Bisexual's Don't Exist So... I'm Not Real? Damn....

Substitute Troll

New member
Aug 29, 2010
If it's possible for someone to be sexually attracted to people taking a dump on you (in a literal way) then it sure as hell must be possible to be attracted to both genders equally. Those who say bisexuality isn't real are just looking to stir up trouble and get publicity in my opinion.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not in any way comparing poop fetishes with bisexuality here xD so don't go crazy on me.

Substitute Troll

New member
Aug 29, 2010
teeth said:
Every ones born Bisexual, an individual person becomes a homosexual or heterosexual
etc... depending on there society's attitudes towards sexuality and whether they accept
these attitudes or rebel against them.

Well that's my theory any way
False, there were just as many homosexuals in nazi Germany as there are today. Your sexual preference isn't something you develop in life.

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008

I've been bisexual for 4 years at least. I know precisely what I want. :3

Who the hell writes these-oh wait. Must be Christians again.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
We don't exist? Well fine, screw this plane of existence. We'll start our own dimension, with blackjack and hookers and man-whores. Yeah, I don't really have anything to add that hasn't already been said, sexuality is a great deal more complex than anyone's personal anecdotes will attest to.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
It could be worse, you could be like me and completely unsure of your sexuality (i genuinely have no idea what my sexuality is). Personally i don't care what your sexuality is, it's your business, not mine.

Captcha: don't waste time... this is the internet captcha, timesink central.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
I don't know. It's an issue far larger than any of us could hope to grasp but my personal opinion is that, as we know to be firmly established, sexuality is far, FAR, from being a binary concept.

I don't think anyone is 100% straight or 100% gay. I think humankind in general should get over slapping labels on people dependant on what he/she wants to put their dick in/on/around, or indeed what genitals he/she wants to have in/on/around them.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Don't listen to idiots who write random articles. If you actually look at peer-reviewed sociology and psychology papers, the concensus is that bisexuality is as much a thing as heterosexuality. To go even further, numerous studies and theories suggest that bisexuality is the PREDOMINANT sexuality (to put it simply, sexuality is a scale with 0 being purely homosexual, 10 being purely heterosexual, and most people falling somewhere inbetween).


New member
Aug 8, 2011
Fiad said:
Bisexual guy here, well technically not. But say bi because it is much easier than explaining my unique sexual attractions. Essentially is that male, female, and anywhere in between are all fine for me. I care more about personality for the most part. Couldn't care less about what bits you do or don't have..
Perhaps the term "pansexual" would be more to your liking. It's like bisexual, but is more advocating toward "gender blindness".

Aaron Starke

New member
Oct 4, 2012
Well I told myself I wasn't going to get into this but I cant resist a good philosophical debate. Although this is the internet so things rarely (if ever) turn into debates and are just one sided arguments, however I shall add my two cents in for previously stated reasons I find it difficult to stay away from touchy subjects because I find they broaden the mind for those willing to look into them from an 'open perspective' (more meaning to someone willing and able to look at things from multiple points of view)

The following is to be taken with a grain of salt as they are of one persons line of thought on the subject and derived from personal observations and experiences and in no way reflect that of the broader majority but tries to bring a different light onto the subjective from a specific point of view

In the sense of Bi-sexuality, It would have to be stated that it just seems like a fallacy. As people tend to lean one way or the other, I would personally delve much deeper than the surface of this as to state that It's not so much as what your attracted to as it is a sense of selfishness. As from personal experience with the people around me whom attribute themselves to being 'Gay' I have yet to meet one that does not fail to fall under the pretext of it satisfying their selfish desires. However the same could easily be attributed to Heterosexuals as well, none can escape the confines of selfishness however one typing does insure the continuation of the Human genome and one does not. One could with that knowledge say that someone whom classifies as a homosexual would indeed be more selfish so as to not inherit the repercussions of parenting a child. However this is a tenuous stance and one that can not be easily defended but on a subconscious level is most likely shared by a majority of the United States society. And from here on out whenever I use the term "This Society" it is in reference to the USA as that is the society in which I was raised and live in which is therefore all I can be accredited to knowing.

Homosexuality is at the heart a very selfish nature but again humans are selfish beings. If you classify as homosexual think, when was the last time you did anything for your partner without at some even minuscule amount of time think how it could benefit yourself. (now be advised as I feel I need to keep warning this is a tenuous route that I am taking here but I am going to try to the best of my ability to show it from every angle possible and this is only one of several different outlooks and in should no way be attributed to my own personal beliefs but from my observations of this societies ingrained core belief values which deny or not are in some way truly part of the foundation of this society)
Homosexuality tends to revolve around ones self and focuses its energies on fulfilling ones selfish desires. At its nature it is incapable of thinking about the other person as if you go with just pure sexual pleasure only one person is able to obtain complete satisfaction at a time it is incapable of being mutually beneficial. Among the desire of selfish satisfaction is the disregard of the other person while obtaining such satisfaction, IE the use of toys or in the case of the Men the entering of orifices in which were not meant to be entered (AKA Anal)In the first example of toys you have the possible use of a strap-on which can be used to gran the other sexual pleasure and fulfillment. However their problem that arises with that is that a strap-on is an inanimate object and has no nervous sensors, so by that statement the tool is incapable of feeling pain. however the person on whom it is being used can and in some cases does indeed feel pain. in the second example is the Male on Male contact in which one sodomizes the other. and make no mistake the legal definition of those acts is sodomy, ironically in that regard sodomy is a crime (go figure). Numerous cases arise of Hernias developing in Men and women who practice anal sex, rare is the individual whom will not after some time develop such a hernia. Both of these examples attribute to the selfish desire of fulfilling personal pleasures.

Well there is more I could go on with the previous topic but I believe that for this particular part of the debate of mine is enough of that for now.

One other thing that was brought up is someone saying that fair few people can truly claim to be 100% heterosexual. I would have to say that that would be false, that the majority of those that fall into this category are truly that. and the ones that show overt discrimination are people whom are not comfortable enough in their own skin, and have yet to truly figure out who they are. There are many people whom are heterosexual and can with complete confidence look at someone of the same gender and find them attractive and verbally state such. this does not take away from their claims as to being completely heterosexual it mearly states that they are comfortable with who they are. I myself can objectively look at other men and find them attractive, there is nothing wrong with this. In fact it is healthy as it should be and is the means of us to figure out who is our competition, the human drive to find a suitable mate. Women have been doing this for years and it is not looked down upon however with this society among the men it typically is and is misunderstood. While i can find other men attractive and visually pleasing it does not mean that i am at all attracted to them sexually, in fact for myself i find the thought of engaging in Homosexual relation to be a turn off for me and have no desire to partake of such situations.

With this I leave you, it has been enjoyable to put out these hypothesis. (TL/DR? then you missed the entire point and many key points)(WTL/DR? You saw something which you wholeheartedly objected to and are now going to start a flame war. Continue...)


New member
Sep 27, 2010
I'd say I'm like; 90% straight.
A lot of people in my shoes who sometimes find other men (or women) attractive call themselves "Bisexual" despite it being an occasional thing and having no interest in an actual sexual relationship with one. That's probably where the inconsistency crops from, along with people naturally changing as time goes on.

Yes bisexuals exist but on the other hand a ton of people who claim to be bisexual aren't.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
Bisexuality is real. Didn't that Kinsey study have a scale or something?
Well, whatever, I guess the skepticism comes from the woman that "play bi" for attention. They're are giving real bisexuals a bad name.

SkarKrow said:
I've also had a situation with my current long term girlfriend partner where she accused me of wanting her to be a man because I said I didn't care if she waxed her underarms when she asked. Thoughts/opinions on this? Similar experiences?
I caught some shit for having a very similar response to a very similar question. My replay was something along the lines of, "I don't care if you wax or shave or just leave it." She couldn't accuse me of wanting her to be a man, but I remember there were more words exchanged than needed be.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Dangit2019 said:
Fiad said:
Bisexual guy here, well technically not. But say bi because it is much easier than explaining my unique sexual attractions. Essentially is that male, female, and anywhere in between are all fine for me. I care more about personality for the most part. Couldn't care less about what bits you do or don't have..
Perhaps the term "pansexual" would be more to your liking. It's like bisexual, but is more advocating toward "gender blindness".
Pansexual implies that you find everything attractive. In some cases even rocks or a chair have been on the receiving end of it.


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
SkarKrow said:
I've been reading around recently about my orientation in order to see if there are any support networks, legal protections in the workplace, etc, for bisexual peoples like myself. It turns out that there are indeed such things.

However I also came across an unsettling and frustrating amount of articles claiming that bisexuality is not a thing and that it's "a phase" or "a lie", especially with regards to male bisexuals. Perhaps in some situations this is true, but surely in the majority of cases it isn't?

I don't know about others since I've only ever met two other bisexual men and I never bothered to enquire, but there must be men out there other than me that are indifferent to gender when it comes to sexual desires? Are there any here on the escapist?

It may not necessarily be equal attraction to both, which is a fallacy, I'm 100% attracted to any gender if they're visually appealing and have a personality that doesn't make me want to summon darklings to rend their head from their shoulders.

Such articles can be found via google, I won't bother to link them here.

What do you guys think? Am I alone? Am I really the only actual bisexual man?

Why would anybody lie about such a thing? I personally came out as bisexual because I am, in addition to the typical homophobia I also received extra bullshit at school for being bisexual specifically, often accusations of greed. That extra stuff has made me unable to really sustain relationships from fear of familial and social rejection, I've also had a situation with my current long term girlfriend partner where she accused me of wanting her to be a man because I said I didn't care if she waxed her underarms when she asked. Thoughts/opinions on this? Similar experiences?

[small]I'm really sorry for creating a gender thread when we'd started to really get past feminism, sexism, etc, but this struck me as particularly appalling and made me feel rather isolated[/small]
Welcome to my world. I'm an asexual. Most people (of all sexes, creeds, religions, gender identities, races, and orientations) don't believe I exist.


New member
Aug 5, 2011
Fiad said:
Dangit2019 said:
Fiad said:
Bisexual guy here, well technically not. But say bi because it is much easier than explaining my unique sexual attractions. Essentially is that male, female, and anywhere in between are all fine for me. I care more about personality for the most part. Couldn't care less about what bits you do or don't have..
Perhaps the term "pansexual" would be more to your liking. It's like bisexual, but is more advocating toward "gender blindness".
Pansexual implies that you find everything attractive. In some cases even rocks or a chair have been on the receiving end of it.
That's omnisexuality, pansexuality is about not caring about gender binaries or something.

Edit: or wikipedia says omni and pan are the same thing. Whatever, the point is it is not being willing to fuck literally anything.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
"There are no bisexuals" is the stupidest thing I've heard in a while.

Are there people who get approximately equally turned on when about to have sex with men OR women?

(Yes. The answer is yes, there is.)


How is this even a thing?!


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Cid SilverWing said:

I've been bisexual for 4 years at least. I know precisely what I want. :3

Who the hell writes these-oh wait. Must be Christians again.
Uh... why would Christians have a vested interest in bisexuals not existing?

(Answer: On the whole, they wouldn't and don't. Please take your needless religious hostility elsewhere.)