Borderlands is great.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
dududf said:
Daedalus1942 said:
dududf said:
Kinda defeats the purpose of a discussion thread if you're only insulting, ridiculing, preaching about their Halo's and and Little big Planets >_>

This is after all a freaken gaming forum not a 'tard forum, they have a place for that it's called 4 chan. <_<
well, so far you and that one other guy are the only people to have said something that was actually relevant to my original post.
Everyone else has been raving about how great it is, telling me to stop raving about how great it is (which I'm not), or they're 360 users saying "I don't have that problem, it's just you".
But, I value your input.
That's awesome, now if only we could somehow adapt it to say "Place Forehead Here" then we'd be set.

PauL o_O

New member
Feb 15, 2009
I have it for the 360, and the mic works perfectly fine? The game is probably one of the best games ever made IMO.

Level 44 Soldier
Level 33 Siren
Level 50 Hunter
Level 1 Brick


pha kin su pah

New member
Mar 26, 2008
While i haven't tried using my mic yet (only use it to berate people), there is still very little in the way of communicating with group members, ie the leader seems to decide what quest to do, and where we go. thre should be some form of party voting system, or proposal idea, so the party can easily agree on what to do and not have anybody repeating quests (in older areas).


New member
Jun 26, 2009
pha kin su pah said:
While i haven't tried using my mic yet (only use it to berate people), there is still very little in the way of communicating with group members, ie the leader seems to decide what quest to do, and where we go. thre should be some form of party voting system, or proposal idea, so the party can easily agree on what to do and not have anybody repeating quests (in older areas).
I agree, but I'd really prefer to get the mic issue sorted first, then deal with the rest of the issues.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
yeah I hate the ps3 online. I have a ps3 and a 360, and there's definitely a reason why you pay for xbox live.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
MetallicaRulez0 said:
Obligatory "360 microphone is better than PS3 microphone" comment.

I've heard a lot of people are having problems with the PS3 microphone. Might be because it sucks ass.
The microphone itself isn't shit. Any headset apparently is having issues.
My mic works with every other game just fine.

Spartan Bannana

New member
Apr 27, 2008
pha kin su pah said:
While i haven't tried using my mic yet (only use it to berate people), there is still very little in the way of communicating with group members, ie the leader seems to decide what quest to do, and where we go. thre should be some form of party voting system, or proposal idea, so the party can easily agree on what to do and not have anybody repeating quests (in older areas).
With mics that isn't a problem :S
Daedalus1942 said:
MetallicaRulez0 said:
Obligatory "360 microphone is better than PS3 microphone" comment.

I've heard a lot of people are having problems with the PS3 microphone. Might be because it sucks ass.
The microphone itself isn't shit. Any headset apparently is having issues.
My mic works with every other game just fine.
In all my experiences with PS3 online, nobody uses their mic even IF it works.

pha kin su pah

New member
Mar 26, 2008
Spartan Bannana said:
With mics that isn't a problem :S
In all my experiences with PS3 online, nobody uses their mic even IF it works.
pha kin su pah said:
While i haven't tried using my mic yet (only use it to berate people), there is still very little in the way of communicating with group members, ie the leader seems to decide what quest to do, and where we go. thre should be some form of party voting system, or proposal idea, so the party can easily agree on what to do and not have anybody repeating quests (in older areas).
yes mics fix this problem, but what if you/they don't have a mic? what if you/they don't care for using it? or in this case, if mics barely work at all.

It need not be complex, simply something like a initiate and preference system like in most shooters out there you put a map to vote, something like that would bridge this gap.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Daedalus1942 said:
(go on and laugh 360 fanboys, you know you want to)

As for Borderlands, I found the sticky scenery the only real annoyance in the game. Other than that it's just dandy.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
It could be that the 'teamspeak' for lack of a better term to describe communication with online players on PS3 is a little more difficult to program for. There are hosts of problems with cross-game chat and other things, so I'm thinking this could just be a quirk of the PS3. You could try someone else's mic to rule out the problem, or from what I've heard, if you're playing your PS3 wirelessly, plug it back in for better reliability.

PSN is free, but you get what you pay for. 360 Wireless is ass too though, so perhaps it's the wireless that's messing with your mic.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
tellmeimaninja said:
Daedalus1942 said:
tellmeimaninja said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Furburt said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Furburt said:

*catches breath*

Daedalus1942 said:
(go on and laugh 360 fanboys, you know you want to)
Thats not very nice.
I didn't go on about it and clearly you didn't read my post -.-
I'm not raving about Borderlands and how good it is.
I did read your post, can't answer it because I don't have the PS3 version. It's just the 12th or so forum about borderlands today and it's driving me fucking mental. Didn't mean to cause offence.
That's why I wrote about something interesting regarding problems with it, rathering than praising it as it was released a few days ago, so I figured this forum would be littered with people who can't shut up about it.
So you're saying that you'd go to a place where you'd a figure a lot of people who like the game are... so that you can complain about it? I'm pretty sure that makes an asshole.

EDIT: Also, I must commend you on your excellent job of bumping your thread every ten minutes. Good jorb.
Jesus... you're thick.
I'm not whingeing about the game, just the mic capability. i didn't bump it, I asked if I was the only one that had bought it on Ps3. As I've already stated to you, get out.
Actually, if you were to pay attention to who you're arguing with, you'd see that you haven't told me. when you are pretty much every other post on your own topic, then that's bumping. If you're replying to multiple people put all of their quotes in one post.
You're right... you're not the person I told to get out. My apologies, I lost track of the posts, and as for multiple quoting, I've literally got no idea how to do that. I'm not bumping. If you notice, I NEVER ever go past 3 postings in one hit (in any forum thread on here). Three posts is my maximum.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Mic works fine in my (360) version. That said, I have never used the game channel for chat, only the party chat. Near as I can tell, all Xbox live games work on a similar principle. The VOIP functionality is handled seperately from the game itself. This would explain, for example, why cross game chat is available on the 360 but not ont he PS3.

Honestly, while I have a PS3, it never even crossed my mind that I ought to pick this game up for anything other than my 360, because that's where my friends are at. I try not to rag on the PS3's various network related woes, because for all it's failings at least it's free. I can overlook a lot when it's free.

That said, I do have to wonder - is the OP using a bluetooth headset or not? I always had an issue with choppy audio using ANY bluetooth headset on my PS3 but it works fine using a USB headset I happen to have lying around.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
TPiddy said:
It could be that the 'teamspeak' for lack of a better term to describe communication with online players on PS3 is a little more difficult to program for. There are hosts of problems with cross-game chat and other things, so I'm thinking this could just be a quirk of the PS3. You could try someone else's mic to rule out the problem, or from what I've heard, if you're playing your PS3 wirelessly, plug it back in for better reliability.

PSN is free, but you get what you pay for. 360 Wireless is ass too though, so perhaps it's the wireless that's messing with your mic.
Wireless internet can affect bluetooth if they are operating on similar frequency (and this is easily possible and readily solved). Bluetooth operates in a similar frequency range as several of the wireless standards (2.4 GHz), so if you are using an older router technology (b, g) you may have this problem.

With regards to PSN's voice chat. There is absolutely no technical reason why Sony cannot make it happen - anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. The problem is, as near as I can tell, that PSN at the launch of the PS3 was little more than a bare bones infrastructure idea. Where Xbox live offers an array of servicse hosted on microsoft servers that streamline the process of putting many games online, PSN it appears left it to the developers to figure out a way to make it work. Thus, in the early days developers did not have the ability to access a unified VOIP network but were instead forced to write or license their own code. Sony has since resolved this problem to an extent and allegedly firmware 3.10 will finally include cross game voice chat meaning that the chat function has been liberated from the game itself. The good news is that such a move means developers won't be forced to figure out how to make it work themselves and thus reinvent the wheel time and again. The bad news is Sony thus far as had a pretty poor track record with getting new features up and running smoothly so there will probably be a lot of day 0 problems.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
pha kin su pah said:
Spartan Bannana said:
With mics that isn't a problem :S
In all my experiences with PS3 online, nobody uses their mic even IF it works.
pha kin su pah said:
While i haven't tried using my mic yet (only use it to berate people), there is still very little in the way of communicating with group members, ie the leader seems to decide what quest to do, and where we go. thre should be some form of party voting system, or proposal idea, so the party can easily agree on what to do and not have anybody repeating quests (in older areas).
yes mics fix this problem, but what if you/they don't have a mic? what if you/they don't care for using it? or in this case, if mics barely work at all.
I've never understood this mentality. If you're playing a game with me, you MUST have a microphone. Period. End of story. Communication makes or breaks online gaming. People that play without microphones are completely useless in a lot of situations because they don't know what the group/team is trying to do.

It's incredibly easy to mute the knuckle-draggers and still have the ability to communicate with the useful members of your team.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Eclectic Dreck said:
Mic works fine in my (360) version. That said, I have never used the game channel for chat, only the party chat. Near as I can tell, all Xbox live games work on a similar principle. The VOIP functionality is handled seperately from the game itself. This would explain, for example, why cross game chat is available on the 360 but not ont he PS3.

Honestly, while I have a PS3, it never even crossed my mind that I ought to pick this game up for anything other than my 360, because that's where my friends are at. I try not to rag on the PS3's various network related woes, because for all it's failings at least it's free. I can overlook a lot when it's free.

That said, I do have to wonder - is the OP using a bluetooth headset or not? I always had an issue with choppy audio using ANY bluetooth headset on my PS3 but it works fine using a USB headset I happen to have lying around.
I'm using a bluetooth headset yes, but other people who are using wired mics have the same issues, so it's not just my mic.

Abedeus said:
Play with ventrillo.

OH SORRY. I forgot that only PCs have it.
I saw what you did there :p

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Abedeus said:
Play with ventrillo.

OH SORRY. I forgot that only PCs have it.
Actually, using Vent might not be a terrible option. If you can be close enough to a PC, nothing stops you from using Vent. Back before VOIP was possible (pre high-speed internet days) I used a cordless phone and a headset to accomplish the same thing when playing Team Fortres (Quake) and Tribes 1.