Blockbuster Fizzles Into Bankruptcy


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I've wondered how it was doing the past few years, I imaged quite badly. I feel like a time traveler going into them.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
There's really no reason for BB to even exist at this point. Who wants to waste the time going to the store and picking up the movie and then bringing it back the next day. Thanks to netflix you have it delivered or you can just order the movie from ON Demand or something. BB was cocky, they didn't think Netflix could beat them but oh boy were they wrong.

Living Contradiction

Clearly obfusticated
Nov 8, 2009
Netflix + Red Box = Doom of Blockbuster

It took a while and Hollywood Video only beat them out the door by seven months, but it happened. I wonder which retailer will fall next.


New member
Feb 6, 2010
Ohh man I'm looking forward to the liquidations. I got some awesome deals when Hollywood Video died. Disgaea 3, Mirror's Edge, and Super Street Fighter IV for $2 each. How that copy of SSF4 sat on the shelf as long as it did is beyond me.


New member
May 16, 2010
will1182 said:
Kiss my ass, Blockbuster. The day it began to cost me $11 CDN to rent a game for three days is the day I said goodbye forever. I'll do just fine with downloadable game demos and places like Netflix, thank you.

I hope I'm not the only one who isn't disappointed by this.
hell i think back in the early 90s it was 7 bucks and like 2 dollars a day over to keep the things an extra day, you took 4 5 days to beat a game you could have half or 3/4 payed for what games cost back then. i always thought they were stupidly overpriced, especially when local mom and pop and small rental stores generally had much cheaper rentals, granted a blockbuster had a more diverse selection.

maybe if they had dropped their prices a few years ago they could have staved off the collapse and lest been cheaper than the alternatives, especially as ppv and on demand got broader and then the advent of streaming video etc.

adapt or die seems to be the moral of this tale.

Mr. Fister

New member
Jun 21, 2008
Well, that sucks. Blockbuster was a pretty crucial part of my gaming hobby way back in my childhood, and I'm kinda sad to see that go. Then again, I moved on to GameFly years ago, and I'm not a movie-watching person, so it's not too big of a loss for me.

XT inc said:
ehh blockbuster isn't threatened up here in canada, until we get an equivalent to netflix. Sorry blockbuster I was in the states for 2 months with netflix and for 10 beans a month and nearly unlimited selection of films on my xbox instead of 5 bucks a rental, yeah I think I'd just get netflix.
Didn't Netflix just recently begin offering their service in Canada? I know it's already available for Wii and PS3.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
The Canadian one is still apparently okay. We got a big memo saying so today. That said, we're following the same trend and Netflix launched yesterday.

Good thing I started working on my resume recently.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
My boss has been gloating about Blockbusters woes for the past summer. Yes, I work at a videostore. >_>

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Mr.Mattress said:
It's always sad to hear about an all powerful business becoming Bankrupt and dieing. I was sad when Circuit City closed down all of it's shops (To be replaced with hhgregg), and I am sad here.

But, that's how capitalism works. It's not like all rentals are going down hill, just real life ones. Sorry Blockbuster, but you didn't play the game. We'll all miss you, and remember you as the Fore Father of Video Rentals.
You've pretty much summed up how I feel about Blockbuster going out like this. By the way, do you live in Memphis cause the Circuit City by us is now one of those weirdly named Hhgregg places. Guess I can try and find one and see if there's anything good on sale there.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
vansau said:
Look at the bright side: liquidation sales if there's still a store near your location.
This is pretty much the only reason I've been following the Blockbuster news. I'm such a vulture, but ehh, if it means cheap games *shrugs*.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
I remember back when Blockbuster moved into my area. There were a lot of people complaining that they were taking over the whole rental industry, that soon they'd have some sort of tyrannical monopoly as they destroyed all their local competition.

And now...this. They go down the drain and the mom 'n pops close in to pick over the bones.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
As an employee, we've been told it's actually going to help. We're not going anywhere :D


New member
Jan 29, 2009
I've been an online blockbuster member for 4-5 years or so (pretty much since they started having the service). It's way better then netflix in just about every way for me at least because I get movies sent to my house (just like netflix) but can also trade them in at the store and get another movie instantly.

You can't stream movies like you can with netflix but I like to watch them on HD big screen TV (along with my wife etc) so that was not something I missed.

For $20 a month I've had unlimited movies and 1 free video game per month....and I've been very happy with it. I had netflix before that (Since they were the only ones that did the mail thing at first) but so many of their DVDs were scratched or didn't play (I got 3 in a row once right before I stopped using them).

The new change to allow video game rentals though is a total joke. I've had 5-6 games at the top of my Q for the last month since it became available and not 1 game has been shipped yet. I mean one of them was Dragon Age for instance (I have the pc version but wanted to try the PS3 version) so it's not like they are new games or anything.

I am going to miss blockbuster and I really feel sorry for all the very friendly people working at my local store. They have suggested movies to me for years and I know all of them by name. I hope my store doesn't close even if it does mean no close out sale.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
Blockbuster is an outdated, overpriced beast that refused to acknowledge the saturation of monthly subscription services and competitively priced PPV. No one even has to leave their house anymore to rent a video, so why rush to the video store by 10AM the next day? Rogers Video isn't much better because the one by my place is shutting its doors too. I mean, if it costs half the price to rent anything from Blockbuster for a significant amount of time, why bother?


New member
Aug 3, 2009
blockbuster is my way around buying games!?
60bucks for a game?
no way!
EDIT: erm i have a question
i currently have a game rented from them, if they close down, do i keep the game?

XT inc

Senior Member
Jul 29, 2009
I was unaware of this. however I shall be buying netflix as soon as xbox allows it, I dont have a ps3 and I would prefer to stream movies via ethernet to my xbox rather than over wifi to my wii.