British Newspaper Blames Videogames for Rise in Rickets


New member
Mar 19, 2009
The sun is a newspaper? Methinks that shiterag has given itself airs!
The Sun is a Murdoch owned paper pandering to the shock, crusade, scandalous and over-reactionary. It blames games this week next, next week it will be immigrants causing rickets.The fact that it's Britain's biggest selling newspaper is a disgrace. How are we Brits meant to laugh at Fox USA if we've got The Sun outselling real news?


New member
Nov 16, 2007
The sun? Spinning stories? Not a credible source of information? THIS IS UNHEARD OF


New member
Jan 23, 2010
It's the Sun, no-one who reads it has even heard what a game is. Or what rickets is, for that matter.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
FightThePower said:
I hate the British media. Not just The Sun; all of them are lying bastards.
That's a little harsh. We do have Charlie Brooker and... Jeremy Paxman... and... David Mitchell... and a few other semi-truthful people.
the Independent is the only semi-decent one I have found


Aug 3, 2008
Strange, I thought the demographic for The Sun was young, male adults, many of whom own consoles and play games. I'd understand if it was in the Daily Fail, but I'm kinda confused here.
Still, *yawn* another day, another retarded paper making shite up. I wonder what they will pick on next?
Feb 13, 2008
Giantcain said:
the Independent is the only semi-decent one I have found
Sorry... - Scientists have found the gene that makes you fat.

The scientists demonstrated that the weight gain was the result of the mice eating more.
That's today's paper. I'd pick the Guardian, as it at least admits its bias. Or the Sport, as it doesn't even try to be a newspaper.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Look at the sun directly and you go blind? I certainly feel like a few of my neurons died there.

THe Sun's article is so bad in every way, it almost look like a joke. Sad, really.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Hmm...rickets is the result from a VitD deficiency. The most common way of obtaining VitD is by spending time in the sun. Wait, a newspaper named "The Sun" decries lack of sun exposure? I see what they did there...


New member
Jan 23, 2010
008Zulu said:
The Sun would post "conclusive" proof that the Earth were flat if they thought it would sell a few extra newspapers. They are the British equivilant of Fox News.

Who owns the Sun? Is it Murdoch? I bet its Murdoch.
It is.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Well, that was one hell of a face palm, but then again it is the Sun we're talking about. Love the comments though at the bottom of the article, half of them seem to be people blindly following the story and the other half are people shooting the story down with logic.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
I wouldn't worry about this. No one worth their salt really pays attention to the sun. It's pretty much just for sports and boobs.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
The thing that does not compute with me is that british people must drink a lot of tea, it's law. I put lots of milk in mine. Just kidding, though that last part is true.

The sun isn't really a reliable newspaper in general, I feel they have a bad reputation. It makes it difficult yo fully believe anything that you read in other newspapers too.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
British Newspaper Blames Videogames for Rise in Rickets

British tabloid newspaper, The Sun, has started rewriting and reposting its own content in order to give it an anti-videogame spin.

The Sun has claimed that an unexpected rise in rickets in children is because of videogame addiction. The condition, caused by a lack of vitamin D and typically characterized by bowed legs, was thought to be almost entirely eradicated in the 30s, but a new study reportedly found signs of the condition in one in five of the children it tested.

The story [], which bears the headline, "Game Addict Kids Hit by 'Extinct' Bone Disease," appears to be a rewritten version of a story from the day before []. The original story was a simple reporting of the study's findings, with comments from Professor Nicholas Clarke, who led the research. The following day it was rewritten by the Sun's "Health and Science Editor" Emma Morton with the new, sensationalist headline, and the anti-videogame angle.

Both stories were reporting on a survey conducted by doctors in the English town of Southampton, which examind 200 local children and found that more than a fifth of them showed signs of rickets. Clarke said that he was astonished by the results, and that it was a "completely new occurrence," that had seemingly sprung up over a very short space of time, just 1-2 years. He added that the condition didn't seem to be limited one particular group or area, affecting the rich and poor equally. Disappointingly for the Sun, Clarke seems to never make the connection between rickets and videogames himself, instead saying a combination of modern lifestyle, poor diet, and reduced sun exposure because people were covering up more when they went out was to blame.

Morton's rewritten version of the article is irresponsible, misleading and >> obfuscates << the facts behind the rise in the condition. Videogames certainly contribute to children spending more time inside, but they are far from the being the root of the problem as Morton implies. If the problem is significant - and I'd say that one in five kids having rickets qualifies - then pointing a finger at videogames and distracting people from the actual problem is completely unhelpful.

That said, as disappointing and frustrating as it is, it's naïve to expect tabloid publications like the Sun not to put a spin on a story like this in order to get more people to look at it. The article does, at least, contain the relevant and important information, even if you have to scroll past a load of sensationalist rubbish to get to it.

Source: via CVG []

(Image [])


Obfuscates? Vampires the Masquerade much? Or do you just have a taste for Obfuscated Language yourself?

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Grigori361 said:
Obfuscates? Vampires the Masquerade much? Or do you just have a taste for Obfuscated Language yourself?
Did you just quote the entire article just to quiz me about a single word?