Genocidicles said:
Zeldias said:
That's not an attempt to insult you, but to say that this kind of thinking is immature as fuck.
How so? How is it fair that some targets are fair game for comedy, but others aren't?
And isn't the point of comedy to speak truth to power? Or do you find it funny to abuse the abused? If that's the case, you must find reading about injustices that occur in the world hilarious.
I don't laugh at bad things on the news if that's what you're getting at. Some funny jokes can come from tragedies and injustices though.
If people are hurt by a thing, just because it was supposed to be funny doesn't make it excusable.
Just because people are hurt by a thing doesn't mean they can whine until it goes away, especially when they've been perfectly fine with things that hurt other people.
I agree with this guy. I acknowledge that transgender people have it rough in the world right now, and I can empathize with that, but is Yahtzee really the source we need to go after on this? He's been doing this for 6 years now, and I just find it very peculiar that THIS was apparently the straw that broke the camel's back. When Yahtzee has already made jokes about tons of other races, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, physical handicaps, mental disabilities, ages, and animals. It's just kinda hard to imagine someone who has apparently been perfectly fine with everything Yahtzee has ever said up until now but found this to be going too far as anything other than slightly hypocritical. Let us remember, this is the comedian who has said the following lines (and these are just off the top of my head)
"And another thing, I think Hitler was right!"
"Also the game is from Japan and everyone knows what a bunch of xenophobic dicks they are."
"Not that they'd know anything about work, the lazy ni-"
Among many others.
And one of his Call of Duty episodes (I think it was Black Ops 2) basically being less of a game critique and more a 6 minute long rant insulting America. Though to be fair, Blops2 also has over 500 comments on it, so I think that may have been a case where people did get upset. Still though, it apparently wasn't enough to warrant the episode being changed.
But all of that is apparently moot. People got offended, expressed those concerns (some classier than others) and Yahtzee has extended the olive branch, made a sincere apology, and changed the joke. Now that's just plain decent of him. Far more decent than a lot of the people who commented their disgust on the video thread.
Isn't Yahtzee making a transgender joke the exact same way he would make a joke about anyone else sort of what the entire goal of the LBGT movement is? To live in a world where we're all treated as equals? Well part of that is realizing that you're fair game for satirical jokes, just like everyone else.
I'm not saying people shouldn't be offended when someone makes an insensitive comment about a certain group or that anyone who was offended should just "suck it up". I just think a comedian who has been known for saying insensitive comments about certain groups for six years now is a weird place to start a battle.