Black Cloud-RP (rebooting) [Open/accepting sheets]


New member
Oct 17, 2010
BETH reactivated what the more juvenile guards back at the lab referred to as "stoic bragging mode".

"The biggest 'hit' I have taken to date was a cluster-grenade set to go off on contact to the torso, and several of the clusters struck my head. The concentrated explosion resulted in one shield layer out of five dropping, and I shot him before he could rearm. My shields were 100% thirty seconds later."

A brief pause. "And don't call me 'Rusty'."


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Keal snorted, "What, you get oiled recently? Anyway, I find it hard to believe that. You have never, ever taken a harder hit? I mean, damn, I have had worse than that. Although, that wasn't been a direct hit, more of a building collapsing." Keal looked the android up and down, "So, if I shot you, punched through your shields and managed to actually hit you, what would happen? I haven't shot many rusty tin cans before."

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
"Keal your being double stupid. From what I know about Beth she's the creme de la creme of nano tech. You'd need some super powerful laser or a giant bomb just to break her shields in one go". Calia shifted her hand positions on her pistols. "Your also tossing your money away at me. I got go-go juice power. So save your pockets the pain".

The little rogue ran to the front of the group where Garus was leading. "So boss, we uhh, anywhere close to the site"?


New member
Oct 17, 2010
BETH's synthetic eyebrows furrowed.

"You are making me angry. Continued use of the term 'rusty', 'tin can', or any related monikers intended to mock or belittle me is discouraged. I have only been in service for two years, and they were spent as law enforcement in residential districts where explosives and firearms are more regulated. This is my first assignment outside of those cities."

She paused briefly to renew her scans of the area. "The prospect of you penetrating my shields is laughable," she said with more than a little sardonicism, "but hypothetically speaking, it would leave an insignificant puncture on my exterior which would be sealed in fifteen seconds, completely gone within five minuets, shields within thirty seconds per layer, 100% functionality within two-and-a-half minuets."

BETH eyed Keal smugly, or at least as smugly as a synthetic robot could. "Ordinarily, such information would be classified, but I see no harm, as your chances of survival are dropping. Rapidly."


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Keal looked at the android and thought he was looking at a real person for a moment. But the more he looked, the more the illusion came apart. He smiled again, They must be getting really good at building these things.

Keal smiled wider, "I didn't know I could piss off a ru- android. What, do they give you feelings now?" Keal stopped for a second, then started laughing hard. When he finally stopped, he straightened up and said, "Sorry, I was just imagining you crying in your room because your computer dumped you."

He looked at the android and smiled once more, "Sorry, I must be making you feel bad, what with all these bad names," Keal reached up and patted her shoulder, "It's ok Bethy, I won't hurt your feelings any more."

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Grash who had been grinding his teeth as they walked finally cracked and turned around violently grabbing hold of keal by the waist, lifting his immense bulk right into the air he took one massive step forwards and did the same to Beth "Now, you two, enough! we are a team, the competition will be with the battle-crazed swarm." He placed them both down with two loud thumps as they rejoined the earth.
"I'm not going to make you kiss and make up but if I hear one more word out of either of you I'll make sure you never talk again."

Turning around once more he continued walking, not caring how pride-hurt the two were. After a few minutes they finally emerged into the dim light, was this a natural clearing? had the tribes cleared it, no. Grash studied the clearing, the trees on the opposing side however hard it was to tell with their colour seemed charred, it was a crater, looking down into it he saw the burnt metallic debris, it was the ship alright.

Crouching at the edge of the tree line he reached over his shoulder and grabbed his rifle, pushing a small switch down the barrel and stock extended in either direction and the scope popped out of the main body of the thing. He scanned the crater, then the tree-line, nothing. He was about to give the word to move forwards when he saw something move down below, he focused on it, it was a single kraxed, sifting through the metal, still salvaging, with a light tap to the inside of the grip the weapon fired sending a red hot slug straight through the things head. "Ok, now we go, try and find the black box, we need to find out what happened to it, Beth, if you can stay above, maintain watch from an aerial position in the middle of the clearing, watch the trees, rest of you with me." he said as he made his way down the ash covered slope.


New member
Oct 17, 2010
BETH's eyes narrowed further, and she had to override her self-defense algorithms to keep from reacting violently when Grash grabbed her. "... Very well."

She took a few steps in the opposite direction, then fired up her jet boots, went up a reasonable distance, hovered over the center of the clearing, and pulled the cover from her unfolding weapon. []

"In position," she said over the radio. "Area clear at the moment."


New member
Feb 27, 2009
I guess the warnings were wasted. The amount of power you robots are claiming is going to make things seriously, seriously hard for you. Try to have some flaws, won't you? Otherwise this will end up being way too easy...

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
Well, that sounds more than a little bit ominous...
Kabreeg was glad Grash had done something about them. It wasn't like with his old squad. They'd all bantered and belittled eachother on the drop ships too. But that had been different. There'd been a sense of doomed cameradery there. These robots all thought they were going to waltz in, shoot the bad-guys and walk out again without even having to re-load. Attitudes like that got you shot, often as not from behind.

Kabreeg planted his gun firmly against his shoulder and checked the saftey was off. He crouched low and moved after Grash, keeping slightly behind and to the left of his, ready to advance to cover his blind-side if necassary. He felt his broad-sword's comforting weight against his hip and smiled grimly. First-blood. It'd start soon.

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
I do like a good fight, these people think they are strong, strongest of machines, oh the irony.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Theran was glad that Grash had separated the armoured human and the android, as their bickering was starting to drag. Moving through the shattered remains of the ship, he began picking up small pieces of wreckage, scanning them for any relevant data, and the placing them in his decompiler.

A short while later he came across the Kraxex that Grash had shot. Opening a small port in his left arm, he excised a tissue sample for later study. With any luck I will be able to improve the environmental resistance to my armour. He thought, closing the little door. Well waste not, want not. With that, he began breaking the body down into manageable chunks, and feeding them into his torso.

While still hunched over, he made a low powered active scan of the crash site. "[small]GRASH I DETECT NO SURVIVOR OR ENERGY SIGNATURES. IS THERE A CHANCE THAT THE CRASH DATA RECORDER MAY HAVE BEEN REMOVED?[/small]"

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Grash kicked over a large metal sheet angrily and without looking round said "Maybe, we weren't the first here, by the looks of these remains I see only one bit of damage that seems to have been dealt not by the crash, whatever they shot at is went right through the shields and punctured a metre of solid iridium and out the same on the other side, we're not dealing wi..." He stopped and raised his rifle just in time to spot a kraxed running back into the trees.

"Blast, a runner, they've seen us, They know we're here! ready yourselves, which goddamn way are they," He yelled rotating the dial on his rifle to change the mode to automatic, on his side he cocked the revolver and on the other he popped off the piece of leather keeping his knife in its sheath.

"Take cover, ready yourselves!," he yelled as he crouched down against a boulder sized piece of metal, positioning himself so that the others were covering his back whilst he covered theirs. Then on the radio just incase she hadn't heard he said the same to Beth who was still ominously floating above them.

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
Kabreed knelt down behind a suitably sized chunk of machinery. He rested the nose of the machine gun on top of it, and took careful aim down the sights. He aimed directly at the patch of forest the runner had fled through. It was possible any re-inforcements would make a flanking attack, but then again, most of his kind liked direct assualts. He knew he did.
With one hand holding the weapon in position, he reached back and slid the hilt of his sword out of the holder. With any luck, the attackers wouldn't get close enough for it to be needed, but still...
"Here we go." He muttered


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Keal was half trying to kill Grash and half trying to laugh it off. Damn and I thought the robots were bad. He shook his head and kept walking down into the crater. He used his jetpack to jump over small bits of metal debris. Keal had his assault rifle back up and swinging. He looked up at BETH, who was hovering just above. Wish I could do that, sure as hell is better than crawling around in the wreck.

Keal kicked a bit of metal when he heard Grash yelling, and then heard it over the radio again. He quickly started his jet pack and shot up to BETH's height, circled, then chose a landing position. It was what appeared to be some kind of a big metal cylinder that Keal could sit on. There was jagged bits of metal he could hide behind.

As he swooped down, he saw the Grash was to the right of where him. Keal didn't have time for much more before he hit the metal hard and planted his feet. Thankfully, the one area where his armour did excel was stopping hard landings... as long as he landed on his feet.

Keal quickly clipped the scope and light on his rifle, switched it to fully automatic and set up. Every now and then, he would flash the light, cutting a bright beam through the darkness, hunting for Kraxex. "Nothing yet, Grash."


New member
Oct 17, 2010
I was sorta going for BETH's ego being her weakness. But I'll try to tone her abilities down a bit.

Did you want BETH to spot the first ones, since she has the best view?

BETH peered down into the trees as she slowly turned 360 degrees, trying to spot any heat signatures through the dead branches. It wasn't easy. She paid special attention to the direction the runner took.

"Scanning. Standby..."

90 degrees. "Standby..."

180 degrees. "Standby..."


New member
Sep 15, 2010




Why didn't I spot that scout when I probed the area? When Grash spotted the runner and called out, Theran had immediately stopped what he was doing and moved to cover. Since they weren't under immediate attack he took the opportunity to run a self diagnostic, unfortunately it had proved inconclusive.

Pushing those thoughts aside he readied his weapons, every sensor at his disposal probing the area for movement. "[small]BETHANY[/small]" He commed. ?[SMALL]HOW IS YOUR SENSOR RESOLUTION? I AM SUFFERING A SIGNIFIGANT DROP IN MINE. WHAT FREQUENCY ARE YOU OPPERATING AT?[/SMALL]"

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
I am glad to see we at least still have 4 of you, tiger I hope is still with us but lycan seems to be drifting, I wouldn't want to start the battle without them is they want to be in it.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
On the contrary, feel free to go nuts. Just bear in mins that as cardinal villain, it's my function to use everything I've got to bring you down; and I have access to the same tech you do

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
"Ohh not good, not good! I'll see what I can recover out of the ship before we get swarmed". Calia bent her knees readying to jump. Her boots propelled her up to the gaping hole in the ship, what remained of it. She touched down on the outer plating nearly losing balance, but she recovered. "Ahh haha, whew". Calia slid into the ship to go find the black box and anything else of interest.

I'm still in this RP. I apologize, but I can't be around 24/7. I do make an effort to do so though.