@katsabas: As far as I'm aware the mother bought it for him, and second of all: OH NOES THE GRIM REAPER! Please, they have stuff like that ghost trains. Which are for children. Heck Skeletor has a skull for a face, so does the Skull Master from Mighty Max, it's a comic book for christ sake, if you'd assume it was for kids, there's nothing to be amazed at the fact that it had the Grim Reaper on the cover.
Now OT: People will kick up a fuss about anything. And I'm betting that kid was payed to say "I saw a naked woman and got mad, then saw violence and handed it to a grown up", no kid acts naturally like that except if he has extreme conditioning of somekind. Now here it's no ones fault but he packaging company. But the kid is still wetter than a thunderstorm sandwich, and mum is a bit over the top.