Bisexual's Don't Exist So... I'm Not Real? Damn....


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Only you know what you are. If someone who clearly doesn't understand your situation tries to reason away your orientation, that's their business. Doesn't mean they're right. It would be interesting to see how many of these articles are written by psychologists. I think it's deplorable that someone could dismiss bisexuality when homosexuality, heterosexuality and asexuality are all real things.


New member
Dec 14, 2011
(raises flame-shield) I don't really believe in bisexuality.

Now, don't get me wrong, you can be whatever you want to be, no judgement from me.
And to be honest I haven't ever considered this question until this very moment.

But in my own personal experience, those claiming to be bisexual tend to be in the 16-26 age bracket, and after that, well they pick a side.

So, if a man was to experiment with other men, yet ultimately settle down with a woman and have children, I would see him as a straight man who did some experimentation, not a bisexual man who just happens to be with a woman.

Again, this is my own experience. I have friends that wear the title of bisexual like some kind of pretentious hat.
Almost like its some kind of fashion statement.

P.S. I also notice a lot of people claiming to be asexual on the Escapist. While there is indeed such a condition, it is medical and not societal. My advice to these virgins is to take a shower and talk to the girl/boy you like.

Opinions, I have them :)


New member
Feb 11, 2009
It sounds like complete bullshit. Here's some old work on the Kinsey scale if you haven't heard of that.

Long story short, the idea that there's no bisexuality is complete bollocks.

On a secondary note, consider what hetero or homo actually mean anyway. If you're only into one gender, what proportion of the members of that gender do you actually find sexually attractive? I don't mean "socially considered to be sexy" either. I'd say its a myth that there's some kind of "optimal sexy". Different people go for different things. That's just how it is.

I suspect this is one of those "Studies" done by a religious "university".


New member
Feb 19, 2011
Let me just jot down the information that I learned in my one semester of Human Sexuality in College, taught by a professor who specializes in it.

Its as follows. Everyone know the Kinsey scale right? The scale that shows where you are between Heterosexuality and Homosexuality. Well, according to research (not gonna find the journal, just telling you what we were shown from the journal. Please trust me on this one), most people will not be 100% homo/hetero. There is also research that shows that most people slide toward heterosexuality (toward, not 100% to, and the amount differs on socialization most of the time), minimizing the bisexuality/homosexuality.

So yes, in essence, it is a 'phase' to most.

Also, dont go reading non-scientific blogs if you dont want to get pissed off. I limit my reading on this website because most of it pisses me off, with the whole closed minded toward outside groups thing.


New member
Nov 29, 2008
The internet doesn't believe in bisexuals, asexuals, hermaphrodites, or that any of it's users are women.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Oh, annoyances, why haven't the less-intelligent-individuals who keep this discussion going just taken off somewhere else? (Offence actually intended, you baah, buh, mean bullies who can't leave people of various sexual orientations be.)

Let me just put it clearly: whatever any consenting individual, independent of gender or orientation, do in their bedrooms with other consenting individuals of age is THEIR. PRIVATE. PERSONAL. BUSINESS.

It doesn't concern you if they're having a tea party or if they're practising S&M with a bit of scatophilia and furry-costumes involved; unless you are forced to witness or participate in the act, in which case it would no longer be consensual. No one has the right to tell two(or more) consenting adult what may or may not sexually arouse them or whom they may consensually engage in intercourse with or in what manner.

Damn, I might pop a vein in my forehead at this rate...

EDIT: Tried to make it less offensive, lest I call down the wrath of the mods upon me, after some encouragement from a helpful fellow. Bah, buh and annoyances on meanie words.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Sexuality has such a broad spectrum these days that it is ridiculous to pigeonhole it into a handful of "classes". In fact, now that I think about it, why does it even need titles? I has a mad!


victim of VR
Jul 29, 2011
This is definitely a thing that's true IN SOME CASES. I know a few people (including myself) who thought they might be bisexual, and perhaps were for a time, but they ended up strongly preferring one gender or the other. Sexuality is, in my mind, far more fluid than people give it credit for. In that sense, I don't think it's really that common for someone to be 100% straight or gay. I'd think, especially at times of cognitive metamorphosis and such, that people might question their sexuality or primary preference. They might adopt a bisexual label, only to drop it later.

What does piss me off are attention whores who claim bisexuality because they saw a magazine photo once that made them feel kinda funny, despite not even being remotely interested in dating members of both genders. Yet they constantly wave their bisexual flag as a symbol of how unconventional and sexually rebellious they are to impress all their little "nonconformist" friends.

Sorry, I've had some personal experience with that last one. I don't really judge people purely based on their degree of preference.


victim of VR
Jul 29, 2011
FrozenCones said:
In fact, now that I think about it, why does it even need titles?
Ease of categorization. Not everyone wants to have to explain their own specific sexual preferences and conceptions when talking to people about broad sexual concepts or looking for prospective partners and such.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
There's a huge gray area yea, it's not a phase. If you like both, then that's how you are.

I date both men and women, but have different preferences... such as a special affection for skinny nerd guys. XD


New member
Apr 16, 2009
I'm told that comrade Kinsey went and set up a scale that ran from fully heterosexual to fully homosexual. Because apparently, people are fairly commonly not entirely one way or the other. Bisexual just means that one falls close enough to the middle that even if one does prefer one sex over the other, partnerwise, that attraction to the other is common enough to be a normal thing.

Also, whole lotta people talking on the internet without a damned clue about the subject on which they write. If someone says that bisexuality is a myth and you have evidence to the contrary in the form of personally being attracted to both dudes and ladies, then they are wrong.


New member
Aug 6, 2012
I can not imagine how polygamous relationships work. I could never picture myself being happy in such a relationship. I get the impression that people in these relationships are kidding themselves about how fulfilled they are. This opinion is based off of my emotions on the matter. Does that make me right? About myself...maybe, about everybody else...HELL NO!

I was not trying to be offensive with that statement, just trying to illustrate a point. If you want to look like an asshole by stating your broad opinions on a whole group of people...congrats, you look like an asshole.

If wanting what you think will make you happy makes you greedy, so be it. Being greedy does not make me any or less Bi. (You See what I did there?)


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Hagi said:
This is the internet.

There are several articles floating around claiming that the earth is in fact a cube.
Wait, I thought it was just one? Or are you talking about an actual cube, rather than the time cube thing? I suppose actual cubes would be more, yes.

saintdane05 said:
Bisexual? I'm Omnisexual. I screw anything with two legs. And some with more.
Wait, if I amputate my leg, you wouldn't love me any more ;(

As for the OP - get away, figment of my imagination, stop posting threads on the internet and pretending to exist!


New member
Apr 3, 2010
A Smooth Criminal said:
Fiad said:
Bisexual guy here, well technically not. But say bi because it is much easier than explaining my unique sexual attractions. Essentially is that male, female, and anywhere in between are all fine for me. I care more about personality for the most part. Couldn't care less about what bits you do or don't have.

But as for the article you found, I have heard that a few times. It does have some basis in reality though. Many gay men started out as bisexual around the time they "came out" and then transitioned to fully gay. Or many people identify as bi, only to find out they aren't as much into guys as they thought.
I'm pretty sure that's called being Pansexual.
But when you say Pansexual, it literally means you will love anything. There are pansexuals who will have sex with a table if the fancy strikes them.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Every ones born Bisexual, an individual person becomes a homosexual or heterosexual
etc... depending on there society's attitudes towards sexuality and whether they accept
these attitudes or rebel against them.

Well that's my theory any way


New member
Mar 15, 2010
solemnwar said:
saintdane05 said:
Bisexual? I'm Omnisexual. I screw anything with two legs. And some with more.
Just legs? What about fins? Or tentacles? Don't be racist man :(
For those without a sense of humour: I'm kidding.
That would make him a speciest not a racist :p
Jan 27, 2011
I know a Bisexual girl AND A bisexual guy.

Both of them have their preferences on either end, but both are attracted to either gender.

Anyone who says "Bisexuality dun exists, is just a liez" is just jealous that they can only pick from one side of the buffet and not both.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Well, the Kinsey scale exists. So that, plus the myriad of people who are bisexual suggests that you've stumbled onto some ignorant people shit-posting.