BioWare Tackles Strategy with Command & Conquer Generals 2


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
AndyRock said:
Amnestic said:
I thought the GLA also got pickup drops from enemy vehicles automatically. If you ran over it with a fully upgraded/un-upgradeable vehicle, you got money. Otherwise, it boosted the stats of your unit.
ah yes forgot about that, but it's not really enough, and better spent on upgarding units rather than just taking for the $40
oh aye, no doubt, but the little bits and bobs add up after a while. $40 here, $40 there. It's not a great deal, but every little helps.


New member
Jan 30, 2011
EA!!!! *Echoes as the camera pans skyward in to a view of the planet*

Seriously though, they're making a Generals 2? There's a reason I say Red Alert 2 was the best of the series, and that's because the games afterwards went downhill quickly. Generals was decent but it lost much of the feel of Command and Conquer - so much so that I played through the campaign, played a couple multiplayer games, and dropped it. And they're sticking it with BioWare? Come on EA, you created a game studio so they could revitalize the series, and now you're throwing it in with a group that has never done a RTS game, much less a Command and Conquer game? Might as well have re-made the Westwood name and pretended that it was going to be awesome again. You will fool maybe two of us.

Personally, I'm not touching the thing. Partially because Generals never held that much appeal to me, and partially because every game since then has sucked.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Meh. I'm not really surprised by this. I didn't care that much for generals. I felt the overall quality of Generals was pretty good, but the game got old pretty quick. I didn't even finish it because it couldn't really keep my attention. The story wasn't that good and it literally felt like I was playing a C&C clone, versus an actual C&C game.

I also feel that they are going to put the Bioware title on everything to use it's good name to sell products that aren't normally along the companies lines. And, this will be an Origin exclusive to help bolster their platform. I can't blame them for that of course, but that doesn't change that I would rather have the game show up on Steam (where I have 215 other PC titles already).


New member
Dec 25, 2009
Otaku World Order said:
I must have missed all those people asking for a sequel to a ten-year old spin-off game that nobody really cared about in the first place.

It's almost like making a sequel to Resident Evil Gaiden.
GENZH is one of the most active games on


Good news everyone!
Jun 3, 2011
Generals was fantastic. With Bioware on the job, at least its a safe bet the writing won't be terrible.

Judging by that teaser it looks pretty damn nice too. Hope they don't screw up.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Fast-paced?! Noooo I want my Generals to be slow and plodding! Like the original was, if I remember correctly. That was why I could actually play it. Dammit I hope they're not just sneakingly saying that they're going to make another Company of Heroes clone. That would make me very sad.
Soviet Heavy said:
But hey, at least Tito can say that this game will have modern looking graphics, since it is running off Frostbite 2.
I was actually thinking about sweet-ass destruction, explosions and physics.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
If they keep the old Generals feeling, this will be the first good move of EA in years.
I loved the original, I hope I will enjoy this one too.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Jaeger_CDN said:
My problem with distribution is not really how it's done, but just not restricted to going through Origin like BF3 which IMO is a horrible experience and (for me) a game breaker. Not to mention, god forbid you say (or are quoted by someone) something thats remotely 'bad' on their forums they lock you out of everything EA you own whether you bought it through Origin or anywhere else.

Steam has that aspect right, you can be a down right troll on their forums you get banned from that but unless you are caught cheating on one of their VAC games you are only locked out of the MP portion of the game.
The second part, yes, that's garbage, but that's an easy change they'll more than likely make.

As for the first part...what? Steam is even worse about that. Even games not even developed by Valve are now requiring you to use Steam to even install it. Single player games even.

See: Skyrim and Saints Row the Third and Dead Island. I was super happy I couldn't play Dead Island for about a week because Steam support didn't respond to my claim that Steam was saying my CD key was already in use. Good 'ole DRM.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
The first generals hit me like a brick, I didnt really like the series until that game, and its awesome mods.

Heres hoping this will provide even more hours of gleefully dropping that black napalm all over the place.


New member
Sep 17, 2010
AndyRock said:
Amnestic said:
The GLA got money from murdering enemies and their Black Market generated a steady stream of cash iirc. It's been a while since I played it though, so I might be misremembering.
This is true, but you only get the money from killing people if you spent your (general?) points in upgrading it... I've been playing it again with the shockwave mod, it's awesome
The US cash drops were the 'tier 2' incomes and in fact were problematic as the money only came in every 2 minutes per pad, and the supplies sometimes missed (meaning you had to mop them up to get the money).

The most reliable tier 2 income supply was the GLA black market for both bringing in a decent amount of cash (same as 4 chinese hackers at default) and being hard to destroy compared to the US drop pad and especially the hacker. The 'drops' for upgrading tanks/quad cannons ect. only dropped if one of those units killed the enemy iirc.

The chinese hackers were by far the best for income if they survived (a fully promoted hacker generated half as much as a black market on his own), but being an infantry unit they are vulnerable. Constructing the building for the hackers to use wasn't much better either, as suddenly you've made a single target that houses as much income as 4 black markets! Infantry generals with stealth hackers ftw.

The tier one incomes were the workers (GLA), supply trucks (China) and the chinooks (US). The amount of money they brought in was proportional to their cost. The worker was the best one simply because he also served as the construction unit.

Yay for playing generals a lot when i was 14 :D

chaos order

New member
Jan 27, 2010
its such a shame bioware used to be such a good developer, until they took an an arrow to the knee that is EA. (stupid joke ya i know)

OT: i loved generals. IMO its the best C&C. but bioware making a RTS?
That doesnt even make sense bioware is known for their RPGs, good writing, and good characters. (Da2 characters not included...except varric...and maybe isabella.)


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Totally called this back when they had that 3 seconds of footage.

Making an rts game these days is pointless, Starcraft 2 IS the rts genre and will be for some time to come.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Provided the world doesn't end soon...*laughs*... a lot of promising titles are coming.
This one, is not one of them. At least, not yet.
I hope it doesn't get fucked up as hard as the last C&CwhichIwillnotname.

In the meantime, I will be waiting for that Generals pony mod.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
I'm all good with a new decent RTS, especially one that looks as pretty as that. I'm not really sure what Frostbite will bring to the table (other that insane graphics card requirements, lol) - it could just be a flashy gimmick, but it could also make the best looking RTS ever :D I can remember the first time I played through Company of Heroes, revelling in the sheer carnage and terrain destruction that game had, with peaceful towns being reduced to smouldering ruins by the battle... Frostbite could really deliver in that regard, and Bioware could even look to make some pretty strong statements on the nature of war through the medium. Whether they will is another matter, of course ;)

Michael Hirst

New member
May 18, 2011
I Still remember the original Generals game. That was imbalanced beyond belief, USA could get insane amounts of cash and could watch every movement the enemy made.

All in all the game was racist as fuck too.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Frostbite3789 said:
sindremaster said:
Not the same, I already use Steawhich means $120 for a game. Steam does not do this.
I have some Australian friends who would like to have a word.
Errrr.. Steam's prices for Aussie users are in USD.... it's just that the numbers after the '$' are ones Australians are familiar with (eg, USD $89.99 for LA Noir)... which is sorta okay when the currencies are near parity in their worth but a right facefucking at other times... and even at parity it's usually no cheaper than physical retail so, except for Sales, Steam generally isn't a money saver for us.


New member
Jul 11, 2010
Dear Consumer,

We're sorry Tiberian Twilight was a horrible game. Please accept this as our apology.


PS: We're really not that sorry about it though.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
May be good. Will not buy. Why? Well, here are my predictions. It will not be on Steam, it will require Origin, (which I hate) AND it won't run on any computer I own.