... with space and land battles. That'd be sexai!


Apr 28, 2008
I'm a bit concerned they're bringing "gritty modern war" to fucking command and conquer, which has largely been tongue in cheek if not downright wacky from the get go.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Not too excited, but I will keep an eye out for this, as long as it doesn't require Origin that is.

Daymo said:
I enjoyed all the games up until C&C 4 (excluding sole survivor, never played it, have heard it was terrible), one bad game shouldn't be enough to write off a whole series. Generals was my second favorite, so I'm happy to see a return to the universe and hopefully a return to a proper RTS not a Real time tactics game with little tactics.

It sounds like the studio is just a re-branded EA Los Angeles and is using the bioware name for media attention, so mission accomplished there. Hopefully everything works out that well for the game.
In addition they are completely re-developing for the FrostByte 2 engine, there's something I guess.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
AC10 said:
I'm a bit concerned they're bringing "gritty modern war" to fucking command and conquer, which has largely been tongue in cheek if not downright wacky from the get go.
Meh, Generals was pretty serious and the Tiberium series, while a bit whacky, was played mostly straight too. It's Red Alert which went tongue in cheek.


Apr 28, 2008
Amnestic said:
AC10 said:
I'm a bit concerned they're bringing "gritty modern war" to fucking command and conquer, which has largely been tongue in cheek if not downright wacky from the get go.
Meh, Generals was pretty serious and the Tiberium series, while a bit whacky, was played mostly straight too. It's Red Alert which went tongue in cheek.
I'd say red alert was all the way wacky, but the Tiberium series was so cheesy that there's no way I'd call it played straight :p

Gernerals was somewhere in between the two. Each of the three factions was practically a hilarious caricature of their real life counterparts.


Your Commander-in-Chief
Jun 15, 2011
ProtoChimp said:
HAHA! Fuck you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you and EVERYBODY who said that it was DEFINITLEY going to be a grimy, brown FPS because that was the only plausible explanation. WOOOOOOOOOOOO SELF SATISFACTION! I love being proven right. I don't even care if I'm breaking some sort of rule about gloating, stupid people assume things, stupid people are proven wrong, stupid people should be laughed at.
you sir, have earned yourself a report.

OT: if EA/bioware handles this right, it'll be mightly epic.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Sober Thal said:
binnsyboy said:
Sober Thal said:
What's the real Bioware going to be working on next? That's all I car about.
I wish I could car about. Shame is, we don't do those learner's permit things here in the UK.
What age can you get a license? Maybe by then we can get a good game from Bioware, like a new Star Wars or Neverwinter that isn't an mmo. JADE EMPIRE 2!!

Thanks for pointing that out btw. The car thing.
17, which I will be in February. Anyway! I said RTS, not MMO. I've got a wonderful mental image of hordes of Gelth marching on the human position. A squad of soldiers flanking a rampant Thresher Maw. The Normandy streaking through space; not the toughest ship, but definitely the hardest to hit...


New member
Jun 4, 2010
Greg Tito said:
I'm glad most sane game developers have realized that RTS will just never work on consoles - unless Kinect voice commands get a lot better.
Well, they never will with that attitude. I thought Halo Wars did a pretty good job as far as the basic formula goes (though it was incredibly buggy and had its support pulled out from under it almost immediately after launch). You can make a console RTS, you just have to be creative with the formula. Obviously it can't be a hotkey f@&#fest like Star Craft, but you can focus on things the controller is good at, like directly controlling unit movement, etc. The only reason why it hasn't happened is that everyone keeps trying to port PC RTS games into the console instead of starting from scratch.

Spud of Doom

New member
Feb 24, 2011
Generals was my favourite of all the CnC games anyway, I liked it even more than RA2. It just had a nice feel to it. I imagine this next one will take some cues from Company of Heroes though.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Cool. could they remake CnC 4 while they are at it.

And somewhere in it allow you to beat up a depiction of the leads and anyone elce responcable for the pile of ic that is CnC4. Doubley so for the guy who thought tech trees should be replaced with online skirmishes.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Frostbite3789 said:
Jaeger_CDN said:
Please Please Please Please don't force this on the travisty known as Origin

I'm glad they're remaking this game but may the gods of Skyrim (or whomever) look down and not force it as an Origin SP and/or MP exclusive (which I'm sure EA will do to make it a more 'functional' platform)like BF3 is.

Of the C&C universe, I really only liked RA2 and Generals and the RA universe was tainted with the last version.
Do you complain when Valve games are only distributed on Steam as far as digital distribution is concerned?

But Steam isnt a pile of steaming crap... (no pun intended XD)

OT: Cautious Optimism Rsing....


New member
Jul 16, 2009
AC10 said:
I'm a bit concerned they're bringing "gritty modern war" to fucking command and conquer, which has largely been tongue in cheek if not downright wacky from the get go.
Yup, "gritty" also made me flinch. C&C is not - and never should be - gritty, regardless of what buzz words your PR department is telling you are cool this month.