Black Cloud-RP (rebooting) [Open/accepting sheets]


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Keal was still scanning, with BETH's voice in his ear. "Standby... Standby..." He growled with frustration and switched his ear piece off. He had an idea and switched his jet pack on, just so he could hover. He tilted over the edge and dropped down, floating a meter from the ground. Keal leaned over and did what he called a "boost". He would hover, lay straight and then gun his jetpack as fast as possible, flying like a bullet across. If Keal hit anything he would be in trouble.

He shot between the bits of metal and flared right next to Grash, taking cover behind the metal. At least if they were watching, I wasn't going to get shot. Keal leaned over to Grash and asked, "How much explosives do we have? I'm talking mines, grenades, charges or even bombs. Anything I could drop from a height."

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Grash was still crouched, watching for where the first would come from when Keal noisily landed next to him.

"I have a belt of grenades, I'm not sure about the others, I'm sure Theran will have something that goes bang, go ask him." He replied t Keal's question before hushing him. "I have something on movement sensors, not sure where, I'm getting a lot of foot-traffick noise here." He said, staring into his HUD.

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
Kabreeg drummed his fingers on the handle of his machine gun. This was the worst part. Waiting for the fighting to begin, once it started it was fine: adrenalin, fear and anger made for a healthy cocktail, but was just tense, scarey.
Kabreeg corrected himself: this was probably the second worst part, he'd yet to experiance the contender.
Kabreeg eased his hand away from his sword and instead placed it on the stock of his weapon, steadying his aim even further. From experiance, Kabreeg had about ten seconds of accurate fire with this weapon before the barrell heated up and rendered aiming down the sights irrelevent to the place the rounds hit. He'd spent the entirety of his time waiting perfecting his aim at the tree-line. He'd placed educated guesses on the three most likely points of attack within his field of view and was confident he'd be able to switch his fire between them quickly and accurately. Anything coming this way was walking into a killing field.


New member
Oct 17, 2010
BETH kept slowly shifting around, when she suddenly stopped and said calmly, "Grash, on your six." She fired a shot close to where Grash was standing, dropping one of his stalkers. The gun's kick moved her back a few feet in the air and she had to re-stabilize.

"We have contact, close by. Weapons free."

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Grash recoiled as the shot hit then with one glance up to Beth then another back down he stood and rested his rifle on the block, looking through the scope he could see the head of the swarm, a dozen or so Kraxex busts poking out of the shadows. One raised his fist, a spiked club clenched tightly and with a roar he charged, soon followed by those around him, the front of the charge seemed to spread outward along the tree-line slowly encircling them as more and more ran out at them.

"FIRE FIRE!, Keal take my left, Kabreeg right, Theran, Calia and william back." He yelled as he began to fire over and over into the charge sending Kraxex stumbling over the bodies of the dead in front of them only to be trampled to death by those behind. Grash pulled free the pins of two grenades and hurled them over with immense force sending them straight into the swarm, just before they impacted he fired two shots detonating both grenades just at head level, bursting the skulls of the entire front section ahead of him. The onslaught had begun.

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
Kabreeg got as far as "FI..." before pulling the trigger. All noise around him was drowned out, save for the mechanical juddering of the bullets feeding rapidly into his chamber. As the swarm approached Kabreeg made sure not to waste his few moments lining up shots. Swinging the balzing barrel from side to side with measured efficieny, Kabreeg spread the fire out evenly, and with minimal moments and rounds wasted traveling between the most densly packed areas of the Kraxex.
In those first few seconds, Kabreeg reaped a bloody toll in the front ranks, most collapsing clutching at tennis ball sized craters in their flesh. They seemed to be lightly armoured, but Kabreeg doubted most armour would make a difference to four inch rounds being fired once every 12th of a second.
In his head Kabreeg counted. Ten seconds. Sure enough, his rounds began splintering the wood of trees behind them. Kabreeg paused, and ripped out his pistol, firing off shots at the front runners. He had to wait about 20 seconds more for the weapon to cool down.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Keal spun as BETHANY dropped the Kraxex and he dropped his rifle. He snapped his wrists together and the barrels in his gauntlet shot out. As the Kraxex charged, some of them jumped out from the nearby metal scrap. Keal swung his hands up, spinning the barrels as he lifted them. Three Kraxex were charging him.

Keal stood, feet planted apart as the blasters roared, spitting out bullet after bullet. In a few seconds, all three were covered from head to toe with small bullets. Keal dropped and grabbed his rifle, loosing off shots. He ran over to Grash, grabbing two of the grenades off his belt.

As Keal turned to run off, a huge Kraxex leapt over a metal sheet and tackled heavily with Keal. Keal shouted and tried to fire his blasters but both of them were facing down. The Kraxex lifted a huge club to smash into Keal's face, when Keal shot off from underneath the Kraxex. The Kraxex tried to hold on as Keal pushed the jet pack as hard as it would go and he flung off, meeting his end on a bit of metal poking out of the ground.

Keal spun around and flew low over the thickest of the Kraxex horde. He pulled the pins and dropped both grenades, flying straight back up and pulling his assault rifle out. The grenades exploded, blowing a hole in the Kraxex line. Keal flew up to BETH's height, keeping on Grash's left.

"Hey Grash, are you sure these things don't have any guns?"


New member
Oct 17, 2010
BETH kept her altitude, but kept having to readjust after every shot. So she made every shot count, dropping one Kraxex after another with head- and torso-shots that penetrated right into the ground.

"More on the way. They seem reluctant to run past the tree line."


New member
Feb 27, 2009
The ground shakes, far off, with a sound so low that it is more felt than heard, a deep stirring in stomachs and ominous resonance in circuits. The Kraxex seem not to notice, expect perhaps only now they are more wild than ever

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Unable to hear Keal over the ear punching sonic blasts coming from his rifle he continued. His rifle hot he stowed it and with a roar with on swift motion drew his knife from it's holster and sent it spinning through the air into the nearest Kraxex's skull. Even with clouds of lead from the team the lines still drew closer, some coming into melee range for however short a time.

Grash leapt forwards and drew his revolver, already cocked he pounced onto a largish kraxed and jammed the revolver under his chin sending a slug up and out then taking another step forwards he reclaimed his knife and slashed the neck of another one, hacking and firing like a trapped bull he cleared the kraxex in a few metre radius of himself, the enemy line faltering around him, seeming reluctant to come in range of his knife, then as a harsh response to Keal's question a hulking kraxex to the right of him roared, he was covered in rusted spiked metal armour and in his hands he held an equally rusty gun, it looked like an improvised grenade launcher or a hand mortar, he soon found out as a spinning cylinder shot out of it towards him, he took one step back then with a lurch swung his left fist and with the butt of the knife he smacked the cylinder into the kraxex in front of him and fired one slug into the armoured thing killing it instantly,

"He might as well have been naked, stupid thing."

From down below a shell pinged upwards and clipped Beth's right foot, not penetrating her shields but it sent her wildly off course veering down. Below the hoard seemed to be thinning, although the remaining kraxex didn't seem disheartened, far off the rumbling got louder, a few scaled birds flew squawking away from the trees.

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
Enemy ranks had burst forth from the black forest before she could slip deeper into the ship, and against as many there were, all available fire power would be needed.
Calia provided what fire she could, while keeping well protected by the ship plating. "They just keep coming"! A huge shell ricocheted off the metal, inches from her head. Calia gave a high pitch squee, pulling back from the opening. Her back and hands pressed against the wall felt vibrations through the metal. "Holy gods what was that an earthquake "!?


New member
Sep 15, 2010
As soon as the attack started, Theran began pouring fire from his mass driver into the hoard. The mixture of armour piercing and frangible penetrators, being fired at 1000 rounds per minute, tore into the attackers like a saw tearing the massed kraxex to shreds, and yet they still kept coming.

With his nanites unable to build ammunition fast enough he quickly ran out, and had to resort to his close range weapons. Using his smaller stature to his advantage, Theran ducked and weaved under and around the larger kraxexi warriors. The monofilament blade in his right fist glittered like a dust mote as it effortlessly sliced through tissue, bone, and metal with ease.

His greater speed and agility, coupled with his small size meant that he was untouchable...right up until the moment that he was blindsided by a kraxexi nearly the same size as Kabreeg. This sent Theran sprawling and before he could recover the warrior pounced, gripping his right arm tightly and hoisting him in the air. After striking Theran in the face five or six times with a crude club, the enraged fighter roared in his face. "NOT SO TOUGH NOW ARE YOU, YOU LITTLE SHIT?" Theran replied by simply snapping the plasma torch up into his opponents face, and firing. A brilliant beam of plasma cut through the gloom, instantly vaporizing the top third of the kraxex that was holding him, as well as a half dozen more that had been running up.


Geez, go to work for a few hours and you miss a lot :)


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Keal saw BETH spinning wildly downward. "Shit!" Keal swooped down, trying to clear the Kraxex around where she was falling. If she hit the ground, she would get a pounding. Keal cut his jet pack and dropped hard, landing on what looked like an engine. He sprayed bullets around him, trying to keep above the Kraxex. As they turned to engage him, he knelt down on one knee and looked down the scope.

The green cross hairs pointed straight at the Kraxex's forehead. Keal pulled the trigger. One, two, three. The Kraxex fell down, now with three new holes in his forehead. Keal did it again, and again. But the Kraxex were closing. He snapped the scope off and raked his rifle across what he hoped was head height, killing a lot of Kraxex but still not enough.

Keal folded up his rifle by hitting a rune on the side and locked it in on his right thigh. He flicked his hands in, his knuckles showing and the blasters appearing. He waited for the Kraxex to close, waited, waited. He sprayed with the gauntlets for a second then jumped off the engine, boosting over to another bit of metal. Keal raked his blasters back and forth again, killing six Kraxex this time.

He boosted back over to the engine but one of the Kraxex grabbed his leg. Keal spun, planting his other foot on the Kraxex's head. The blasters roared, then screamed as they overheated, but the Kraxex was shredded. Keal flew back over to the engine and spun back around, only to see a Kraxex in what seemed to be a flight helmet.

He was holding what was literally a crude shotgun. It was six pistol barrels taped together, with a bit of wire pulling all the triggers at once. The Kraxex sneered at Keal, looking ridiculous in his flight cap. Then the gun fired.

Keal was thrown backwards, flying. He hit a metal wall and slumped over.

His display was flashing, showing two punctures around the torso. As Keal passed out the suit attempted to plug them...


New member
Sep 15, 2010
NOT GOOD!! Theran thought as he saw Keal go down. Dashing to the human he cut a kraxex, who was about to smash the downed flyer with a nasty looking battleaxe, in half. Slinging the unconscious form over his shoulder, he leapt and dodged his way back to the shattered remains of the ship.

"[small]GRASH WE HAVE A SITUATION. KEAL IS DOWN AND UNCONSCIOUS HIS SUIT IS RUPTURED. I AM ATTEMPING TO PROVIDE ASSITANCE.[/small]" Theran had never spent too much time, until now, around humans so his data on their physiology was basic but it was better than nothing. Uploading what data he had, he released a stream on nanobots onto Keal's armour, and into the punctures. The 'bots immediately went to work on the suit, doing their best to assist the on board repair protocols in their work, while the ones that made it to organic tissue, and where attempting to slow and repair the toxic damage, where having a harder time due to the unfamiliar tissue structure.



New member
Mar 19, 2011
Keal walked along the city edge, Angel sniffing one of the many waste disposals around the city. He had taken his armour off for once and he was wearing a green shirt with long, baggy blue pants. He had been out of work for a while. Not too much mercenary work at the moment. Keal looked out at the beautiful sky, and then he looked down, over the edge at the thick smog below.

Keal shook his head. As a kid, he had always wondered what it would be like to live on the surface, without the smog of course. Keal kept walking along the edge, Angel catching up. He sat down on one the of many seats around the city. He laid back as Angel jumped up beside him. Keal lay in the sun for a while, and then he felt a vibration in his pocket.

He pulled out his com-net and looked down. Someone called Grash had sent him a message to his computer. He pocketed his com-net. I hope this means more work...


New member
Oct 17, 2010
[spoiler:"OOC"]I guess this is what I get for going to bed early. XD[/spoiler]

BETH desprately tried to regain control of her flight pattern, but with all the chaos and a badly-damaged jet-boot, she quickly fell to the ground, landing hard on one of the Kraxex. Fortunately, her shields took the worst of the impact, and the Kraxex took most of the rest. It looked up at her and tried to yell, but she punched it in the face.

"Diagnostic: Jet propulsion at 50%. External damage otherwise minimal. Internal damage minimal. Still combat effective."

Kraxex began surrounding her as two long, thin beams of energy extending from the tops of her wrists.

Hearing Theran, BETH replied quickly, "I am surrounded. I am unable to render assistance until this threat is neutralized. I can upload medical data to you, however." By the time she finished saying this, the transfer to Theran's own memory banks was already three-quarters of the way through.

Just then the Kraxex attacked, two to three at a time. She almost danced around them, their deaths were quick and brutal. She cut off heads, pierced torsos, hacked off limbs, but still didn't escape completely unscathed. One or two of the mutants managed to get a stab in, but they were quickly dispatched.

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
Kabreeg saw BETH hit the ground. He was about to turn his fire to support her when he saw a severed head loop through the air and land several meters away.
"Impressive." Kabreeg mumbled, honestly suprised by her show of colse-quater efficiency. Somewhere at the back of his very being, a sense of...he could hardly bring himself to aknowledge it...competition arose. But...not in a bad way.
The vast majority of the Kraxex had been delt with it seemed, they were more a pressing tide than an unstoppable wall of flesh now. He could indulge himself.
The sword slid from his scabbard and Kabreeg holstered his pistol.
The nearest Kraxex ran at him, an axe clasped in one hand. Kabreeg swung the handle of his sword and battered it to one side. His left hand shot out and grasped the Kraxex around the throat, and one flick of the wrist later, its neck had been bent through 90 degrees. Another sprinted forward, and Kabreeg pointed his sword towards it, then extended the blade. Four feet of sharpened titanium shot out and struck the warrior full in the chest. And then went out the back of its body. Kabreeg grinned, ripped the blade free and attacked in earnest.
He did't even need to aim as he lumbered forward, the collosal blade spining around his body in suprisingly graceful arcs and dives. Kabreeg didn't stop to see how many he killed or wounded, all he knew was that everything between him and the point of earth he was advancing towards was not as full of blood as it should be. A single blow from a crude scimitar, carved out of what seemed to be a baseball bat, slipped through his guard. It struck him hard under the ribs and pierced his clothing. It went no further, the advanced bio-mesh suit stopping it dead. Kabreeg pivoted and cleaved the creature diagonally in half.
Then the rumbling sounded again. In the back of his mind, Kabreeg noted it, with slight concern. But with his sword coated crimson in his hand and a loaded pistol at his hip, Kabreeg thought the IT, whatever it was, should be concerned about HIM.

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
The fight went on for a few more minutes, the team almost lazily cutting down the remaining kraxex and shortly kabreeg sunk his blade into the final squirming thing.

"Stay alert, that can't have been all of them, there are millions of these things not thousands," Grash said as the team recovered, tending to minor injuries and strains. The ground was a slimy red from the blood and other various gore strewn across the floor. Then before they had even had a chance to regroup and reload a second roar came the side they had originated from a line of kraxex armed with scrap shields and various dangerous looking weapons, they charged, Grash readied himself but moments later he comprehended the true size of their opposing force, the ground shook again from behind them but Grash was focused, they force was almost three times as big as the last.

"We can't fight that, not here, too open, too many." It hurt his pride to even think the words but he knew it was the only option to take and still keep his head, "Fall back! run, this way." Grash yelled leaping over the wreckage the others followed but as they neared the other side of the clearing the ground began to shake, so heavily he almost lost his footing, even the kraxex paused, what on earth was it, he peered through the trees but nothing could be seen except the waving trunks of the trees.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
I am leaving for camp now, won't be back for three days. Just keep me knocked out or something. Sorry about this.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
The vibration swells, fillijng the air with a roar like vast engines, and the ground shook as a shape took form in the smog, vague but huge.

Kraxex pack in proximity: Acquire targets.
*Targets found: /Open fire/

Guns barked in the smoke, and Kraxex fell screaming under a hail of fire, while several large detonations gave sign of larger ordnance.

High target concentration-> Reduced evasion
/Engage aggressive maneuvers/

The shape moved closer, now travelling at an impressive speed, and as it rushed toward them it's image became more clear; a vast collection of buildings, bound together and riding upon vast caterpillar tracks. As it reached the Kraxex horde it made no move to stop, in stead tearing straight into the retreating crowd. The luckier were sent flying, but many were dragged under the huge wheels and crushed.

The huge vehicle had approached the Kraxex from an angle, and had thus struck only a part of the now fleeing horde. Now the hulk swerved alarmingly, ploughing back toward the group